THE PLAN ----------------------------
Feedback Box:
What "one man can do", meaning you even if you must begin working alone, to lead your city into Revival. Biblical encourgement that such a goal is God's Will, how to change your personality to make your efforts victorious, Biblical perspectives of what Revival might look like, specific strategies you can take to get there
"Where there is no vision, the
people perish". Proverbs 29:18
If you are torn by frustration at the spectacle of a godly nation tottering
to hell, led by some of your own loved ones, with nothing you think you
can do, raise your hands.
OK, you, you, and you, etc., with your hands in your pockets, go away. You
will just be bored, hanging around with a bunch of old sourpusses. Go chew
on some bubblegum or watch a feel-good re-run or something.
Are they all gone? Good. Now for the rest of you: I have a message of hope.
We can win.
We will win. God will answer my prayer, and your prayer. I
have a plan. Um, yes? You, flipping the gospel tract and looking at me with
shock, what is it?
"Aw, Dave, you can't say that. Don't you know 2 Timothy 3:13 says we're
going to lose? It says "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse,
deceiving, and being deceived." What are you trying to do, defeat God's
No, sir. The plan I speak of is God's plan. It's right out of the Bible.
And it is true, even if 2 Timothy 3:13 is true too.
But let's look at that verse. It's not even talking about our time,
although it may state a principle which applies to all times. Verse
11 is set in Paul's time. Verse 14 is set in Timothy's time.
2 Timothy 3:11 Persecutions,
afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what
persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 12 Yea,
and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 13
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being
deceived. 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and
hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
In other words, Paul more surely applied verse 13 to his time, than to ours.
And yet, didn't Paul see victory, even in his wicked time? Then even if
the wicked "shall wax worse and worse" today, too, I guess we
can pray for victory today too, can't we?
Romans 1 describes the slide to Hell, from the
top all the way to the bottom. This indicates the progressive nature of
wickedness exists in all times. Other passages say godliness is progressive,
"Look Dave, you can't get away with twisting the Scriptures into offering
us hope. Just look at all the bad things that happen in Revelation. Wickedness
gets worse and worse. And obviously we are in those times now. The radio
says so. So you had just better believe God, and give up hope."
No, really. Even if the Bible did specify that wickedness in 1999 would
get worse and worse, it also says that in every age, the good get better
and better, which of course balances the wicked. Even Job, and that was
a long time ago, describes godliness as progressive.
Job 17:9 The righteous also
shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands [Heb:
he whose strength is his righteousness] shall
be stronger and stronger.
Proverbs likewise talks as if this is still the way people are in
every generation.
Proverbs 4:18 But the path of
the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect
The Hebrew words describe the light of dawn growing brighter and brighter
as the day becomes "established".
Now here is a strange verse in Revelation: "He that is unjust, let
him be unjust still."
Huh? Is God saying He wants the unjust to not repent? Is God decreeing
that the deadline for repentance has passed?
"Eti" is the Greek word translated "still". It can either
refer to continuation, in time, through the present; or to an increase in
degree or magnitude: that is, "let him become more unjust". (Hebrews
11:36 is an example of where "eti" is translated as an increase
of magnitude. There it is translated, in the KJV, "moreover".)
Not that there is anything inaccurate about the KJV translation. Either
translation would be accurate. But if there is a spiritual truth
elsewhere in the Bible consistent with "let the unjust remain unjust",
I can't think where it would be. Or what the phrase would even mean. But
if God meant Relation 22:11 to refer to increasing degree, not duration
in time, that would make it consistent with the verses previously reprinted.
Verses 22:11 would then translate:
Let the unjust become more so. Let the filthy become filthier. Let the righteous
become more so. Let the holy become holier.
"But", you say, "verse 10 says the
time is at hand. In other words, people are going to get stuck they way
they are because there won't be time to change."
Well, that is possible. But the angel told John "the time is
at hand", 100 generations ago. There has been plenty of time for plenty
of people to change, since then.
And look at Jesus' description of the end. Yes, iniquity will increase.
But what else happens? Many, but not all, lose their love. But others endure!
And look what those who endure DO! THEY REACH THE WHOLE WORLD WITH THE GOSPEL!
Does that sound like just a couple dozen survive? They are so committed,
and they are so numerous, that they will achieve what no other generation
of Christians has ever yet achieved! That's the kind of tidal wave of victory
I want to be riding!
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure
unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then
shall the end come.
"I'm outa here! I'm not going to listen to someone going around telling
people to have hope! And challenging the King James Version to boot!"
Hey, wait! Don't go off mad! I'm sorry! I didn't really mean it! Er, well
I guess God did, though. If you don't agree with my take on "eti"
no biggie. My point is made with the other verses. Mister? Mister!
See what I'm up against, folks? I try to encourage people, give them hope,
tell them about God's promises to answer their prayers, especially their
prayers for the wonderful things, like revival; and what do people do? They
get really, really upset with me, and interrupt me, to try to get me to
stop. And they try to stop me with Scripture!
And look what that forces me to do. I started out to write a short little
one page article. But I made the mistake of talking to people about my subject.
And they immediately proceeded to fill my head full of excuses for doubt
and despair. So what could I do? I had to address all those excuses. Because
I know they are excuses shared by many, and if I don't address them, my
readers will still believe them and will throw away The Plan, and spurn
the hope I offer, which, really, God offers. And now look how long my article
is! On second thought, don't look. I don't want any fainting spells. I'm
behind on my Medical Liability. Just take it one word at a time. We'll get
through this.
I haven't even had a chance yet to
start telling how the plan works. Just as soon as I breathe
a hint of confidence that any plan, whose goal is even slightly wonderful,
might work, all of a sudden I have to drag out my Greek books to
justify confidence that any plan might actually work.
Not that it's controversial to
pray for revival. What makes it controversial is to believe God will
answer our prayer. Well, it's cool to pray for a "revivalette",
a baby revival that just brings a couple of dozen new souls to a tent meeting.
But national revival? Wholesale repentance, and turning of America back
to God? No way. This is the last days. Things are just going to get worse.
Hope for that much revival is rebellion against God.
The other thing that makes The Plan controversial is the very idea that
there are common sense things men can do whose logical result is revival.
"Don't you know only God can change hearts?" But the things The
Plan requires us to do are things God's Word says must be done. If we haven't
obeyed God, and now we do, doesn't logic suggest our actions now will much
more likely lead to revival?
For you sitting there waiting impatiently for the details of the plan, wondering
how much longer I am going to string you along, I must tell you, you are
in the minority. Had I begun this article with the details of The Plan,
everyone's eyes would have just glazed over. The stuff is so common sense
it will put you to sleep. You've already heard most of it. You've already
heard preachers, radio talk show hosts, and fellow Christian activists shake
their heads and complain about all the wonderful things "WE" could
do if "THE CHURCH" would just "wake up". (Try reversing
the order of "the church" and "we" and see if that suggests
No, it is not the details of The Plan which need to be sold. It is its goal.
(Victory; or, Revival.) The Goal is the thing people want to believe, but
are afraid to. The Goal is the part people argue about. The Goal is the
interesting part. It belongs first in the article.
In fact, the first Detail of The Plan which must be implemented is to "take
a stand" for its Goal. That is, for all you "Planners" to
publicly proclaim, that is, tell everyone you know, that Revival is a Biblical
goal after all, and that you are not only going to pray for it, but you
are going to believe God will answer! And not only that, but you
are such a wild-eyed fanatic that you are not only going to pray
for revival, and believe God will answer, but you are going to work
your petootie off for Revival!
Uh, yes?
"Dave, I've been sitting here, real polite. But now don't you think
you are just being a tad egotistical, to think you can speak for God, telling
us what He wants to happen, and wants us to do?"
Now hold on, here. I will never ask anyone to believe anything I say just
because I say I represent God. I will quote Scriptures to support what I
say God says, and they are what you need to believe. Them, and my logic
which I try to base on Scripture, if you can follow it.
I assure you, I am fully aware that if your faith in The Plan rested even
in any small measure upon your faith in me, you are going to be absolutely
useless in implementing The Plan. Because in order to help, you are going
to need to persuade many others about what God says, others who would turn
away from you in an instant if they thought your own theology was based
even partly in blind faith in me. So get out of your head, right
now, any thought of skimming through this article and just going along with
my conclusions because you like me or trust me.
As for me, I don't believe we will win because of what I can accomplish.
I believe we will win because of what I have prayed, and because of God's
promises, qualified though they may be, to answer my prayers. And your prayers,
which would be essentially the same as mine, if you weren't so afraid to
pray with faith.
No Magic. Just Work.
Not only have I prayed and believed, but I have
seen a glimpse of the victory. I have seen not only what victory might look
like, but what part you and I can play to make it happen. I have even seen
details. I have worked numbers. The plan would be realistic, even if it
had no greater support behind it than mere human talent and commitment and
hard work. The Plan doesn't even require an appearance of miraculous divine
intervention to appear realistic. (Although without miraculous divine
intervention, the miracle of life itself would cease.) All it requires is
a very, very small number of dedicated Christians willing to apply themselves
to it.
But I have learned, through 13 years of publishing and presenting The Plan,
and 20 years of talking about it, that this, the finding of a very, very
small number of dedicated Christians willing to apply themselves to it,
is what requires God's dramatic miraculous intervention.
God really did give me this miraculous plan. How do I know? Because I really
do "sigh and cry for all the abominations that be done" among
my people. (Ezekiel 8-9, especially 9:4) You all know that, if you know
me at all. I'm really quite a sourpuss. I'm always complaining about what
others won't do. I depress people. You've known all along it would take
a miracle just for me to say I am happy.
And yet, now that I see The Plan in all its completeness, capable of toppling
theological excuses (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) and scheming end-runs around
apathy (Revelation 3:16) and cowardice, I am as happy, as full of joy, as
enthusiastic, as I have been in years! That is a miracle I cannot deny.
Of course you can deny it, until you get to the end of The Plan and
see what it does for you. That is where God's miraculous intervention
comes in. All I can give you are sheets of paper with ink on them. God can
light them on fire inside your soul. I pray God will light in you the same
fire He gave me.
Not that I am ignorant that it would take as great a miracle to light that
fire in you, as it took for me. So what if I can present a plan which
is no more than God's plan, clearly laid out in Scripture, but which God's
people have neglected and forgotten? Once I present it, does that mean all
my readers, or even a few, or even those who have been close to me and trusted
me, will just automatically jump up and say "Wow! Thanks Dave! Now
I know what to do with the rest of my life!"? No, I don't think so.
There are other things far more important at the moment. Memorizing football
stats. Going on vacations. Buying newer cars. The leeks and onions are good.
Numbers 11:5.
