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God,s Plan for Revival by Dave Leach

Have you thought about what makes "politics "controversial"? Have you thought about the difference between "liberal and "conservative? Their essential controversy is whether the Bible is to be fully trusted, and whether the Bible has any right to speak to society about its sins. The debate over what the Bible calls "sin is nothing compared with the debate over God,s jurisdiction over us!

This explains why "avoiding politics is so popular. It lets churches avoid confronting members about their politically protected sins. It also explains how a church "Salt Ministry, whose mission field is the politically protected sins of society, can help pastors, by gathering facts about specific sins, and inspiring members to stand against them in society and overcome them in themselves.

SALT Ministries even have the potential to heal denominational divisions Biblically, as they come together from many churches to develop "political consensus. They wouldnt directly address the formal doctrines that separate Christians into denominations, but by standing against sins as defined by God,s Word they would have the potential to unite churches in Freedom from Sin, a level deeper than their intellectual doctrines.

"Revival is "turning the world upside down, Acts 17:6. "Revival is where ALL church members, not just the pastor, stand against legally protected sins, confronting not just each other but unsaved visitors, causing them to worship God.

1 Corinthians 14:24 But if ALL prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: 25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.

"Revival" is identified, in later history books, partly by its influence on legally protected sins. America's "First Great Awakening" of the 1740's led to the Revolutionary War which ended the tyranny condemned in 1 Samuel 8. America's "Second Great Awakening" of the 1830's led to the Civil War which ended Supreme Court-protected slavery. America,s "Awakening of the 1920,s, led by the preaching of baseball hero Billy Sunday, was a "Prohibition during which drinking dropped 90% (not to regain pre-Prohibition levels until 1973, the Year of Abortion); prisons and mental institutions emptied, and the economy boomed -- literally out of control.

How would a "Salt Ministry operate? We can get a picture of God,s Plan for Revival by assembling the following "pieces of the Bible "puzzle.

Puzzle piece #1: Christians today act as if "Denominations is one of the books of the Bible. But some of the very verses used to justify church splits actually advise action against those who cause church splits. The Bible never acknowledges more than one church per city; and when the Corinthians were about to create the first denominations, Paul blasted them for his entire first four chapters to them.

If we could do something about all this division, what seeds of Revival might that sow? As I will explain later, SALT Committees are a "natural remedy for division.

Notice that every city listed below has one "church, singular; but only in Galatia and Judaea are there "churches, plural. That,s because Galatia and Judaea are not cities, but provinces, or regions containing several cities.

Romans 1:7 To all that be in Rome,... 1 Corinthians 1:2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth,... 2 Corinthians 1:1 ...unto the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints which are in all Achaia: Colossians 1:2 To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse:... 4:16 And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans;

1 Thes 1:1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ:

2 Thes 1:1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:

Revelation 2:1 Unto the angel [messenger; for example, a person hired to hand deliver a letter] of the church of Ephesus write:... 8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write:... 12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write... 18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write.... 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write.... 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;...14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;

Galatians 1:2 ...unto the churches of Galatia: v. 22 ...unto the churches of Judaea

Verses twisted to justify church splits which actually condemn church splits:

Titus 3:10. A man that is an heretick [Gr: not "one who professes unacceptably wrong doctrines, but "one who causes divisions] after the first and second admonition [see Mat 18:15-17] reject.

1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, [Gr: "Him"; in other words, that ye speak His words, that ye speak of Him, for Him, etc.] and that there be no divisions [denominations are the ultimate divisions] among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together [Gr: adjust, restore, repair, bond] in the same mind and in the same judgment.

Puzzle piece #2: The Jerusalem church was so numerous (Acts 2:41, 4:4 tell how many joined in only TWO DAYS) that it had to meet in smaller groups, (Acts 2:46, 20:20), but was united enough to hold a council representing all the groups (Acts 15). In other words, our churches today, assemblies of Christians meeting in several locations across Des Moines, are physically like the first churches. What is missing is a means of communication between believers across denominational lines.

Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. ...4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

...20:20 ...I...have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house,

Acts 15:2 When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question. ....22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; ... chief men among the brethren: ....25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,

"Salt Ministries, which gather information about public sins in cooperation with Salt Ministries of other assemblies, (with or without formal church acceptance) are a means of communication between believers across denominational lines. Salt Ministries are a "natural remedy for denominational division, because Christian activists are already accustomed to working with each other across denominational lines. Forced out of their own churches to stand against politically protected sins, they have learned how to discern "True Believers with contrasting labels.

The example of the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15), in which representatives of hundreds of "house churches met to reach a decision which spoke for the entire "Church At Jerusalem, is mirrored by SALT Ministries, the defacto representatives of their home churches, meeting to take a stand that actually speaks for all the Christians of those churches who care enough to participate.

Puzzle piece #3: Tyranny is the Devil,s "unity, where "subjects are forced to conform against their will. Even if Jesus Himself were our "benevolent dictator, we would not have what God wants: worship and service freely offered.

Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Jesus condemns the "deeds" and the "doctrine of the Nicolaitans".

Rev 2:6 ... thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. ...15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

"Nico" in Greek means "ruler" and laitans means "laity", or "laymen", or "people". "Laymen have little voice to object when their money and name goes for purposes in which they do not believe, and to proclaim doctrines they may not criticize in any available forum. They must create a new forum, a breakaway church, to "take a stand against error. But where there is a forum in which error may be corrected, error is no excuse for Christians to separate, but all the more reason for them to stay together so they can "provoke and "exhort one another (the purpose of Church, according to Hebrews 10:24-25, the familiar commandment to attend Church).