Numbers 11:4 And the mixt multitude
that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept
again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? 5 We remember the fish,
which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the
leeks, and the onions, and the garlick: 6 But now our soul is dried away:
there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. 7 And the manna
was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium.
8 And the people went about, and gathered it, and ground it in mills, or
beat it in a mortar, and baked it in pans, and made cakes of it: and the
taste of it was as the taste of fresh oil. 9 And when the dew fell upon
the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it. 10 Then Moses heard the people
weep throughout their families, every man in the door of his tent: and the
anger of the LORD was kindled greatly; Moses also was displeased. 11 And
Moses said unto the LORD, Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant? and
wherefore have I not found favour in thy sight, that thou layest the burden
of all this people upon me? 12 Have I conceived all this people? have I
begotten them, that thou shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy bosom,
as a nursing father beareth the sucking child, unto the land which thou
swarest unto their fathers? 13 Whence should I have flesh to give unto all
this people? for they weep unto me, saying, Give us flesh, that we may eat.
14 I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy
for me.
Planners, don't turn back. Onions aren't that good. And leeks are awful
enough just to say, before we even come to the thought of trying
one. The Plan requires commitment.
Moses' Plan and The Plan,
Israel and America
Moses had a plan, too. Would a Prince, the son of Pharaoh's daughter, Exodus
2:10, kill an Egyptian soldier for the benefit of a slave, if he didn't
have a plan?
Moses surely thought, as he killed the Egyptian, "My people have been
crying to God to send them a deliverer since before I was born, and look
how God has prepared me! I know troop positions, sympathetic officers, secret
underground passages, passwords to weapons stockpiles, and every military
strategy! And my people know I know all these things! With the element of
surprise, we could take this place with hardly an arrow shot! When my people
see a Prince of Egypt on their side, they will praise God for answering
their prayers, spread the word, and raise an army by the end of the week!"
Boy, was Moses naive!
Israel wasn't ready for freedom. They reacted to Moses' plan with resentment
and petty jealousy. So Moses fled, knowing there was no will in his people
to resist Pharaoh.
I can relate to that. Can't you?
(For you nay-sayers who think Moses acted from Self, instead of listening
to God who surely would have never told Moses to do anything violent, or
to break the law, or to do anything deceitfully, Exodus 2:12, look up Hebrews
11:24-27, and tell me, what other action but this do these verses refer
to, as that action of Moses which qualified him for the "Hebrews 11
Hall of Faith"? Even Moses' deceit is praised, v. 27!)
God knew they weren't ready, too; God waited another 40 years before bothering
Moses with the wake-up call, that FINALLY, Israel was ready.
It turned out God was right: even after the 40 years, they were just barely
ready. They grumbled, doubted, and nearly threw Moses out before they even
crossed the border. Even after they were free, they still weren't
ready for the Promised Land. They had to wait another 40 years for
There were two things that held up Israel's deliverance for 400 years from
Abraham's time (actually about 160 years of slavery): (Genesis 15:13)
(1) Israel's pain had to become greater than her doubt, to give her spiritual
maturity enough to trust God; and
(2) "the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet full", Genesis 15:16.
(In other words, before God could let Israel sweep over the Promised Land
in military power, taking no prisoners, God had to wait until every last
possible soul of every last Canaanite nation had been saved, leaving nothing
but hard-hearted, disease-ridden husks.)
God is love. Suffering is part of His plan to bring us glorious victory.
And yet we need not expect to be victorious over our enemies until God has
given them every last opportunity to march with Him and us.
I was as ignorant as Moses. Maybe you have been, too.
20 years ago I was divorced. In my grief and despair, the Lord showed me
ways to change divorce law that would reduce divorce. Excited, I thought
all I had to do was tell a pastor, and he would be so excited he would tell
all the pastors he knew, and they would tell all their congregations, and
they would all call their legislators, and the law would be changed by the
end of the month, and divorce would start dropping!
But the first pastor I called interrupted me in the middle of my second
sentence to ask, "What church do you go to?" My answer was a church
I thought similar to his, but he said, "I don't believe the way they
do. I don't think we have anything to talk about. (Click)"
Moses' plan was heralded in Hebrews, even though at the time, for 40 years,
he looked like a failure. Oh, sure, the shepherds thought he was a great
shepherd. But no one thought he made a very effective national savior.
Moses had to wait 40 years before God was ready to answer Moses' prayer
beyond his wildest dreams. But by that time Moses had the wind so knocked
out of him, and after all he was an old man, 80 years old, that he tried
to talk God out of him being any kind of leader.
How long have you waited to set people free who only turned on you?
I have only waited 20 years for God to answer my prayer. (Although in 1996,
Iowa divorce law got a little break. The legislator spearheading the changes
welcomed my suggestions for more profound changes, but finally had to dump
a lot of hard work -- his as well as mine -- because of grassroots apathy.)
I, like Moses, originally set out on the strength of my own reasoning, and
was unprepared for its rejection. I, unlike Moses, am still proceeding without
any Burning Bush, although I do have more of the fiery Word of God. Jeremiah
5:14, 20:9, 23:29.
Moses had to wait, but he saw his plan enacted. In his days! Not
because Moses was anything special -- that hope is for us, too: Psalm 91:8,
Psalm 37:34, Psalm 58:10-11, Psalm 92:11, Malachi 1:5.
Moses originally only dreamed of setting Israel free. He saw that, and lived
40 more years, to see, with his own eyes, God's dream for
Israel: the Promised Land. And before Moses died, he had God's promise that
his people would enter! Despite his own sins! Sin always has consequences.
But if the consequence of sin was that our prayers would not be answered,
God would never answer prayers!
Is this melomania, for me to make even a slight comparison between my Plan
and Moses' plan? It might be, if it were my plan. Just because I
have a plan, doesn't mean it belongs to me. It is God's plan.
It is right there in the Bible. If I misrepresent some of the details, you
can go right to the source, bypass my mistakes, and get it perfect.
Moses' Plan was God's Plan. Everyone who commits to God's plan is liable
to experience pretty much the same thing Moses experienced.
I don't care how soon God allows Antichrist to reveal himself, God's plan
is guaranteed to work. And if Christians implement it in time, Antichrist
is simply going to have to wait for a more apathetic generation, or settle
for a less triumphant Last Stand. Because when this plan goes into action,
tyranny cannot survive. Oh, tyrants can brag and threaten, but when God's
people are even half awake, tyrants just look ridiculous, Psalm 2.
So here is the miracle I pray for, and please, as many readers as will,
pray with me: that the long years of waiting are over. That every last excuse
not to act has been discovered and answered. That now God's people have
been slaves long enough; now they, including you, are ready to believe
God and march to freedom with me.
Not in my wake. With me. I don't even want to be a leader
like Moses, although of course I realize Moses didn't either. I want others
to march faster than me so they will be in the lead. But if no one does,
I am not going to slow down just to let others lead. The important thing
is to get there.
Will you act? Not just you who have "that particular Holy Spirit Gift".
This Gift is like the "Gift" of singing. Some are especially "gifted".
But the church needs everyone singing.
If you are not on board this plan, you are standing in the way. I pray you
will get on board. Now. That there will be no more delay. There seems little
more time for delay.
Personality Repair Kit
Sorry, but the time has come that I have to get personal.
I would like to just tell you the Five Steps to The Plan and be done with
it, but there is one more thing standing in the way: your personality. Until
we can get that changed, I might as well present the details of The Plan
to a swarm of bees. I would feel better afterward.
There are two extremes of personalities we must avoid in order to be useful
in The Plan. The balance between them is achieved by following God's two
"greatest commandments": to love God, and to love our "neighbor"
as ourselves. Matthew 22:36-40.
One extreme is to love our Neighbor but not to particularly think very much
about God. Such people are popular. They remember names, faces, and birthdays.
They always smile. They are happy and enthusiastic. To watch them interact
with others, you would think they have no enemies and many friends. Even
wicked people love them, because it is hard to dislike someone who likes
you. Matthew 5:46-47. About the only folks who don't enjoy them that much
are thinking people. And that, not because they are evil or anything, but
just shallow. Uninteresting.
The other extreme to avoid is someone who loves God but is always blaming
his neighbor. You say, "How is that possible? To the extent one loves
God, one will surely obey God, and the first commandment we are taught is
to love our neighbor!"
Theoretically, yes. But in practice, many of us love God but don't believe
God. Specifically, we don't believe God will answer our prayers. Specifically,
we don't believe God will answer our most selfless prayers, which are for
Because we love God, we hate sin, so we "sigh and cry for all the abominations
that be done", Ezekiel 9:4.
But because we have no faith, we have nothing to balance our concern. We
have no hope. No joy. We are depressed, and depressing. No one wants to
be around us, because we are just a bunch of old sourpusses, complaining
about how everybody else in the world, besides ourselves, isn't doing anything.
Well, of course everybody is busy, but hardly anybody is doing anything
that makes a difference.
We moan, "Oh, if only THE CHURCH would _____! If only PASTORS would
________!" Of course our own wheels are spinning too, but we aren't
the problem. We are very busy, doing everything we can think of to make
a difference. It's just that none of the things we are doing, are. Not through
any fault of our own: we are doing everything humanly possible. Surely.
It's everybody else. They aren't helping us. They aren't following us.
It's not as if we need revival. WE know Jesus. WE are
going to Heaven. WE know how to turn to the bosom of Jesus for consolation
and comfort, when the pressures of being continually depressed are too much
for us. WE know revival is for others, not ourselves.
Do you see how FAITH is just the medicine we need? With FAITH, we are not
impatient with sinners (the general "they" who won't do ____),
because we have a PLAN which will reconcile them! (That is, the general
"them" which troubles us, as opposed to any specific sinner. Our
plan will bring revival in general, although not every last sinner will
If we have FAITH when we pray for an
end to all the abominations over which we cry and sigh, then our joy is
even more intense than our depression!
When we have a Plan which we BELIEVE will make right every wrong which has
so depressed us, we will be bubbling over with ENTHUSIASM as we perform
When we have ENTHUSIASM, we will be popular! People will enjoy our company!
People will follow us! Or rather, in our case, we will all follow God together.
In some details we will lead, in others we will follow.
But your faith must be in God, not this article. As I said, because of my
own experience with God's joy, I personally regard this article as a miraculous
gift of God. But surely there will be details of it which you do not understand
or cannot accept. And without those details, The Plan may not seem effective
to you. So you will fall again into misery, without faith, complaining about
all your Neighbors who, if they would just ____, but they won't. Loving
God, but too exasperated with your Neighbor to feel anything positive towards
But if your faith is in God, then this article only needs to seem partially
sound, to you, to cure your doubt. Because if you even think there is a
little truth in it, that there is A Plan somewhere in the
direction in which this article points, then you will have hope! For details
you don't understand or consider unsound, you will seek God's instruction
(John 14:26) with faith, so long as you really believe there is, indeed,
an answer somewhere, anywhere, waiting for you.
But now that I have pinpointed the problems with your personality, how may
we repair it?
Fortunately, Christians usually can be cured of a sin merely by having it
exposed. Christians don't sin deliberately for very long.
You realize, don't you, that my style of writing, where I pick on you as
if I myself am above the errors to which you stoop, is just me trying to
make this entertaining? I mean, you realize I am kidding, don't you? You
realize that I realize I am guilty of the same sins, don't you? In fact,
you realize, don't you, that I realize I am so guilty of the same sins,
that is why I can analyze them with such eloquence?
A little boy learning the trumpet convicted me. I give him lessons. He has
this aggravating habit of playing a handful of notes, and then launching
into this long complicated analysis of why this one pattern of notes is
hard for him, more so than some other pattern of notes. Far more of the
lesson is squandered in his talking, than in his doing.
In exasperation I finally told him, "You talk WAY too much. Just DO
(I didn't mean talking, per se, was his offense; but rather, producing an
elaborate inventory of excuses for failure.)
Immediately the Lord showed me how that is precisely the problem that has
encumbered my contribution to The Plan all these years. Too much time analyzing
and blaming every other contributor to failure besides myself, and too little
"just DOING it"!
There is one more problem we need to repair in "your" personality
before you are ready for the details of The Plan.
If we let your personality go unrepaired, you will only look at the details
of The Plan and say either "This is too hard; I don't have that talent;
someone else must do it", or "This is too easy; too routine, too
menial, too boring. I need something that will make use of my talent. Let
someone else do it!"
In order to repair your personality so that you will not be overwhelmed
by The Plan and give up before you start, reread the Parable of the Ten
Talents in Matthew 25. Remind yourself that its lesson is that while we
are here on Earth, God expects us to double the talents He starts us with.
If we don't, what happens to us? Reread Moses' argument with God, Exodus
4, where Moses tells God, "I can't speak for you to these people. I
stutter." God answered, "Who makes mouths?" This is not just
encouragement. This is a command. It is not just a command: it is a warning.
A threat. But a threat which logically proceeds from the sweetest love.
If, on Earth, you cannot trust God to provide you the talent and resources
to be victorious over those evils which most oppress you, is Heaven really
the place for you? Will you enjoy cuddling up to God for all eternity when
nothing threatens, if you won't even lean on Him for shelter from what most
oppresses you here?
Consider these lessons and be not faithless, but believing. John 20:27.
In order to repair that part of your personality which will cause you to
look at certain details of this plan and say "this is too menial; I
must use my talents; let others do this", please consider, as you read
the following verses, how inconsistent it is to say, when a menial job opens
up, "I want a job that will stretch my mind; that will be more of a
challenge; a job where I can grow, and develop my talents", and then
later to say, when a demanding job is offered, "I don't want to be
a workaholic. I must spend time (watching TV) with my family. I must include
recreation in my schedule and budget. I must have time to ENJOY life. I
cannot work so hard that I forget why I am working."
When you say "I must stretch myself; I must use my talents", examine
your heart to be sure you do not mean "I need an activity which can
best show the world how talented I am, without requiring too much work."
Most such talk is designed to "whitewash" our worldly desire for
the easiest work, for the most pay, and the greatest recognition.
When you say "I must maximize my talents; I must develop those talents
which are the most unique, the most specialized, and by all means the most
impressive", be careful you do not lose sight of those actions which
will most effectively achieve the results you most want!
All activity requires talent! The more menial require the more patience
and endurance. By what standard do you say this talent is more unique, specialized,
or impressive than that talent? If the skill which most distinguishes you
from The Common People is sharpshooting, does God want you to hire on as
a hit man so you can stretch yourself? Will that accomplish those results
you most yearn to accomplish?
God doesn't put talents in a pecking order. 1 Corinthians 12 eloquently
shows how a Christian Fellowship equally requires each and every talent.
Ecclesiastes explains why an individual should be grateful to use any
talent he can, while he still can.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever
thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor
device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
As for recognition, Jesus warns us not to be obsessed with the "chief
seats", that is, the most comfortable chairs in the church, which are
located up on the platform behind the preacher, Matthew 23:5-12.
As for job satisfaction, God clearly tells us it is equally available under
any circumstances, Philippians 4:11. 1 Corinthians 7:20-24 says this is
even true for slaves. Even if you are a slave, and have to do THAT kind
of work, even then, you should do it with all your heart! 1 Peter 2:18.
How much more when you are a free man doing the work of God! How can any
such work be unworthy of you?
Verse 3, following, says "others' esteem" is better than "self
esteem". Verse 4 says we should not be proud of our own talents, but
of everyone's talents. Our concern should not stop with our own peace and
prosperity, but with everyone's.
Philippians 2:2 Fulfil ye my
joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of
one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness
of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 4 Look not every man
on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. 5 Let this
mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in the form
of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself
of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made
in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled
himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 9
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is
above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of
things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And
that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
of God the Father.
Who are we doing this for? Who does revival benefit? Let us not choose which
talents to employ on the basis of how their employment benefits us, but
on the basis of which talents are most needed by others.
"Bear ye one another's
burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ", Galatians
Did we not say "If THE CHURCH would just ________! If PASTORS would
just _______! But no, they think only of their own comfort!" Yet now
we come to something WE must do, and shall our thinking, about whether or
not to do it, be determined by our own comfort?
Are you ready? Is your personality now repaired? Are you prepared to look
at each detail of the following plan, and let your willingness to follow
it be determined solely by its apparent ability to achieve what you most
want to achieve? Are you ready to look at the work ahead without being
distracted by whether you think you are able to do it, or whether you are
going to be "fulfilled" doing it, or whether you are able to believe
God will grant success, or who is to blame for not implementing The Plan
long ago?
Are you prepared to study The Plan, determine what ought to be done, and
then, without a lot of analysis, blame, or excuses, just do it?
Actually my assumption is that you are already implementing parts of The
Plan. Reading The Plan will give you a greater vision, more ideas how you
can do your part better, and greater faith so you can experience joy, enthusiasm,
and consequent friendship with those you want to influence. Certainly The
Plan will show you a great deal more you could be doing. Do not be ashamed
that you have previously done less. Do not be intimidated by the fear that
you may be unable to do more.
Just do it.
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait
upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings
as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
The Plan is massive. It is comprehensive. We can do it, by God's strength.
Although I have stocked this little Personality
Repair Kit with a small number of battering rams for barriers to success
I have seen, you will need the whole Bible if you are serious about success.
This mission field will test your familiarity with and understanding of
God's Word. Now, more than ever, you must immerse yourself in it.
But don't pray, about whether to
do this, so long that the world ends before you are satisfied you have God's
answer. Don't make God prove to you what He wants you to do, before you
will lift a finger, by a much higher standard than you use to determine
God's Will for your budget, before you will spend a dime!
Don't neglect implementing The Plan until you can first go out and get a
Doctor of Theology. Obedience to God, not years
of education, is what opens your heart to God's lessons from His Word. Even
failure, in your own efforts to serve Him, sharpens your longing to better
understand God's Promises.
Are you ready now? If you are ready for The Plan, The Plan is ready for
Entire books, available for free on my website, offer more lengthy Scriptural
support than you may be willing to digest, explaining each of the following
Steps to Revival. Books are not needed to understand the following points,
or to see how, upon implementation of these points, America would once again
become a Christian nation. The books are needed to refute the unending objections,
resistance, and theological-sounding excuses for not believing what the
Bible says, or for not obeying it even when it is believed.
The Plan incorporates many human activities which are so perfectly natural
and ordinary that you are already doing many of them. If so, The Plan will
help you add the rest of a strategy which will turn what you are already
doing into a Partnership Machine.
(For readers of the printed version of this article: the book chapters alluded
to are available on the website "". In the web version
of this article, these underlined allusions are in a different color which
tells readers they can click on the words and go right to the chapters.)
First Step to Revival:
Persuade everyone you know that Revival is a Biblical goal after all. Pray
for it. Believe God will grant it. Work persistently towards it. (Scriptural
support for this goal is found in the preceding introduction, for you skimmers.)
Don't use "moral outrage"
for entertainment.
Test the truths you proclaim. Let your boldness in proclaiming a truth match
its ability to pass every test.
Making sure your information
is true wouldn't be so important if you were only going to exhaust your
moral outrage where it cannot lead to further action, such as spending it
only on those who already agree with you. But to be part of this plan, you
will need to lead many others to action, which will be a disaster if your
head stays full of rumors. If you think your good intentions can help, without
a clear grasp of reality, you might as well be a Democrat. You need, now,
to start sharpening your Sword of Truth.
If you follow these principles, your judicious boldness should propel your
message far and wide.
Test the truths you proclaim.
When you explain some issue to others upon which you want them to act, the
first thing you have to accomplish is for them to believe the stories or
facts you present in support of your issue. You need to be ready with "sources",
in support of the facts you allege, which your target audience can trust.
For example, if you want to convince a Republican, don't quote from a Green Party fundraising letter. If you want to convince a Democrat, don't quote from the Spotlight. Get in the habit of distinguishing between sources of news for yourself which you can share with those who already agree with you, and sources of evidence you can present to those whose hearts you need to win.
The strongest evidence for those who disagree with you is a quote from their most trusted sources. For example, if you want to prove something to a Mormon, see if you can find evidence in the Book of Mormon. If you want to prove the Communist Chinese intend to attack the U.S., look for a quote from a Chinese leader; ideally, either something published by the leader, or a video of him saying it. If you want to convert an evolutionist, quote scientific sources. Acts 17:28 is an example of presenting evidence "from the horse's mouth", where Paul wanted to prove a key point in his message to Athens, so he quoted from their own poets.
There is a critically important qualification to this principle: just because you need to quote from sources trusted by your audience, that doesn't mean you should not quote from the Bible just because you are talking to atheists. Luke 16:30 says very clearly that there is nothing more persuasive than the Bible, and Jesus said that, when the Old Testament was all there was. Jesus said if people won't believe the plain unadorned Word of God, there is no amount of evidence you can parade before them that will persuade them. However, this doesn't mean to quote the Bible haphazardly, in frustration, using it as an attack dog after you have given up trying to reason through your point. Keep your quotes relevant to the issue.
There are ways you can test news stories.
Pick out details in a newspaper article which you
are capable of confirming, by a phone call to a person named in the story,
(a "news source"), or by checking alleged facts in reference books.
When you take the trouble to call a News Source, you will virtually always
get a different version of the story than the printed version. Sometimes
the source will allege minor errors, sometimes deliberate distortion. After
you have taken the trouble to make such a call or check facts in other ways,
you will be far more qualified to pass on the story to others than your
friends who have merely read the printed article.