The ultimate sin of all human history seems to be the ultimate tracking system:

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, ... to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark...

A census is a milder tracking system. David conducted a census, in which he recorded names and addresses, which provoked God to send a plague upon Israel which slew 70,000 souls. II Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21. Yet Moses conducted a census, twice, which blessed Israel, because he counted only the money which each citizen was required to give. Exodus 18 and Numbers 1. (For details see Appendix 2.)

To the extent a government tracks citizens, they cannot revolt, hide, or escape, so nothing restrains its lust for total control. A controlled economy, where talent can,t be freely shared, is a weak economy. SALT Ministries inform and organize, which is the antidote to tyranny, filling the vacuum of self government left by Apathy. They model the free sharing of "Gifts, to the extent participants freely speak as God prompts, even on a topic not pre-selected by the leader. (Activists know how to fall back on Roberts Rules of Order when spontaneity exceeds limits acceptable to the group.)

Puzzle Piece #4: Two Holy Spirit Gifts, of the many listed in 1 Corinthians 12, are politically related: "...helps, governments...." (NIV: "...those able to help others, those with gifts of administration....") (Verse 28) Also Romans 12:7-8 "...or ministry, let us wait on our ministering...he that ruleth, with diligence...."

[Greek note: "kubernaysis", translated "governments" in 1 Cor 12:28, KJV, is the source of our word "gubernatorial, referring to races for state governors. It has almost the same meaning as the word for "authorities" in Romans 13:1, which makes it inconsistent to interpret 1 Corinthians 12:28 as referring only to church authority, while interpreting Romans 13:1 as referring to government authority.]

"Governments", 1 Corinthians 12:28, or "he that ruleth", Romans 12:7, indicates political involvement, which helps explain how it was possible for the First Church to "turn the world upside down. Never before 1960 did it occur to American Christians that their witness should not be heard in those forums, called "politics, where society decides whether to follow the laws of God or of Satan -- where society decides which sins to criminalize, and which to protect! This "Noninvolvement Theology is at the heart of the destruction of culture today. Perhaps, therefore, the next great revival will be led by Christians who proclaim the Authority of Jesus Christ; not as "clergy to their "choir, but as candidates declaring Jesus jurisdiction over legally protected sins!

Of all the Holy Spirit Gifts, "Governments is the one most dependent on communication and cooperation across denominational lines for its effectiveness. For this reason, Salt Committees may be the most natural means of restoring interdenominational communication to the Church At Des Moines in the spirit of Acts 15. But don,t force Christian activism off church premises, away from the influence of Gifts like Prophecy (preaching) and Teaching, where it inevitably becomes dry and cold; all "politics and no "Christ; all human reasoning without the anchor of Scripture.

Politicians know that one or two Christians in each of several churches, meeting together to interview candidates and study issues, and allowed to share their findings with their home churches, would control the political outcome of any matter upon which they could agree. That is because Americans today are so apathetic about their Proverbs 3:27, or 24:10-12, responsibility that literally one in a thousand (Psalm 91:7) are left alone to determine whether our laws will teach the ways of God or Satan.

But this Plan for Revival isn,t some new way to grab power. This Plan is nothing more than a return to the ways of our favorite Bible heroes. (See appendix 3.)

Proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

Puzzle piece #5: If you are ready to support SALT ministries, skip #5 and a headache. If not, I need to show you some "offensive passages in 1 Corinthians 14 which specifically authorize Salt Ministries as having a Biblical place in a church service. The problem is that they authorize far more congregational interaction than mere Salt Ministries; more than most are ready to hear. I ask only your approval of Salt Ministries. In fact, I ask only a modest fraction of the access to the Congregation which this chapter grants Salt Ministries; but a fraction which will turn America upside down.

1 Corinthians 14 describes the format of a Christian meeting. The primary activity of fellowship gatherings is supposed to be our exercise of the Holy Spirit Gift of "prophecy" (the word used in the KJV, NIV, Book, Jerusalem Bible, New English, RSV, and Living Bible); or "to be able to speak the messages of God", (Phillips, and the Greek), or "to be able to preach the messages of God", (Living Bible). Verse 3 says "prophecy is "strengthening, encouragement and comfort. (NIV)

God says not just once, but six times, that "all should exercise this gift.

Verse 1 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. ...5 I would that ye ALL spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied:...that the church may receive edifying. ...12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. ("Prophecy" has been the gift under discussion, which "edifies", [KJV] v. 3)

24 But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all: 25 And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth. When sinners react like that, don't we call it "revival"? "Judged of all" is the clue that the visitor doesn't just sit passively and listen. He expresses his convictions. He is corrected in love. Questions he had about himself are answered. He is persuaded. 39 ...brethren, covet to prophesy...

Verses 29-33 describe a kind of "panel discussion. It describes interaction between two or three at a time, with limited input from everyone else. The sharing is not subject to prior approval, but spontaneous, as soon as an idea is "revealed.

What would you call a legislature where no one could present an idea without first getting the approval of the Governor, in private, to see whether he could "agree with it? You would not call it a government of free men. "But church is different. The pastor is supposed to be in control, you say. But God says 30 And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. (NIV)

Salt Committee: A Biblical Picture Christians burdened for the sins assaulting our land on the political fronts must know they have a Biblical ministry, a SALT Ministry, working with other Christians to influence laws "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tim 2:2). We must minister with conviction, effectiveness, and urgency. We must inform and organize each other, informally, friend to friend, and meanwhile work towards formal incorporation of SALT Ministries into the everyday life of our churches.

Official church "SALT Ministry participants get information from (1) their individual sources, (2) their group inquiries and interviews of activists and candidates, (3) any church member with information to share, and (4) other SALT committees from other churches, communicating through joint meetings and mailings.

Legal liability for giving information about candidates (as well as offense to members with minority political views) can be eliminated in three steps:

(1) By inviting candidates to a meeting to be announced in church. Even if few candidates come, and few church members hear those who do, the offer to candidates of uncensored access to everyone in the church who is interested would more than satisfy every legal criteria of "nonpartisan information, even if a later report to the congregation, being written by humans, contains some inevitable "spin.

(2) By keeping the process of preparing reports, itself, as nonpartisan and accurate as possible: nonpartisan, by welcoming all to participate; accurate, by that group approving the reports which had access to all the facts (as opposed to a pastor or Board, not present during the fact-finding, censoring or altering the report; of course, they are welcome in the SALT committee). IRS law considers such reports "educational even though facts always favor one view. "Advocacy of a particular position or viewpoint may be educational if there is a sufficiently full and fair exposition of pertinent facts to permit an individual or the public to form an independent opinion or conclusion.

(3) By allowing "minority reports, a provision of Robert,s Rules of Order.

The pulpit announcement need state only the issue, any relevant deadline, and where there is information. More detail would be in the church bulletin, or on a bulletin board. A printed version could be available in the foyer and on the website. This would include minority reports, with generous space although printed at the expense of the minority which wrote it. This version should also include literature left by candidates.

The reports, and invitations to be "SALT, should be in the context of Scriptures about unity, Love, and "greatness through service. The Ministry would never give money directly to candidates, but may form a "Political Action Committee to do that.

Planning help needed

I need your help.

First, I need help presenting this plan to Christians. Will you help by inviting people to hear this presentation? I especially need appointments with pastors and church boards, especially on the South Side. My literature will go to their congregations: I owe them a chance to correct and purify it, before it is published.

Second, I need the prayer and planning help of those who see the merit of this Plan. I need counsel. I am running for State Representative, so I am aiming for 2-5 more "literature drops of 10,000 pieces of literature. I need help planning what messages to put in them that will help establish this Plan. I need help thinking of people to contact who would be helpful, and how best to contact them. I also have a reasonably popular TV show. I have the "Uncle Ed. Show Family Band waiting for places to play. So there is plenty of opportunity to "get out the word, but I need help discerning what "the word should be.

A logical format for such meetings would be 1 Corinthians 14. There are other projects besides "mine that I care about. I long for a Prayer & Action-oriented group of Christians helping each other. I long for FELLOWSHIP.

What are you doing Friday evenings?

To pastors/church boards: May I go over with you my plans to "mix politics and religion, the way our Founding Fathers did, during my campaign for State Representative? I want, as much as possible, for my messages, through mass distribution of my Campaign Newspaper, and through my TV show "The Uncle Ed. Show (Tuesday 9:30 pm and Saturday 4 pm on channel 15) to be in harmony with those of all who love Jesus. I want to give you the chance to correct anything that fails of this purpose in my own writing, and to add anything in your own writing that might help. My messages should reach many in your congregation, so I owe you the chance to help correct and purify them, before they are published.

To Christians burdened for the evils which could so easily be corrected by incorporation of SALT Ministries into church life: when the agents of tradition stop you, (who are NOT predominantly pastors), do not be silenced by the explanation that the Church System which censors your reports, about Satan,s advances on the political fronts, is Biblical. It is not. Proceed with conviction and courage against the error of Lukewarm which strangles the Bride of Christ in this generation. Lives and souls depend on what you do. Christians who allow politics to become a cesspool, and then avoid it because it is a cesspool, are like rapists who blame their victims.

Appendix 1: Alternate SALT Ministry Model

The Iowa Family Policy Center, associated with Focus on the Family, is establishing SALT Ministries in Des Moines according to its following description. Although I have been proposing SALT committees far longer than IFPC, IFPC has had far greater success actually doing it. (I first proposed them in 1986, in 3 issues to Iowa,s 4,000+ churches, of a newspaper called "The Partnership Machine.)

There are two principal differences between their approach and mine. First is tone.

They present SALT Ministries as having the support of Scriptures which support Christian political involvement, but without any evidence churches have any commandment to assist. This leaves those in power comfortably so. It leaves it up to them whether to choose, in their benevolence, to go above and beyond the call of duty to humor this small squeaky minority of members anxious to wade in the cesspool of politics.

I present SALT Ministries as also having the support of Scriptures which describe the format of a church service. To the charge that censorship of political information leaves babies to die, members to divorce, children to be sodomized, etc., I add the accusation that opposition to SALT Ministries as a natural part of the church service is a plain, direct violation of the commandments of God, and the greenhouse of Tyranny.

I don,t want IFPC to change its tone. I don,t know if IFPC wishes I would change mine. I am glad they wait patiently to welcome the wildlife which I scare out of the bushes. Perhaps after they have been struggling as long as I have, they too will go public with the rest of the Scriptures; the ones that "offend; that convict. I myself held off quoting them for years after I discovered them, until I found the milder, more polite, more "respectful approach simply wasn,t making an impression. Maybe Scripture won,t, either. But I have to settle for using what God gave me. God blessed IFPC with money and prestige, which impresses many people. All He gave me was Scripture.