As you are choosing which details to confirm, choose those which would establish
the most serious parts of the story: the parts which made you think, as
you read it, "Wow! This shows how wicked these people are!" (for
If the story you want to confirm is a book, look at the footnotes. Cross
off the footnotes to other books which are similar to the one you are reading.
They are worthless, other than to prove your book is a rehash of other books
without any original research.
Look for footnotes to sources which would not deliberately associate themselves
with the position of your book. It is very easy for those predisposed to
a position to embellish it. But when a detail is conceded by those whose
worldview is tarnished by the detail, it is more likely true.
An enemy admitting a fact is more
persuasive than a friend bragging about it.
For example, if a "patriot" tabloid said the FBI is able to tap
a third of America's phones at once, you should question it, because patriot
tabloids grind out headlines like that for breakfast. But if the tabloid
cites a Mob Media story, and you look up the story and that's what it really
says, it's more likely true. Not that Mob Media are generally more reliable,
but they are not fond of reporting the scope of Big Brother intrusion. But
if you find the story admitted on the FBI's own website, then it must be
true! (This is a fictitious example. Please, no rumors starting here, unless
you find something. Actually several years ago I thought I read this allegation
in the Des Moines Register, but when I went back to cut it out, I couldn't
find it.)
A contrasting example: Suppose the BATF website says they didn't start the
fire at Waco, and did everything they could to put it out, including letting
the firetrucks past their blockades. Well of course they would say
that! Who would take their reassurances seriously? Normally you would
expect Mob Media to pick up such a story, and then to also get the obligatory
quotes from critics casting a tiny bit of doubt on the BATF story. But if
the quotes from critics actually confirm the BATF version,
well, that would be a little different. Maybe there is something to it.
But now if you read a patriot magazine which agrees with the BATF, it has
to be true! Patriots regard government secret agencies as sworn enemies.
Patriots won't admit the BATF ever did anything right unless the evidence
forces them! (Again, a fictitious example.)
Testing Theologies
If it is a position on Scripture you want to test, simply seek out those
who oppose the position. Learn why. Study whether their objections are sound.
Try to refute their objections; if you cannot, the position is probably
Our generation is not accustomed to regarding any of our theologies as tentative.
But all theology, all doctrine, outside a word-for-word reading of Scripture,
should be regarded as our human understanding, and we should be noble enough
to be open to correction from other humans, Acts 17:10-12, 2 Chronicles
"Playing devil's advocate" is an idiom describing the process
of testing an idea by seeing how easily you can pick it apart. "The
Scientific Method" may be summarized in a phrase as trying to disprove
a theory or statement of fact. If a theory or allegation has some evidence
for it, and serious efforts to disprove it have failed, we can be as certain
of it as of anything else on this sin-riddled planet.
As you begin proclaiming any issue, present it as only tentatively your
position. Because that is what you are actually doing: you are testing whether
your position is really true, whether it will withstand scrutiny. When you
present it to a well informed, intelligent critic, tell him you want his
opinion. You want to know of any Scriptures which refute your position which
you have overlooked.
But if he burns your position to the ground, have the courage to evaluate
whether he did so with sound, logical application of Scripture; don't just
be intimidated because he is more highly respected by the World than you,
or even more fluent in the Word of God than you. Study all the Scriptures
he quotes, but let it be the Word of God, itself, which guides you.
When those of greater worldly rank than yourself condemn your position,
without being able to refute it honestly, your position has just passed
another test, and you have a little more assurance that yours is the Message
God wants you to give. The more passion there is than logic in their condemnation,
the more important to God may be your message.
Your next step, after your message can survive Biblical scrutiny without
a direct hit, is to collect all the indirect excuses people think of, and
prepare yourself to disarm them.
1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of
the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers:
but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. 13 And who is he
that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? 14 But and
if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of
their terror, neither be troubled; 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your
hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you
a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: 16 Having a
good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers,
they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
17 For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing,
than for evil doing. 18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the
just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in
the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
Do not be guilty, yourself, of dismissing unpopular or uncomfortable allegations without first disproving them.
If you are not noble, like the Bereans, a Paul
is likely to come your way and you will foolishly throw him out.
Acts 17:10 And the brethren
immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither
went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more noble than those
in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,
and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. 12 Therefore
many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of
men, not a few.
If you make up your mind about an issue before you have heard all the evidence,
God says you are foolish and an embarrassment.
Proverbs 18:13 He that answereth
a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
But neither be guilty of sidetracking Christians from real battles to chase
rumors you cannot prove.
Do not proclaim what you can't prove.
Satan loves you when you get side tracked on rumors. Even when a story is
true, he loves to fill your mind with emotional outrage about the story,
before you think it worthy of your time to take a few simple steps to test
the reliability of the sources. He loves how foolish it makes you look when
you go around spreading unproved rumors. He loves to flush your credibility
down the toilet. He loves to sideline you from God's battlefield.
A recent example is the widely circulated story that disease-causing poisons
have been added to the "jet trails", the smoke trails in the wake
of military jets, which give diseases to everyone on the ground, including,
of course, the people preparing the poisons. You can even look at different
jet trail patterns and tell which diseases they will cause. A farmer found
a cobweb-type substance on his fenceposts after a jet passed over, says
a website, took a sample to a lab, and learned it contained all kinds of
nasty crud.
Can you prove this, other than by citing a news source which, to the people
who challenge you, is as suspect as the story? Have thousands of other fenceposts
been found piled high with cobweb-type substances? How about your own? Have
you called anyone in a position to know anything about all this? Have you
noticed a dramatic drop in life expectancy?
Sure, our government has been guilty in the past of "testing"
select groups of people with poisons whose effects were not completely known.
Drugs have been tried on the insane. Ground personnel were exposed to excessive
radiation at the first atomic bomb explosion, at Los Alamos. But have you
considered the likelihood that such a large number of pilots, ground crews,
scientists, and bureaucrats would collaborate in a method of known
destruction so indiscriminate that it infects themselves and their own
families with the same diseases?
These are just examples of the kinds of questions you should think of asking
about every issue. You need to play "Devil's Advocate"
in order to save yourself from buying into lies, and in order, when a story
is true, to prepare yourself for the challenges of critics.
Do not even waste time talking with friends about stories you cannot
prove to critics. Please, don't even waste your time reading unverifiable
allegations which you have no intention, yourself, of checking out. So much
precious time is thus squandered by God's people, and our time is so short!
Your attention is desperately needed for truths you can prove. Your
passion is needed to motivate people to take action to stop crimes which
have already been proven.
Everybody knows, for example, that unborn babies are murdered by abortion.
27 years of prolife education have at least brought America to that level
of awareness. How do you expect people, who don't care enough about that
to take action, to care about mere disease-carrying jet trails which cannot
even be confirmed?
Stop talking about the latest Clinton scandal, or the latest rumor about
National Guard troops preparing for martial law to deal with Y2K riots,
with such wide, dramatic eyes, as if this latest outrage is what will finally
motivate decent Americans to action which 35 million abortions could not
Not that you should censor every news report which
can't be proved as irrefutably as can the crime of abortion. But don't slip
into the mentality that since abortion isn't enough to arouse a majority
of decent Americans to action, Americans will have to be aroused by alleging
ever more shocking sins. And since the stories we can confirm don't seem
to have enough shock power to arouse Americans, maybe ever more sensational
rumors are the answer.
I don't care how many jet trails, Waco fires, Trilateral Commission plots,
concentration camps, or UN troop deployments on the Montana-Canada border
you can muster, all of them thrown together aren't as shocking as a week's
worth of abortions.
(The examples given in these paragraphs are not an attempt to rank issues
by importance. The lesson for us is the value of using KNOWN abominations
to prick consciences, as opposed to accusations that haven't even been proved.)
And if Joe Six-Pack remains skeptical whether abortions
are really legal in the third trimester, don't expect him to buy into government
sensors capable of reading, from a block away, the RF signals which the
eyes send to the brain, so that agents can see what we are looking at, as
well as capable of deciphering (from a block away) the signals that
go from our brains to our mouths. (That allegation is in Texe Marrs' book
"Project Lucid". RF signals, by the way, are the signals your
TV receives.)
Don't use "moral outrage"
for entertainment.
Do not proclaim controversial truths just for the purpose of enjoying the
shock on people's faces, or for the purpose of wallowing in "moral
outrage" together. Don't let wallowing in "moral outrage"
become your substitute for action. Do not let your "moral outrage"
become a mere source of entertainment for yourself and others.
One way to test whether you are using your "moral outrage" for
entertainment rather than as fuel for action is whether you direct it at
people, whom you urge to take action upon hearing your words, or comfortable
friends, whom you expect to respond to your words as impersonally as if
you were talking about a snow storm on the way.
Let your boldness in proclaiming
a truth match its ability to pass every test.
When a Truth is relevant to a situation, and when you have studied it enough
to prove it to the people you should present it to, don't be ashamed to
declare it just because they might not want to face that particular truth.
Just because someone doesn't embrace a truth you present doesn't mean you
have failed to "prove" it. Many will embrace what you say without
even bothering to understand it; when your opponent follows you, they will
embrace him too. Nothing is "proved" just because what you say
is embraced. If you get the leading opponents of your position to embrace
your position, THEN you have the fruit of proving it. But the actual proving
of a position is the presentation of evidence and logic which no one can
refute, even when you give others every opportunity to disprove you and
let them know you sincerely care what they have to say.
If you "take a stand" only for those Biblical truths which everyone
accepts, which make no one uncomfortable, you are not "taking a stand".
You "take a stand" when you proclaim those Truths which the most
people least want to hear, which are usually the Truths they most need.
When they really are true, and you can prove it by Scripture, and no one
can refute you, and when you proclaim them boldly, and if indeed they are
the truths the most people least want to hear, much attention will be given
your message. Little of it accurate, but you will be known far and wide
as "controversial".
Were your message flawed, thinking minds would search out your actual message,
discern its flaws, confirm the popular prejudice against you, and that would
be the end of you. But if thinking minds find little error in your message,
they will oppose the popular tide and thus weaken it, and pave the way for
more to hear your actual message.
The truths I have discovered to be more offensive to most people than any
other truth, yet still Biblically sound, is that whatever action is justified
to save a born child from being murdered is justified to save an unborn
child. Thus the same action one may justifiably take against a born child's
would-be murderer may justifiably be taken against an abortionist.
I didn't plan, or expect, or want, the media storm that followed my statement
(which I made by signing a petition). I didn't even want to make the statement.
I signed it only because I was asked to, and because I was unable to refute
its logic, and because I could not in good conscience shirk a stand for
a statement I knew was true, however much I wanted to.