Another difference I see between what they are doing, and what I propose doing, is that theirs is "under the church leaders, authority...and must have mature leadership". I propose it operate under Robert,s Rules of Order, so that the maturity of its leaders is determined by the group rather than imposed from without. Of course the pastor will exercise oversight, but I propose it be general. Just as the pastor would never micromanage a choir rehearsal (unless he is the choir director) I propose that neither the pastor or the Board attempt to micromanage or censor the committee Reports, after they are produced, although of course any church member may offer his input at the meetings, and of course the pastor,s input would naturally carry great weight.

I propose this difference for the Scriptural reasons I have given, and to further reduce legal liability. However, you just have to trust me that legal liability, even under a bad system, is virtually nonexistent, despite the widespread paranoia about it. Almost any way it is done will be perfectly safe, although almost any way it is done will attract dire threats from the half-informed.

Although my Scriptural reasons are important enough for me to urge your consideration of them, I would be thrilled with the formation of SALT committees after ANY model, and certainly IFPC has a good one. Certainly IFPC,s model is less disturbing to comfortable traditions. If the effect of my proposal is to make IFPC,s model seem less controversial by contrast, so that IFPC,s model is adopted, I will consider my prayers answered. However, I do believe my model is the more Scriptural.

Here is the IFPC plan, from their website,

What is a SALT Committee?

A Salt Committee is made up of members of a church,s congregation. The Salt Committee is under the church leaders, authority (Hebrews 13:17) and must have mature leadership: "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. II Timothy 2:2 A Salt Committee: (from <> Articulates the issues so that all can understand them <> Motivates the congregation to get further informed <> Educates the congregation on issues and on candidates, stances <> Registers every church member over the age of 18 Informs the congregation of opportunities to become more involved <> Coordinates special events with the church, such as speakers and programs <> Activates others to get involved

Why have a SALT Committee?

Many Christians believe there should be a "separation of church and state and they should not be active in public policy. However, 2 Chronicles 7:14 states, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." It is up to us ~ the Christians, not the pagans ~ to pray and seek God in order for God to heal our land. Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and tramped by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16

We are to exert influence and shine a light in the darkness. So, how can a responsible Christian citizen begin to exert influence and shine their light? First, by prayer: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone -- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. I Timothy 2:1-4 Second, by involvement--like Moses before Pharaoh, Daniel before Nebuchadnezzar, Nehemiah before Artaxerxes, Esther before Xerxes and Paul before King Agrippa. These are just some of the people who responded to God,s call to influence public policy. This call has not been rescinded.

However, not everyone need "go before the king. There is much one can do through the church and with fellow Christians--like start or join a Salt Committee.

For more information, call the Iowa Family Policy Center at 1-800-FAMILY-1.

Copyright 1999 Iowa Family Policy Center. Comments or questions about this Web site should be directed to

Appendix Two: How we know Moses, census counted money and NOT names nor addresses, while David,s census did NOT count money but most likely names and addresses

Here are the differences between the two censuses:

(1) Moses collected half a shekel (equivalent to perhaps $100 today) from each citizen while David did not, Moses collection was "a ransom for [each man's] soul...that there be no plague among them", while David,s census resulted in a plague that slew 70,000. (2) Moses' census took a single day, Numbers 1:18, as did Saul's, 1 Sam 11:8, 15:4, while David's took nearly 10 months, (enough time to record names) II Sam 24:8, and never was finished, 1 Chronicles 27:23-24! (3) Moses had one man per tribe count each tribe of about 100,000 (about one per second would take all day) while David sent his general out, presumably with his army, (4) Moses had each citizen come to the counting place, so that the counter didn,t even know what tent they were in; while David,s general traveled across the land, learning addresses along with names; (5) the unofficial population estimates made by David are so much higher than legal censuses before and since, that it would seem David counted not just men of military age, but also women, children, and the elderly.

Under Moses, each citizen would state his name and family, Num 1:18. Probably to make sure each person was in the right place, with relatives nearby to notice a name out of place. But there is no possibility that the names could have been recorded, because there was only one pollster per tribe, Num 1:4, and the census took place in a single day. It would have been impossible for one scribe to hand write 40,000 names in one day! I say this even assuming they had shorthand then, because we are talking about one name per second for the full day, with little time for breaks. What a pile of clay tablets one scribe would have needed! But what makes it incomprehensible is that the same man had to watch the half shekels being contributed. He had to make sure people weren't throwing in Lincoln pennies or something. How could he watch the money and the clay tablets upon which he was furiously taking shorthand, at the same time?

But if all a man had to do was keep an eye on the money while listening to men repeat their names, listening to one name per second would not have been even slightly exhausting. (He would not even have had the opportunity to learn faces. He knew neither names, addresses, or even faces.) He would have been able to remain comfortably alert the entire day. He could even have counted the money by simply put the money in neat, counted piles, and at the end of the day he would have had an accurate count of both the money and the population.

Counting money is the only possible alternative to counting names in a census. And the money HAS to be a large enough sum that politicians won,t be tempted to increase the influence of their region by throwing in extra.

Then, the census results were used to divide up judicial districts. Larger tribes got more judges. Today, larger states get more Congressmen, and larger counties get more state legislators. The more people in a community, the greater its political influence. So today, if we counted pebbles, or pennies, every politician would get in line with a pocketful of them. But if, today, we counted $100 bills, what politician would want to throw in $1,000,000 to increase his district's census count by only 10,000 people? You would be forcing a politician to choose between two addictions: power, and money!