The reaction to such a stand, described above in generalities, is only what
I experienced. I experienced the initial devastating media distortions,
the fear-driven advice from family, the handful of friends lost because
of the news stories, the many more friends who came to me to learn exactly
what my positions were whom I never would have otherwise reached, the bulk
of my retail customers who could care less, the customers lost because of
the awful news story more than replaced by customers fascinated with meeting
someone who had actually been on TV, the surprising number of people I never
met who tell me they watch our cable TV show and seem happy to say so, the
eventual relief on the part of my family after time passed and no permanent
injury seemed to have been done.
I suppose not everyone can report, after a media smear, that no harm was
done in the long run. But I'll bet everyone who is wrongfully smeared can
look back and see that the friendships gained were more than worth the friendships
Scriptural support for the importance of taking a stand for
the most "offensive" truths, and for acknowledging the particular
truth I stood for as worthy of your stand: see "Family
Certainly you should not make any issue your stand, before you are able
to defend it. You saw all the excuses I had to deal with just to assure
you worldwide Revival is a Scriptural goal. Whatever issue you proclaim
to people who do not want to face it, you will encounter all manner of excuses.
Second Step to Revival:
(Warning to skimmers: This is Chapter 17 of "God's Cure
for Loneliness". This section will be poorly understood without first
reading chapter one. Actually
it will seem, shall we say, theologically novel. A very condensed
overview of the issue is found under "As you pray for Des Moines don't
ask too little" on the home page.)
Not only will this section seem unBiblical, if you don't actually study
1 Corinthians 14, but all this work will seem pointless. Indeed, there are
a couple of verses in that chapter that promise revival for your whole church
if you follow its patterns, but this "Second Step to Revival"
doesn't offer a vision of the benefits of the
strategies given. For that, tough it through until you get to the "Fifth
Step to Revival".)
Gently, patiently begin explaining to people you
know that 1 Corinthians 14 represents church services as Bible Discussions,
with real interaction between laymen, not lectures with no interaction.
But more important than persuading others of this truth is for you to realize
this really is what God means by "church", so that you will begin
seeking every opportunity for interaction, for real "fellowship",
with other Christians. One reason doing is more important than talking is
that the most persuasive talk is from experience; therefore, wherever you
can, get experience of real fellowship.
(Scriptural support for this goal: see Chapter 1, "God's
Cure for Loneliness" Summary of the issue: 1 Corinthians 14 is
almost the only Scripture that gives the ingredients of a church service,
and it describes a Bible Discussion. It specifically rules out today's
concept of a "sermon", a lecture given by only one person, with
no opportunity for questions, comments, or corrections! It mandates a free
exchange of Biblically-based ideas.
(Biblical Fellowship is not a place where people come and listen to a lecture,
with people they barely know, with no vision of impacting the surrounding
community: but where people search the Scriptures as a team, edifying, exhorting,
and comforting each other, (1 Corinthians 14:3), with people who become
intimate, trusted friends, cooperating together in being salt and light
to the whole world.)
Don't just talk. Start transforming your church into a 1 Corinthians
14 Church.
You CAN do this because the essence of such interaction is perfectly natural.
It is indistinguishable from everyday friendly human behavior. It can no
more be prohibited than friendliness.
You can proceed on two levels: informal, (without official church endorsement
or cooperation), and formal (with official church participation).
Nothing but your own laziness will interfere with your progress at the informal
level. Unfortunately, there is no worldly recognition of your work at the
informal level, as there is when your church endorses your vision. In fact,
there may be no human recognition that you are even doing any work. People
will think you are just naturally friendly. At least you are in little danger
of being persecuted, but you have little hope of being honored, either.
Do you think you can be patient enough for the Day God recognizes your work?
At the formal level, your ultimate goal is full-blown Bible Discussion as
the central feature of the Worship Service. Why? Because that is the vision
of 1 Corinthians 14. But you may not see that for a long time. Not to fret.
There is plenty of foundation you need to lay first, which may take
you a long time.
Meanwhile there are several Baby Steps, towards 1 Corinthians 14 Interaction,
which you can ask your church officers to permit. They are very mild. They
should not be seen as very controversial. Many of them will surely be permitted.
Informal Interaction
Encourage whatever interaction you can through the normal course of ordinary
friendships, through whatever opportunities are available: from formal meetings,
to informal picnics, to two or three friends at a time visiting as they
pass one another in a hall.
(This stuff is so ordinary, that friendly people are going to read much
of this and wonder what's the point? There are a couple of reasons to "state
the obvious", to articulate everyday details that people already do
routinely: (1) for the sake of people to whom these details are not
second nature, and (2) as a check list of all the opportunities we all have
for nurturing Biblical interaction. (3) Sometimes friendliness operates
just a little differently, when we do it by Biblical principles.)
Learn the interests of your friends. Encourage them to share information
about their interests. Help them find the right medium for sharing it.
For example, invitations to a home picnic, Tupperware party, prolife meeting,
etc., could be sent on postcards. A video could be shown to a group meeting
at a picnic, or passed from person to person. Articles could be mailed,
or passed out in person.
The interaction you most want to encourage is not just any old get-together
over any old frivolous subject. The Bible shows us the proper focus of a
Fellowship. Actually the Bible's list is so broad, so general, that almost
any subject could be shared, with a Biblical spirit.
The list includes plain old Bible study and discussion. But Biblical Fellowship
includes so many other facets of human interaction that I will give so many
other examples, that you may forget that Bible discussion is OK, too. Yes,
Bible discussion is OK. It is the only activity which 1 Corinthians 14 says
all should, ideally, do.
God's list of the Gifts of the Spirit suggest a wide variety of subjects
which our friends should be free to communicate to each other through our
meetings, mailings, and phone trees.
Wisdom (1 Cor 12:8; includes "common sense", clear reasoning,
logic, etc., ability to reach sound conclusions from available facts)
(v. 8, includes what the world calls "education")
Faith (v. 9; includes ability to aim high; to
set great goals)
Healing (v. 9, includes modern medical talents as well as power through
(v. 10, includes remembering what God has already done in your life and
giving Him credit, Exodus 13:3, Deut 4:9, 5:15, 7:18, 8:2, 9:7, etc)
(preaching; edification, exhortation, comfort, 1 Cor 14:3)
Discernment (includes researcher, to confirm or discredit dramatic claims)
Translating (v. 10, the ability to communicate with foreigners; see Appendix
7, Chapter 1 of "God's Cure for Loneliness" for my analysis of
this gift)
Helps (v.
28. "helps" includes the variety of service we call "social
Governments (v. 28; "Governments" is traditionally relegated
to "church government". But its Greek word Gubernaysis, "steering
a ship", has come into English as "gubernatorial", referring
to a political race for state governor; and it is a synonym of the word
translated "authorities", in Romans 13:1, which is traditionally
assumed to mean political authorities).
Besides the wide variety of "gifts" which God says should be allowed
to operate freely in our Fellowships, several verbs are specifically given
to describe how we should interact with one another during Fellowship assemblies:
Comforting, (1 Cor 14:3),
Provoking one another unto love,
Provoking one another unto good works (Hebrews 10:24).
Interaction in a Biblical fellowship will include economic interaction,
Acts 2:44, 4:32. (For meditations on this subject, see Chapter 12, "God's
Cure for Loneliness".)
"But how do I tell people to stick to these subjects, if the so-called
"information network" is just a bunch of informal friendships
without any formal structure or rules?" you ask.
In every friendship, the first thing friends do is discern the range of
each other's interests. Respect for those limits is what makes friendship
possible. Simply let the range of your interests conform to Scripture.
If two others of your friends want to get together over some non-Biblical
interest, while you are not with them, let them.
Of course, all the while you are developing an informal interaction network,
you are also pressing for formal participation by your church (details in
next section); in this effort you are explaining your vision in detail to
all who will listen with an open heart. So you will have some opportunity
to explain, to the interested few, what God says about Fellowship guideposts.
(You are not doing anything behind anyone's back, but you realize most people
don't care to know all you know.)
Sometimes it is necessary for a group to tell a person who is talking (or
writing, if there is a forum for writing) to stop.
Chapter 12 of "God's Cure for Loneliness" attempts to list
some of these situations, and Biblical principles for controlling them.
When someone persists, after the entire group has asked the person to stop
harassing them, you should even restrict that person's access to the information
The following passage infers this, and also that a test of whether a theological
discussion is helpful or irrelevant is whether it affects how we live. (See
Chapter 12, "God's Cure for
Loneliness", for analysis.)
Titus 3:8 This is a faithful
saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which
have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things
are good and profitable unto men. 9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies,
and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable
and vain. 10 A man that is an heretick (Gr: who is divisive) after the first
and second admonition reject; 11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted,
and sinneth, being condemned of himself.
Are you overwhelmed yet? I am. There is absolutely no limit to your opportunity
to create a New Testament Fellowship within the husk of your old
church. But likewise, there seems no limit to the amount of wisdom and Biblical
understanding which would be very helpful to have to moderate the interaction
that develops! Are you ashamed, yet, because you have not thought of these
things before, and now you see you have wasted so many lost opportunities?
I am.
How freely should your communication network operate?
In most churches you will not be stopped for sending a single mailing to
church members, but you will be stopped if you stand at the door and pass
out fliers, or put fliers on cars. (That is, until your activity receives
the official sanction of the church administration.)
Between these extremes you need discernment. The "rules" that
govern such things are usually ad hoc. That is, made up as people go along.
They are usually made up on the basis of impressions of what other people
will think. The primary objective is not to "offend" anybody.
In politics, precisely the same process is described as "holding your
finger up to the wind" (to calculate which way the winds of public
opinion are blowing before taking a position). Don't let the hypocrisy get
to you. Just keep sharing the Gospel, and that will change the direction
of the wind.
As you ask advice of people, discern the personalities of those you ask.
For example, you want to announce an event. You ask a cowardly personality
if that would be OK. He says you may not announce it, even though he has
never thought about it before and has no idea whether it would be a good
idea, but he worries that it MIGHT offend Mrs. DoLittle. But if you just
get up and make the same announcement, without asking anybody first, the
coward will look around nervously, see he is the only one who is nervous,
and smile broadly, and thank you for sharing that information.
But not everybody is a coward. Find those whose advice you can trust, in
order to create the widest possible information stream by the least provocative
Not that you must do everything while you look over your shoulder to see
if someone disapproves. Not that you should back down every single time
you are challenged. After all, you are doing all this labor in obedience
to Scripture. Teach your challengers from the Scriptures. Let them know
it is not you they would restrict, but God.
Nevertheless, minimize your battles. Proverbs 25:8, 17:14, Matthew 17:27.
Don't put out mailings (examples: invitations, announcements, information)
without followup phone calls or face-to-face followup, so you can sense
how the information was received, and whether there is any objection to
receiving more information.
Minimize your need to hand literature or tapes to others on church premises.
When you do distribute, catch people as they are leaving rather than as
they are arriving, so they don't have to be seen carrying it all morning,
reminding everybody that you are passing out literature during church. Find
other ways to deliver information rather than at church: mail it, or visit
them at their homes or at work. That gives it the more personal touch, anyway.
You may ask the church administration, but don't pressure them, for their
endorsement of any of your communications, even though use of their information
network would save you a lot of money, and their endorsement would help
many take you seriously. Their myopia may cost you precious dollars, but
your money will be well spent.
Premature endorsement by your church administration would actually be counterproductive.
It will offend many members who will then leave. On the other hand, whatever
information network you can create without church endorsement will not offend
anybody, so nobody will leave; and meanwhile you are free, without the restrictions
you could expect from an "offense-driven" administration, to create
a quality network of riveting, useful information which will eventually
gain the respect of enough members that the church administration will ask
you if they might be part of it!
Your goal is to gradually increase the flow of
information. Telephone Trees and postcards are examples of means of communication
which can't handle any more than about a paragraph. And the means of communication
available to you will probably be even less formal than that, at first.
But your goal is increasing interaction and Fellowship, to the point where
sharing of entire articles and tapes with an increasing circle of friends
will seem natural.
Your goal is NOT to make everybody agree to a uniform position before they
can "join" you.
Romans 14:5 One
man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike.
Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Your goal is to learn together, study together, fellowship together, and
work together as you proclaim the Gospel to your community.
Romans 15:5 Now the God of patience
and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according
to Christ Jesus: 6 That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God,
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What to expect:
Your work may be seen by some as subversive, and by others as a valuable
asset to the church.
This is because if you do nothing but attend, you will be considered by
no one as either subversive or as an asset. But as soon as you develop friendships,
and then if you express opinions of any kind, and others listen to you and
respect you, then by definition you will have "influence". You
will be moving towards the ranks of the "movers and shakers" of
your church. As others perceive that, those who don't like your personality
or your opinions will consider you subversive, and those who do like you
will consider you an asset. Loving your enemies, Matthew 5:44-47, is the
best thing you can do to reduce opposition for personality reasons. To reduce
opposition for theological reasons, adopt the Romans 14 mindset that although
you have not (yet) reached agreement with your pastor (or some other member)
on every point, the last thing you want to do is allow honest differences
of opinion to interfere with your fellowship and the good things you are
accomplishing together. No two Christians agree on every theological point,
so it isn't honest differences of opinion that bother people. But if you
express your opinions very much, then if you aren't perceived as persuading
anybody, others will watch to see if you appear to become bitter. If you
don't, but remain patient and friendly, no one will consider you "a
problem". If you prove persuasive, then others will watch to see whether
those who are persuaded still remain on the best terms with those who are
not persuaded. If division of your church seems to be a danger, you will
be regarded as subversive or "controversial". If everyone seems
to be just as friendly as before, or even more so, then the "debate"
won't even seem "controversial", but will be regarded the way
a "friendly amendment" is regarded in Robert's Rules of Order.
It will be seen not as attacking your church doctrines, but as a new revelation
which only strengthens your church.
Formal Interaction
As folks in your church become troubled by the merit in what you show them
from 1 Corinthians 14, in the face of just too many years of comfortable
habits to actually obey it, urge them to implement any or all the
half-way measures described in Chapter
12 of "God's Cure for Loneliness".
Examples of reasonable short-range goals are:
(1) in the worship service, more latitude when the pastor invites anyone
to "give a testimony". More freedom to speak on any of the other
Biblically approved subjects.
(2) in Sunday School, a higher level of interaction. (See Chapter
12, "God's Cure for Loneliness", for the levels of interaction
in Sunday School and how to encourage progress.) Also at congregation business
(3) in the hallway, a "Saltshaker Bulletin Board" where members
can post information on any Biblically-approved subject.
(4) in each home, a Church Directory with enough information for members
to discover things in common with each other.
(5) in your home, a full-blown 1 Corinthians 14 discussion, with one or
two other families.
(Actually these half-measures are such common sense good ideas, without
having to justify them. It may not be necessary to present any Grand Picture
at all, before simply asking church permission to implement these steps.)
As you "preach the Word", you will be extremely interested in
the response. For two reasons: (1) to learn objections to which you will
need answers through prayer and study; and (2) to be honest, you still have
doubts yourself. You see God's order of service right there in black and
white, but all your life you thought church was supposed to be a lecture
series. Since you were a little child you assumed that if you wanted the
level of fellowship where you actually interact with other people
and discuss things, you have to go outside the church, or at least
outside the church service.
(Some are so desperate for this level of fellowship that they seek it in
bars, although the Bible is not welcome there, so love there does not run
It is an ingrained, comfortable habit to regard this lecture series we call
"church" as, in fact, the "assembling of ourselves together"
which Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake.
(Even though the same verse describes an activity not encouraged in "church":
"exhorting one another", and the previous verse adds "let
us consider [Gr: fix our attention upon] one another to provoke unto
love and good works".)
So it is natural for you to present these truths as your tentative
positions, contingent on how well they withstand scrutiny.
What to Expect
Full-blown 1 Corinthians 14 discussion, right during the worship service,
will be your long range goal. That is the last thing you will see. It won't
happen at this step. But there are a number of steps you may expect to see
your church take towards that goal, several of which won't even seem
Full-blown Bible Discussion during the main church service may elude you
for a long time, but don't worry about it. You and your church probably
aren't ready anyway. Lots of preparation needs to be done.
Most important, your church needs to experience interaction in a trial-size,
controllable dose. You have plenty of work just to make sure the little
dose they let you give them tastes good to them, so they will want more.
In other words, you need to manage the half-way measures they authorize
so they are good quality and interesting, and so no irreconcilable hostility
breaks out. Your church needs to see for itself that it really is possible
for your members to express themselves to each other without fighting, and
that even arguments can be resolved, and can become the basis of deeper
friendship than before.
Don't be afraid of the odds against you. The LORD is with you. On the other
hand, don't imagine victory will be a slam dunk. It will take everything
you've got, for as many years as you have left. Just keep working with what
God gives you. He will give you no more, nor no less, than you can handle.
Deuteronomy 7:21 Thou shalt
not be affrighted at them: for the LORD thy God is among you, a mighty God
and terrible. 22 And the LORD thy God will put out those nations before
thee by little and little: thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the
beasts of the field increase upon thee. 23 But the LORD thy God shall deliver
them unto thee, and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction, until
they be destroyed. 24 And he shall deliver their kings into thine hand,
and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven: there shall no man
be able to stand before thee, until thou have destroyed them.
It will take you time and work just to manage the half-way measures. Your
interaction with other members, meanwhile, will give you moderating skill
for the future.
The Bulletin Board will require time to keep it interesting and current.
You will need to encourage others to contribute to it, and to read it.
The expanded church directory will never happen if you just pass out survey
forms and hope people will fill them out and return them. Once the project
has been authorized, you will probably need to call everyone in church personally
to get the information. But treat this as an invaluable excuse to get to
know church members you have never before met, and to learn even more about
each member than can be expressed in printed words.
Every friendly contact you make, which doesn't affect people negatively
because you are talking too much, or because your purpose is unclear or
dubious, makes a positive impression that will be invaluable when moral
cowards in the church begin deciding whether to censor or support you depending
on how most members seem to feel about you.
Expect to be surprised at how many listen with interest to you, without
disagreeing. Nearly as many will actually agree you have identified the
problem and you offer a credible solution. But if you push very hard or
very fast for full-blown Bible Discussion instead of a traditional sermon
during the Worship Service, very, very few will actually try to do
what they themselves acknowledge God asks. In other words, you will see
sympathetic ears but sluggish feet.
But don't get impatient with anybody. Just make your case for interaction,
and then let them believe they can fully satisfy you and God, at least for
now, by just letting you put up a silly little bulletin board in a dark
corner somewhere. Because actually, that will do for now. It will be awhile
before you are ready to handle more.
Have I said this enough yet? Just in case I haven't, here is where God says it:
Exodus 23:27 I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee. 28 And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee. 29 I will not drive them out from before thee in one year, lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee. 30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.
Taking member interaction a step at a time will
reduce the pressure on you to have an airtight, eloquent, quick-on-your-feet
defense of 1 Corinthians 14. Push too fast, and you may become overwhelmed
by the creativity you unleash in your friends to think of theological excuses
not to obey God.
Just because Bible Discussion is right there in black and white doesn't
make getting people to agree a slam dunk.
There are such innovative theological excuses! Such half-remembered verses,
from forgotten contexts, that "cancel out" 1 Corinthians 14 so
that we don't have to obey it.
I could have written my Scriptural Support for this Step (Chapter One, of
"God's Cure for Loneliness" in a couple of pages if I didn't deal
with the excuses I have personally encountered.
(Actually I did put it in a page and a half in the section "More Scriptures" of the brochure "As you pray for Des Moines don't ask too little", on our Home Page. It doesn't answer everybody's objections, but it is short enough that more people will read it.)
I anticipate that as you try to present this message
to your Christian friends, you will find yourself using every point I have
presented in that chapter, and adding several of your own to your arsenal.
The biggest objection to obeying God will be the fear that "it will
never work." Your listeners know how hard it is to discuss religion
with people. They imagine the chaos and arguing that would result from opening
a whole auditorium to Bible discussion.
Although 1 Corinthians 14 is about
how to keep Bible discussions organized, there is fear that Gods provisions
are not adequate. Although much of the Bible shows us how to love one another,
there is great fear that, in a setting where we actually got to know
one another, love might be beyond us.
(For more about how to moderate meetings, see Chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12,
and 15 of "God's Cure for Loneliness",
and the whole rest of the Bible. Even the relatively crude Roberts Rules
of Order has at least two or three practitioners in every large group, able
to effectively maintain order among the most hateful adversaries. God's
rules of order are even better.)
The passion that normally accompanies religious discussion is very unpleasant
to most Americans in this generation. Women seem especially inclined to
be offended by it. And yet wherever humans talk about God, two things are
inescapably true: (1) the subject is very important to the people talking;
and (2) the people talking do not agree on every little detail. Or even
on every detail about the correct way to explain every big detail.
So whenever Christians discuss God long enough, they will stumble over their
disagreements, be surprised and shocked, and then begin talking as if they
really cared what the other person believes. In other words, they will have
the kind of passionate discussion which onlookers, who care nothing of the
details defended, will regard as "arguing over nothing and never agreeing
on anything". It isn't a sin to care what our brother believes. This
is how God wants Christians to behave.
We all know Romans 12:18 tells us to "live peaceably with all men". So isn't
that best accomplished by never learning about the heresies lurking in the
heart of the guy next to you in the pew?