An accurate census requires either recording names or counting money. If you count lines drawn with a pencil, and the totals look wrong, there is nothing you can go back and double check. But with names, you can look on the list for duplications. Or you can go back to a community and look for people whose names are not listed.

Re-counting money, of course, is easy.

Yet if today we required every working man, (not women or children or senior citizens), rich or poor, to come up with $100, politicians would consider the presence of each "voter" important enough that they would scour the neighborhoods making sure no one stayed home.

America is already divided up into political "precincts" of roughly 200 to 2,000 people each, (men, women, and children), and political activists volunteer in each precinct to get them involved in their political parties. Such activists already have a rough idea of who everyone is in their precincts. If there were a day when each adult male in the precinct were needed to show up at something like a voting place, sometime during a certain day, it would not be hard at all for them to make sure everyone showed up.

And yet, precinct leaders are not paid by Federal government, and would not be motivated to share any lists of names with Federal agents. Just the opposite: their loyalty would be to local control, which is undermined by Federal involvement.

The same political incentives existed in Israel; the only difference was the size of the districts.

10 censuses are recorded in Scripture. David's was #7. The tally is given differently in 1 Chr 21:5 and II Sam 24:9. This is probably because it was never completed, nor its results officially recorded, 1 Chr 27:23-24, so the figures are unofficial estimates.

The census did not count Benjamin, 1 Chron 21:6. Levites were counted separately. And yet the results indicate Israel's population increased by six times in a mere 62 years! And then dropped back down to a sixth of the population of David's time, 186 years later! Somewhat improbable! Unless David violated Moses' pattern, not only by recording names rather than collecting money, but also by counting women, children, and the elderly, rather than just men of military age (20-60 years old).

FIRST CENSUS: 603,550 / Ex 38:26 / 1462 BC

2nd: 603,550 / Nu 1:46 / 1461 BC

3rd: 601,730 / Nu 26:51 / 1423 BC

4th: 426,700 / Ju 20:15-17 / 1315 BC

5th: 330,000 / 1 Sam 11:8 / 1065 BC

6th: 210,000 / 1 Sam 15:4 / 1050 BC

7th: 1,300,000 / II Sam 24:9 / 988 BC

1,570,000 / 1 Chr 5

8th: ? / 1 Kings 20:15 / 879 BC

9th: ? / II Kings 3:6 / 868 BC

10th: 300,000 / II Chr 25:5 / 802 BC

Numbers 1:3 says the legitimate purpose for a census is so the military can estimate its ability to meet foreign threats. The military doesn't need to know names: it needs only to sound the trumpet and wait for troops to come. The only reason for names is to find people who don't volunteer. The only reason governments record names is so they can find citizens.

Appendix 3: Political Involvement of Bible Heroes

Christians today, as in no previous American generation, have trouble seeing any place for political witness in the Bible. Yet it is hard to think of a single Old Testament hero who was not either a world leader himself, or whose story became worth telling through his interaction with some powerful political leader! Even Job was a world leader, chapter 29!

In the New Testament, people say Jesus "only dealt with the religious leaders". But the Sanhedrin was Israel's counterpart to our Supreme Court and Congress combined; the High Priest was like our President. When he was accused, it was mostly for capital crimes, and the accusations amounted to formal charges in the presence of "the people" who, according to their culture, acted as jury and executioners; so when Jesus answered, it was their equivalent of our appealing to the Supreme Court; and when He prevailed, it was their equivalent of our establishing precedents which changed the patterns of law enforcement. He defied the Sanhedrin's rulings about hygiene, about the Sabbath, about their practice of excusing young men from caring for their parents in order to pay their tithe, and a number of other legal issues, delivering quite a large number of Israelites from the oppression of legalism which today we call "bureaucratic red tape". He even explained to Peter that tax laws were wrong, although He chose not to challenge them at that time.

People today say the Sanhedrin was not a "political authority because political power was held exclusively by Rome. But anyone who has police waiting to arrest you, judges waiting to try you, and executioners ready to stone you, is a government. The Sanhedrin was left in place by Rome to judge local laws, a jurisdiction acknowledged by Pilate in John 18:31 and by Festus in Acts 25:19-20.

Paul spoke of his witness in Caesar's palace (their equivalent of our Washington DC) as one of the most important opportunities he could have hoped for, Philippians 1:12-13. But perhaps one of the strongest indications of the magnitude of the impact of Christian witness on the world's culture, during New Testament times, was the accusation that Christians had "turned the world upside down", Acts 17:6. Who will ever accuse Christians, who keep their witness politely within their church walls, of doing THAT?

Another tradition of this fallen generation of Christians is that "We must obey God rather than men", Acts 5:29, means we should obey man's laws as long as they don't DIRECTLY conflict with God's laws. That may be a practical choice we make as individuals, but it isn't Jesus' example for us. When the Sanhedrin, which was their combination Supreme Court and Congress and President, added laws to Moses' laws, Jesus didn't obey them even when he easily could have. And when the Pharisees accused Him of breaking the law, Jesus' amazing response was that because there were examples of their failure to obey God's laws themselves, they had forfeited any authority to enact any laws of their own. Read Mark 7, and Matthew 15:3-11. Does that mean when our Supreme Court protects abortion and lets sodomites adopt innocent children, we need no longer obey its less wicked decisions?

My point is not that we should actually do this! I guess my point is that for those who say Jesus never stood against political authority, and that the degree of political involvement I urge is Biblically unsupported, this is an example of how Jesus took a far more controversial stand than even I am ready to get behind. No, Jesus was not politically apathetic. He Is King of Kings.

For more information: For more information about the Biblical role of Christian political involvement, ask for my book, "The Gift of Governments, $12. ("An assault on the Noninvolvement Theologies paralyzing the Armies of God. 1 Cor 12:28 lists the Holy Spirit Gift of "governments.) Or contact me, Dave Leach, at 515/256-0637h, 244-3711w, or

Miscellaneous Points

(Edited out of the text above because they wouldn,t fit in the one-page-per-point format)

The natural, Biblical home of Salt Ministries is churches. But every group should get beyond moaning about the news to doing something about it.

"Helps" seems to describe ministries serving physical needs. Many churches cooperate in such ministries, from food pantries to homeless shelters to free minor medical attention to emergency financial relief for members in need. Besides official church ministries, pastors in general receive calls from needy individuals, and many respond when they think the need is real.

The efficiency and effectiveness of "helps" is greatly diminished when Christians are divided in their service, by breaking up both the resources available to serve the need, and the intelligence needed to discern who is needy. This is the reason so many churches already cooperate in such ministry, especially in the area of food and shelter.

Increasing the communication, cooperation, and coordination of Christians throughout the city will naturally offer special opportunities for those of the Holy Spirit Gifts (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-12) which especially depend, for their efficiency and effectiveness, on Christian unity. "Helps" and "governments" are such gifts.

Consensus, not pointless argument, is the natural inclination of SALT committees, because progress on the political fronts is impossible without it. Christian activists are pressured to accept compromise as the price of "consensus, when they are separated from fellow Christians with the Gifts of Teaching and "Prophecy. But reunification with their own church family will counteract the pressure to compromise, with the pressure to remain true to the Gospel.

Here,s how a small breakaway church justifies breaking away: "As churches fall into apostasy, their light goes out; they cease to be true churches. But God continues to sustain a People throughout the generations who faithfully speak and act in accordance with the truth. He establishes new churches by schism as necessary in order to preserve His witness to the truth. (From its website.)

This certainly seems like the only alternative when only one light is allowed to shine per assembly, even if the one permitted light goes dim.

Let us follow Paul,s example: when he heard the Corinthians were following the ultimate heresy, he didn,t "separate himself from them. He badgered them! When the Shepherd finds straying sheep, he doesn,t solve the problem by renouncing them and refusing to speak to them again. He brings them back to the fold.

Please do not object to this proposal because "it won,t work because "people won,t accept it." I already know that. Object because it is Scripturally wrong, or get behind it and work as if you trust God to support what is Scripturally right.

Limits to unity. Christians involved in politics are already used to working side by side with other Christians from other denominations with strongly competing doctrines. We have had no choice. We have been prohibited from sharing political information on the premises of our own churches, and finding too few from our own denomination supportive enough to achieve the progress we needed, we have been forced to meet spiritual strangers, and in most case the experience has been a pleasant surprise.

We have naturally learned to shun liars, as 2 John counsels, and to avoid divisive people, because politics is the forum in which the whole population decides whether to obey God or Satan, so politics simply requires as much cooperation as possible to accomplish anything. We activists naturally place doctrinal differences in perspective, learning to look deeper than the intellect for a heart devoted to God, realizing humans can never syncronize with each other in every detail, and glad to pull yokes together on whatever issues their positions are equal.

These experiences rub off on congregations as activists report back what they have seen and heard of the hearts of members of other churches. Perhaps this spirit can infect others towards a spirit of Christians witnessing to each other across denominational walls, rather than avoiding each other.

Cooperation with nonbelievers. As with believers with competing doctrines, activists have been forced to learn how to work with unbelievers.

Unfortunately Christian activism today has degenerated until Christians, having been kicked off their church premises to practice their Gift of Governments with unbelievers, have complied with the demands of unbelievers to leave Jesus back at the church premises. So we have two groups: Christians proclaimin Jesus inside the church, and Christians outside the church afraid to mention Jesus.

This is not the Christian Witness of the New Testament, or of early America! It is not the activism that will bring revival! But empowering SALT committees will enable Christians to even begin THINKING about politics in Scriptural terms. Presently Christians have precious little encouragement to even see the connection.

Pastors I have talked to already know what I am telling you (about Puzzle Piece #5, about "all" preaching. Their reactions fall in three categories: (1) the worst is, "are you trying to take away MY pulpit?" (2) some nervously acknowledge the interaction called for, but have tried to coax members to interact in vain, it being alien to comfortable habits; and (3) some have noted the discrepancy between modern tradition and Biblical example, but either suspect the Biblical pattern won't work "in our culture today" or they just can't imagine what to even try to do because they've never seen it; sort of like trying to reconstruct an ancient recipe from an old clay tablet, without knowing the details of how food used to be prepared.

1 Corinthians 14 is the only Scripture that specifies the format of a Christian meeting, and it says everyone should "prophesy". " may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted." Verse 31. (NIV: For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged.)

The corresponding Greek word is defined "to bring a message from God". That sounds like "preaching", which we today define as a pulpit lecture; except that if everyone in the church "preaches", "in turn", then what you have is more like a discussion.

Verse 3 defines prophecy in terms that even more suggest the features of a discussion: "...he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification (Gr. "building up"), and exhortation (Gr. "to correct"), and comfort." (NIV: ...everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.)

Verses 29-33 describe something like what we today call a panel discussion followed by audience questions and comments: "29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace. 31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted. 32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. 33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." (NIV: 29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. 30 And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. 31 For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. 32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. 33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.)