It's the same dilemma that fills romance novels: love, and risk a broken
heart. Never love again, and live a life of loneliness. Fellowship isn't
easy. And as we try to obey 1 Corinthians 14, without quite knowing how,
we will stumble.
But fellowship is worth it.
(In the future you may meet a different reaction. As this Plan becomes widely
known, people will form their impressions of it. Most will form their impressions
without reading it, just from what they have heard about it, from someone
like their pastor. Some of these impressions will be positive, and you will
be received with such enthusiasm that you won't have to prove very much.
In fact, they will assure you that since they are already following you,
why go over tedious proofs of conclusions they already accept? So they follow,
but without the foundational understanding of why they must be committed
to this level of fellowship. Matthew 7:24-27.
Many of these shallow followers will fall away when they get into an actual
Bible discussion and become offended by relationship problems. They will
be like children who pick up shiny new musical instruments, play a few sour
notes on them, hoot and holler with glee about how awful they sound, and
discard them because they have no vision of what they could accomplish with
just a little practice, not to mention how much finer still they would sound
after years of practice.
While some will follow blindly, others will denounce
you blindly. They will denounce your message as a "heresy" and
will angrily expel you from their lives without listening to anything you
have to share from the Word.
But little of this resistance will rise up against a simple Saltshaker Bulletin
Board. Or to other half-way measures. Prepare yourself for the occasional
hostile critic who will throw every challenge at you and continue turning
the whole church against you unless you answer him well, but generally speaking,
if you go slow and easy and prayerfully, you should expect success.
Your talk of God's Job Description for pastors may make some pastors resentful.
They may not like God monkeying with their Job Description. This minority,
we hope, of pastors are like "Banana Republic" Dictators whose
concept of "authority", or "power", or "order",
is iron-fisted control that destroys freedom, happiness, and renders them
unable to accomplish much of anything, except to be the absolute master
of an economic disaster.
The best you can do with such a pastor is inspire him with God's vision
of "power": ability to do wonderful things. Many people working
together can do many more wonderful things than the same people who are
enslaved by a single man. This is as true of church government as of civil
Try to imagine the power of a church set free! No, don't try. You cannot
imagine it! But to portray it in a phrase, it turns the world upside down,
Acts 17:6. Has your church ever been accused of that?
Although God might monkey with a few job descriptions, God isn't out to
fire anybody. The principal training of today's pastors is to know Scripture,
to be articulate in presenting it, and to organize people, through contacts
with members during the week. These skills would be needed even more in
a New Testament Fellowship. Preaching (that is, a lecture) will still be
welcome, too; it's just that others will be able to contribute, too, which
adds one new duty for a pastor/elder: the function of moderator.
A good Moderator is familiar with all the ways a group discussion can run
down the sewer, and is prepared with Scripture to lift it back up.
Third Step to Revival:
As you put #2 into practice, and as your understanding of 1 Corinthians
14 passes every test and you become more sure you are on the right track,
your longing for Biblical fellowship will increase. Not finding it anywhere
else, able to plant only seeds of it in your old church, you will want to
start a new 1 Corinthians 14 Fellowship.
Start it. But don't leave your old church. Much work remains there, right
where God put you, 1 Corinthians 7:20-24.
Not having to leave is a bonus for those still unsure about all this change,
who would be nervous about severing ties to close friends and familiar habits.
In fact, you can't leave your old church. (As a general rule.) How
can you strengthen interaction within a congregation which you have left
in order to conduct Biblical interaction?
We want fellowship with all true Christians; we don't want to just
create one more doctrine that distinguishes us from others and makes others
not want to relate to us. That's one of the reasons God opposes denominations:
because they identify their members by doctrines which exclude others, thus
splitting the Church of Yourcity into a thousand fragments. We want to strengthen
ties with true Christians all over Yourcity. We don't want to sever
them! Our goal is not a Fellowship which is separate from other Christian
groups in our city. Our goal is a Fellowship which will unite
all true Christians in a city.
First let's answer "why?" and that will lead into "how?"
The Bible speaks of all the Christians of each city as the Church
in that city. John 2:21, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Acts 8:1, 13:1, 15:22, 20:17,
Romans 16:1, 1 Corinthians 1:2, etc. 1 Corinthians 1-4 powerfully ridicules
any thought of splitting up the Church in that city to follow different
leaders. (See Chapter 8, "God's
Cure for Loneliness") Thus the denominational divisions already
forming, which were the subject of 1 Corinthians 1-4, did not keep Paul
from addressing all the factions together as if they were still a single
Church, 1 Corinthians 1:2.
So denominational divisions aren't accepted by God, any more than walls
of hatred between siblings are accepted by their dad. Dad speaks as if those
walls are imaginary, and God speaks as if denominations have no substance.
God speaks as if there is still only one church per city which He
recognizes, just as dad speaks as if there is still only one family
in the house, to which both siblings belong , which he knows about.
So your old church, that is, its building and organizational structure,
never was, never can be, a "church" by God's definition. But the
true Christians in your old church always will be members of the Church
of Yourcity.
(See Chapter 5 of "God's Cure
for Loneliness" for Scripture study of church structure.)
Let's clarify the differences between God's city-wide unity and the One
World unity of the Ecumenical Movement. There is no precedent in Scripture
for any Church to be subject to any outside authority. This applies not
just to the Ecumenical Movement, but also to denominations where churches
are subject to the doctrines, rules, hierarchies, or even the votes of churches
in distant cities!
(See the brochure, "Church
of Yourcity", for an analysis of the Council of Jerusalem, showing
it didn't establish central church authority, but was convened for the opposite
reason: to nullify unauthorized orders alleged to be from the Church of
The other great difference between God's Unity and Satan's Ecumenism is
the Bible Discussion which replaces the lecture series. Thus Ecumenism is
where an ever widening circle of souls are brought under an ever-narrowing
central authority, which sits there like a power magnet, attracting Satan's
power-driven favorites. God's Unity is where every theological error is
made subject to an ever-widening circle of Bible students able and willing
to correct it.
How could Satan ever dominate such a Church?! But the Catholic Church, by
contrast, is much easier, at least in the absence of special divine intervention,
for Satan to dominate. If Satan can succeed in possessing the right man,
he's got billions of souls!
There is even an entire Roman Catholic monastery
which puts out an entire magazine and videotape, containing elaborate proofs,
that this has already happened: "A Voice in the Wilderness", Most
Holy Family Monastery, 4425 Schneider Road, Fillmore, NY 14735. Not that
these Catholics are right about their pope, but the point is unity needs
to be done God's way, not Satan's way, or it can be just as deadly as God's
way makes it a blessing!
Although your goal is to fulfill God's unity between all Christians in your
city, your goal cannot be to try to convert all the people in your old church
to come to your new, your REAL Church. They wouldn't fit. It is necessary,
in a city with many thousands of Christians, like Jerusalem, Acts 2:41,
4:4, to break up and meet in smaller groups, Acts 2:46. And yet all those
smaller groups, those "home churches", were united in at least
two ways: they were given the same name, a single name: the Church of Jerusalem,
and they were able to hold a council which spoke for the entire Fellowship.
Therefore there must have been some way communication flowed between one
group and another. Some system of representation, where representatives
of groups could meet together and compare notes.
Formality of representation is not the point. Maybe each group formally
elected a representative to a coordinating council; maybe not. Maybe people
just visited each other's meetings, and when they returned to their own
meetings they shared what they heard as if it were the latest, hottest gossip.
Reported by Promise Keepers: in some small towns influenced by Promise Keepers
rallies, churches are replacing their signs with "Church Of (Name of
their town)", and putting the name of their denomination in small print!
We are only at Step #3 to Revival. At this point, you cannot ask your church
to elect representatives to the Coordinating Council of Yourcity. Your church
would ask you to leave. These Biblical doctrines are strange and new to
them. Your church will have to study them for some time before they are
ready to accept them. (You, who are reading this Plan for the first time,
will too!)
Your eventual goal is information being shared between all true Christians
in Yourcity, with the help of official church publications such as bulletins,
pastor's letters, newsletters, websites, email, snail mail, radio shows,
and web forums. But your immediate goal is to be happy with whatever slight
information flow you can generate without official church endorsement.
Since you are also attending a 1 Corinthians 14 Fellowship, you will naturally
share the latest with them. And when you are back in your old church, you
will naturally share the latest from the Fellowship. Everyone else in your
informal network, and your formal network when you have one, will also have
their favorite outside sources of information to share.
Thus you will "evolve" naturally into a "contact person"
in your old church for your new Fellowship. Or in other words, into a representative,
of your new Fellowship, to your old church. It doesn't matter whether you
have that title. As long as you have that function, then the
two bodies of believers have a little taste of oneness, through you. And
if your Fellowship has similar ties with other churches, then all the True
Christians in those bodies have this same taste of oneness.
This is true whether your friends in your old church interact through officially
recognized mediums, or through informal gatherings in back yards, potlucks,
or just by getting together as friends, two or three at a time. It is still
a "network" to which you can communicate little bits of information
from your 1 Corinthians 14 Fellowship, and from which you can deliver
reports to your Fellowship.
Fourth Step to Revival:
After your church sees individual members interacting informally, yet passing
quantities of accurate and useful information from one to another, and after
your church has officially allowed interaction mediums like a bulletin board,
etc., and sees how members naturally bring information from outside sources
to study together and scrutinize together, your church may be ready to allow
official exchanges of information with those outside sources approved by
the congregation.
Perhaps your 1 Corinthians 14 Fellowship will become one of those sources.
A simple medium of such intercommunication would be for your old church
to allow your Fellowship to put a stack of its free newspapers on a hallway
table, for members to take as they leave. Such a newspaper could contain
articles contributed by members of your old church, along with articles
from Christians all across your city.
That would be an example of Formal Interaction. An example of Informal
Interaction, which could begin long before your church officially approves
of Formal Interaction, would be a Church of Yourcity Chat Room.
Another example of Formal Interaction would be someone from the Fellowship
being part of a panel discussion in a Sunday School class.
When there is formal intercommunication, the flow of information is increased,
from what a few personally can transmit, to what the entire organizational
structure of your old church can transmit.
Now others from your old Church can attend Fellowship meetings with you
for the purpose of interacting with other Churches in your city, as well
as for the purpose of learning from folks with a little experience trying
to moderate Bible discussions.
Attitude Repair Kit
There is no way any formal intercommunication will occur between your Fellowship
and your old church as long as your old church senses any competition from
your Fellowship.
Let there be no talk of "your church" being superior to, or a
replacement of, "their church". After all, it is God's position
that "your church" IS "their church". There can't be
two churches in the same city, according to God! That is like saying the
head doesn't need the feet, 1 Corinthians 12:21!