Verse 29 speaks of going "two or three", which is a good size for a panel discussion. The bigger the panel, the more need for artificial controls like timed statements. Verses 29 and 32 describe the speakers being scrutinized by others, as naturally occurs when panelists take audience comments. Verses 30-31 talk about speaking one at a time, like a well organized panel discussion. Verse 33 says the result is well organized, and indeed panel discussions have proven almost a foolproof way for a roomful of people to interact with each other in an orderly way.

One difference between God's model and a modern secular panel discussion (as well as most Sunday School discussions) is that any member can introduce any new topic of discussion as he is inspired, v. 29-30. This is a bit like the provision in Robert's Rules of Order that any member can propose that the group consider any "new business".

Even though the Bible says "all" should participate, verse 30 indicates it is not the moderator's duty to say "Well, Suzie, you haven't said anything yet. Wouldn't you like to contribute something now?" Rather, it is the Spirit who directs people to speak, and who decides when. The duty of the moderator is to only make sure Suzie is allowed to speak when she is ready. Verse 30 also indicates the way to let the group know you have something to say is to stand up. It further implies that the speaker may continue freely as long as no one is standing; but when someone stands, he needs to wrap up his point and allow a response.

2 John 9-11 says "9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in [Gr: does not live by] the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 10 If there come any [Gr: the sort of people described earlier] unto you, and bring [Gr: reproduce in their lives] not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."

In other words, this warning is not about people from other churches who intellectually believe differently. It is not about people who don't intellectually agree with OUR doctrines. It is about the people in our own church who may very well intellectually agree with us, but who don't LIVE by Jesus' Commandments, and who do not reproduce Jesus' teachings in their lives.

But who was mentioned earlier, vs. 10, that we should shun? Shall we shun unbelievers because they do not live by Jesus' commandments? But 1 Corinthians 14:24 specifically invites unbelievers into our churches!

Verse 7 began the train of thought continued through verse 10. "7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist."

Verse 7 identifies deceivers by their words. Verse 8 warns us to be careful, not only of deceivers, but of becoming like them. Verse 9 identifies deceivers by how they live, which is also a warning to us to watch how we live. Verse 10 tells us to shun them.

"Deceivers" are not people with sincerely held differences of opinion. They are people who know better, but who lie to us. In fact, they are likely to tell us they agree with our doctrines! To put this more clearly: people who openly disagree with our doctrines make the poorest "deceivers".

Sincerely held differences of opinion about doctrine were not a Biblical grounds for separation, because, I presume, it was assumed differences of opinion were correctable through the Bible discussion described in 1 Corinthians 14. It was assumed the interaction of ideas in an assembly could resolve most disagreements, and keep the rest in Romans 14 perspective.

Proverbs 6:16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: ...19 he that soweth discord among brethren.

In our nation, if one dictator controls businesses, chooses careers for workers, and sets wages, individuals are denied both the incentive and the opportunity to be creative and to contribute their best to society. The economy goes down the toilet, as we see occurs without exception. Who ever heard of a prosperous dictatorship?

Let's look at what seem like exceptions. China is doing pretty well today, if you measure only cash flow. Slave labor is turning a tidy profit for its military. And yet with all its cash, it has to acquire its technology either by buying it, stealing it (through its spies), or by bribing American presidents. It lacks the creativity to invent it.

The South did pretty well with slavery, if you counted only cash flow. Its slaves picked a lot of cotton, for which there was need in the North and overseas. But so little creativity was possible, that the South had to import most of its technology from the North. Slaves were neither rewarded for inventing, nor even permitted, generally speaking, to sit around and make things.

Sometimes Eli Whitney, who invented the cotton gin (which separated the seeds out of the cotton, fifty times faster than could be done by hand) is mistakenly cited as the exception. But Eli Whitney was a rich white man! Sometimes George Washington Carver is cited as an exception, but he was born the final year of the civil war and died in 1943! He was an Iowa State professor who invented many uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and other crops which the South could grow instead of just cotton.

I wonder if anyone would suggest Hitler was an exception? But his regime was too short to give his economics a good test, especially when he spent his short years stealing, first from Jews, then from France, Poland, and the slavs which he invaded and plundered.

(Galatians 4:24-25 explains the educational value of laws. Moses' laws were the example then, but today most Americans assume our secular laws actually define right and wrong, so that God wants us to obey them. The laws we allow thus influence much behavior, from pornography to abortion, which has an effect on eternal destinies.

Not that political involvement in New Testament times was like what we see today, where Christians do not trumpet their rationale for their positions, which they discern from Scripture. When Jesus and the apostles interacted with political leaders, it was to scrutinize human lawmaking by the beacon of God's Word! Of course today's Pharisees will tell you to go ahead and get involved, but just don't quote Scripture during political debate where it isn't appropriate and it will only "offend" people, Acts 4. As if to say "OK you can debate with us, if you just follow the rules. Rule #1: you must agree that God has nothing definitive to say about any issue we talk about. OK? Now we can let you talk."

America began through the full operation of the Gift of Governments, and America will be restored to her original holy calling when that Gift (not separated from the other Gifts) is again honored. Everybody knew, when America was young, that an important duty of Christians is to oppose Satan's advance on the political fronts.

An example of a ministry that falls under both "helps" and "governments" is help for victims of government bureaucracy, Proverbs 24:11-12. All government agencies enact "Administrative Rules", never voted upon by any elected body, yet whose violation can cost you money, property, business, or your children (depending on the agency). Their lawyers have big budgets, and not everybody they target is guilty.

"Tolerance" v. Discipline: Fellowship Attitudes

"Let anyone contribute to a discussion, and you will have anarchy. Especially when they come from different denominations! Doesn't the Bible say to 'separate yourselves' from people who don't agree with you?"

Many verses are assumed to condemn "tolerance", justify church splits, and require church discipline (excommunication) over doctrinal differences. But what if those verses were indeed written for a fellowship built around discussion, not a format without interaction? Have we been forcing square pegs into round holes? If we round our pegs, (our interpretations of those verses,) might they better answer our questions?

For example, the traditional reason we are careful who we "associate" with is so we can "endorse" those we "agree" with. But what if the Biblical purpose for coming together is to correct misunderstandings which prevent our serving God together? What if we shouldn't be afraid of theological differences, but should expect them? Just as a garbage collector sees garbage as his job; not that he exactly loves it. He appreciates his job, if not the garbage.

What if the Biblical reason for excommunication is not to distance ourselves from people we don't agree with, but to control disruptions? That may not occur to people listening to pulpit lectures, which are almost impossible to disrupt. But in a discussion, even sincerely held beliefs can cause commotion. (But we should expect real disruption to occur even more rarely, where there is the Spirit of Christ, than in secular meetings where only once in a blue moon does a "Sgt. At Arms" need to escort anybody out.)

Notice especially that this verse, which in the past has been used not only to split churches but to burn people at the stake because they were "hereticks", actually says it is not any particular teaching which must be separated from, but divisiveness -- usually less a matter of intellectual understanding than an attitude.

Intellectual misunderstanding happens to all of us, and before we judge another for how long it is taking him to correct his errors, we should remember how long it has been known to take us. Nevertheless there can come a point where it becomes clear that he really knows better but is motivated to blind himself to the evidence. Even here we need to be as tolerant of others as we desire God to be with us. But when someone is troubling the church with erroneous notions, and we know that he knows better, that may be the time to dust off Matthew 18.

That seems to be the scenario in Titus 1:10-16. The "doctrine" of circumcision is associated with lying, self serving, divisive personalities, just as today we might associate the doctrine of "choice" (to commit abortion) with such personalities. But it is the lying, the self-serving divisiveness, which Paul orders stopped.

Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. (NIV: 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.)

In is natural for Bible students to notice new things in the Bible and get ideas which are like gold ore, unrefined and unpolished, with only a speck of gold in an ounce of dirt. When someone is wrong but he really hungers for the truth, that is the kind of person we want in our fellowship, so he can learn from us, and we from him.

Toleration of error is not a virtue. Error is a thing to be uprooted to the extent that wisdom and time allow. That does not mean we should snub people as soon as they disagree with us, or cause them to question whether God will accept them. Romans 14 specifically warns us not to tell "the brother weak in the faith" that unless he repents of his doctrines he will go to hell ("receive him not to doubtful disputations") (NIV: "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters."). "Let everyone be persuaded in his own mind", (NIV: "Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind") Paul orders, even about theological disputes among the most divisive of all time (what to eat, and which day to worship): get along, don't stop reasoning, and hold out hope!

(For detailed analysis of these issues, see "Who Owns the Pulpit?" at This "Revival" flier is written by Dave Leach, and published by The Partnership Machine, Inc., 137 E. Leach, Des Moines Iowa 50315. 515/244-3711w, 256-0637h.

If you excommunicate everyone who doesn't agree with you, you have no 'oneness'. But if, in order to achieve 'oneness', you 'tolerate' any input without scrutiny, you have no discipline. Of course, if you allow any input with scrutiny, that makes all the difference. A modern "panel discussion" provides orderly interchange of ideas even on political topics, where participants have a lot less in common than Christians coming together across mere denominational barriers.

Membership Requirements

Everyone who is a member of Heaven (or, who is "going to Heaven"), and who lives in Des Moines, is a member of the Church at Des Moines, according to God. The New Testament churches were simply the assembly of all the Christians in a given city, even before there was any human organizational structure, not to mention physical building.

The Church of Des Moines is not "our" church. It is God's Church. God admits its members. All we humans can do is discern whom God has admitted, and pray God will protect others from deficiencies in our discernment.

Any member of God's "Church at Des Moines is automatically a Member of The Partnership Machine, Inc. Those who are directly involved with The Partnership Machine are distinguisned as Participants; Participants may subscribe to various services, such as a Newsletter or Email bulletin.

Surely every pastor is painfully aware of today's disunity, but how do we restore Biblical unity without welcoming heresy? Well, one way many churches have found, is to cooperate in Biblical functions which divided Christians can less effectively perform. Such as food pantries and homeless shelters, which fit the 1 Corinthians 12 category of "the Gift of Helps". There may be greater works possible through this sort of cooperation.

But what was the nature of New Testament unity? Was it unanimous acceptance of a limited number of conclusions about spiritual things -- in other words, doctrines? Or could "interaction" between people, each expressing their convictions which they believe God has given them to share, even though new ideas are coming forth all the time which challenge old ones, be the "One Spirit" urged upon us by Paul? Could the "unity" he wants for us not be intellectual sameness, but the spirit of subjection to the scrutiny of one another? Or, Fellowship? Could willingness to interact with each other, even with those who disagree with us on some intellectual point, be a greater sign of love than refusal to even associate with one another? Could it be the Body of Christ was never meant by God to require every member to be, intellectually, "the eye" (1 Cor 12:16)? Could it be that ideas which seem as different as the members of our bodies have the capacity, through love, of interacting together to form One Mind?




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