Your attitude cannot be that of a church splitter who solves controversies
by walking away from a challenge. Your attitude must be like the grief that
a family member has strayed, but who could ever just think of walking away
from family? Separation just isn't acceptable! You just have to hang in
there, staying as close as they let you, waiting for an opening to inch
a little closer. Whether the wait takes minutes or years, or even if it
never comes, it's worth it!
Paul saw a church split (v. 30, next) in advance. Three years of daily warnings,
with tears, (v. 31), is the attitude of a dear, close relative. And yet,
even though the propensity of the Ephesians to split was great enough to
reduce Paul to 3 years of crying, Paul held up a vision of their ultimate
victory over sin (v. 32)! Let that be our attitude.
Acts 20:29 For
I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among
you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise,
speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31 Therefore
watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn
every one night and day with tears. 32 And now, brethren, I commend you
to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and
to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Yes, you believe the centerpiece of "church" should be a Bible
Discussion. But your old church leadership doesn't really deny that
is the picture drawn in 1 Corinthians 14, does it? It doesn't take a dogmatic
stand that the Bible demands a lecture series and not discussion at all,
does it? Now look at how long it took you to accept 1 Corinthians
14. You can be a little sympathetic, can't you? You don't need to condemn
them to Hell for not moving any faster than you did, do you?
Yes, you believe obedience to God in this rather major matter, how to conduct
a worship service, is a key to Revival across America. And you long deeply
for Revival. And you are afraid Satan is marching so fast that "THE
CHURCH" won't awaken fast enough to prevent him.
But it is not church leadership that is necessarily holding things up. You
also know nobody is preventing true Christians across your city from
interacting informally, but that progress towards informal fellowship
is limited only by your own laziness.
Formal interaction would ease your burden, by adding church resources to
your own for distributing information. But even if every church in Yourcity
decreed next Sunday that they now endorse voluntary interaction with members
of every other church, how would anyone know where to begin? Little would
happen, unless there were friendships already formed, communication already
flowing, between Christians from different churches. On the other hand,
if interaction springs up informally, on the wings of common, ordinary friendships
which no one would think of censoring, and the friendships are healthy,
vibrant, and they earn the approval of all, so that endorsement of them
isn't even controversial, how will church leaderships fail to encourage
So there is no further need to moan "If only THE CHURCH would ________!"
Or "If only PASTORS would _________!" The ball is in your
court! Don't give anyone else reason to moan "If only YOU would
Pastors aren't as dead set against righteousness as you might think. Pastors
really aren't free to do everything they believe to be right. They often
have an appearance of being absolute masters of their flocks, but
remember even the dictator Pilate was afraid of pushing his control too
far. John 19:8.
No dictator, of any land, of any time, can push his subjects harder than
they will tolerate being pushed. Much less pastors. Although pastors may
not tell you in quite these words, they know that their congregation is
full of little crybabies (1 Cor 3:1-4) who will go break off into another
Church Fragment at the least provocation. They walk quite a tightrope trying
to please everybody in order to achieve some semblance of stability.
You will find Pastors who utterly agree with you, yet they do not know how
to tell their congregations unless they are ready to kiss them all goodbye.
It is even traditional for Sunday School teachers to long for more group
interaction, and some Pastors likewise urge as much interaction as they
know how.
Pastors need your help. Your job is greater than
just to persuade one man in a church (the Pastor) and expect him to carry
the ball from there. You need to introduce many, perhaps most, of your fellow
church members, to friendly interaction.
If, next Sunday, your pastor suddenly urged everyone to take a turn at the
mike, how many do you estimate would participate? Three or four? One or
two? Forget obedience to 1 Corinthians 14. Most people are just plain, ordinary,
everyday SHY. Look at Moses, Exodus 4. He was talking with God Himself!
That is a lot more impressive than talking to you or me, or reading off
a written page. God Himself! Yet look how hard God had to talk with Moses
to get him to stand up in front of all the people and talk to them! Even
he was SHY!
Most people are even shy about meeting new friends! But one to one friendship
is a much easier door to interaction, for almost everybody, than slamming
them up there behind the pulpit. And obviously, that being the key to 1
Corinthians 14 interaction, your pastor cannot do it alone!
Let these be your attitudes as your Fellowship reaches out to the church
bodies of Yourcity. Let there be no striving, or pride, or competition.
But love, tears, humility, sympathy, willingness to help.
Again, the goal of the Fellowship is NOT to make every church agree on ANY
uniform "position" in order to "join". Nor is it anyone's
purpose to endorse anyone else. But it is to learn together, study together,
fellowship together, and work together to proclaim the Gospel to the community,
to whatever extent everybody can agree how to do it. (Not that mere human
agreement is anyone's goal; but rather it will be the goal of most to agree
with as many as will agree with God.) No one meets out of any willingness
to compromise the Truth for the sake of superficial "harmony",
but rather a Bible Discussion throws every heresy in the ring with Truth
so that Truth has a better chance to prevail.
No one who comes is asked to "respect" a brother's heresy, or
to be silent about it in the name of courtesy. But everyone is asked to
love their brother!
It is not even necessary to condemn denominations. The Fellowship can quite
naturally say it consists of members of many denominations, so that it would
be impossible to obey any one denomination. It can make decisions only by
consensus of all Christians present. That can be said without undermining
the legitimacy of any denomination.
It is true that God does not recognize the authority of anyone outside a
city, over the Church of that city. But although our ultimate vision is
an end to the "authority" of every denomination over any church
in our city, that is a vision which we need not actively press for, but
will be content for each church to come to that recognition voluntarily,
in its own time, without any pressure from us. After all, most denominational
"authority" is slight, and is not really malignant. (Examples:
bookkeeping, communication arrangements, and other morals-neutral office
Moreover, our ultimate vision offers each denomination something greater
than mere authority over a handful of churches in our city: our vision --
God's vision -- offers each national denomination influence over
ALL the churches of our city! Yes, every theology that has merit will find
expression in the pulpits of Bible Discussions. Every denomination has at
least one good theological position. When a denomination has a particularly
eloquent spokesman for a treasured position willing to travel to our city,
surely hundreds would gather to hear him, question him, and reason with
When we have a godly attitude, godly goals,
godly faith, and godly work habits, there is no reason to despair that we
shall never see God-given success!
Fifth Step to Revival
Can you imagine the power of tens of thousands interacting, reasoning with
each other, sharing information, scrutinizing allegations and positions
No, of course you can't. You have never seen it. You have never heard of
it. You have never heard anyone even suggest it. So just keep reading a
little longer. This is almost over.
Well, maybe you have heard of it a little bit. But not since the last time
you read Acts.
Formal intercommunication between a 1 Corinthians 14 Fellowship, which is
also committed to God's vision of a single Church for a city, is the lynch
pin which will turn the Christians of Yourcity into an incredible, unstoppable
Partnership Machine.
This Partnership Machine will not be able to do any kind of thing
you cannot begin doing right now, on a much smaller scale. But when the
leadership of your church "speaks with one voice" with the informal
information network of friends, and when the leadership of your church can
speak with a voice united with the leadership of many other churches on
any specific issue, that poor issue, whatever issue upon which many
churches can agree and speak publicly, will just have to fall in line.
Following is a partial list of things that would naturally result from city-wide
Christian obedience to the church service commandments of 1 Corinthians
14 (see especially verse 37), and the church unity commandments of 1 Corinthians
1-4. Remember that these wonderful results are only quantitatively
greater than what you can begin to experience right now. The things you
can achieve right now will make people say, "What made him so
enthusiastic all of a sudden?" The things that will happen after Christians
obey God in becoming of one mind (Romans 12:16, 15:6, 2 Corinthians 13:11,
Philippians 1:27, 2:2, 1 Peter 3:8) will make people say,
Acts 17:6 "These that have
turned the world upside down are come hither also;"
Christians with little prior incentive to read their Bibles will begin studying!
Because now, all of a sudden, (a) they have an opportunity to share what
they know! (b) ideas are coming out which they never heard before, which
they want to investigate! (c) nutty ideas are coming out which they want
to refute! (d) those who can back up their points with Scripture are proving
the most persuasive in the group. And (e) they see Scripture able to answer
more questions than they ever before thought existed, and even though the
multitude of new questions raised is overwhelming, the power of the Word
is proving so competent to answer them all that their curiosity drives them
to feast on the Word!
People whose hearts are touched by sermons about community sins, and to
whom God has given the right skills, will be free to step forward to help
mobilize volunteers to do something about those sins; to close down bars,
smut shops, and abortion traps using methods which cannot close them when
used by only a dozen, but which can easily close them when persistently
used by several hundred, and can permanently close them when used by thousands!
Members with the Holy Spirit Gifts of "helps" (1 Corinthians 12:28)
will be set free to coordinate willing church members in being "salt
and light" in their communities. Thus not only will there be revival
within churches, but churches will spread their revival to their communities.
"Governments" is another Holy Spirit Gift listed in that verse.
Members with this Gift will be free to study legislation together, plan
together, and distribute educational information to their congregation together.
Scriptural support for the following: see my book "The Gift
of 'Governments'", and Chapter
15 of "God's Cure for Loneliness".
There seems to be a race between the awakening of Christians and the enthroning
of Antichrist. Antichrist is no match for awakened, united Christians! But
Christians who believe they should behave as if they were asleep, or Christians
who are "a kingdom divided", Matthew 12:25, are a midnight snack
for Antichrist.
Wherever even one or two Christians per church, who have the Gift of Governments,
communicate with similarly Gifted Christians elsewhere, and with their congregation,
those numbers would bring such an influx of new voting strength into politics
that millions, nay, not even thousands of dollars, would no longer
be necessary to win!
"Electability" would no longer force Christians to settle for
"the lesser of two evils". Such a network of Christians would
study candidates for themselves, without waiting for their brains
to be washed by expensive TV commercials! "Electability" would
be determined by the degree of consensus the Partnership Machine itself,
without worrying about uninformed voters, could muster for a candidate.
Because only one person per church in any candidate's district, volunteering
for that candidate, is enough to get that candidate elected by a landslide!
Does that tell you how apathy drives politics today?
Several miraculous things would happen if Christians were unrestricted in
politics, which will never happen as long as Christians allow their intercommunication
to be suppressed:
Judicial tyranny will have to cease! Godless, law-perverting judges would
quickly be defeated at the polls and/or impeached! Their defiant stands
for abortion, sodomy, and smut would be reversed!
Christians would even have the luxury of choosing how to end each abomination.
They might say of abortion, "Well, the death temples were closed last
week, when 50,000 of us surrounded them, and when police cars arrived, we
picked them up by hand and carried them down the street. What shall we do
this week? Shall we order Congress to pass that Human Life Amendment? Or
shall we cut to the chase and order them to impeach the pro-murder judges?
Well of course, both; but I mean, which shall we order Congress to do first?"
All of a sudden, "Electability" would depend on wisdom, morality,
and intelligent positions. Money, ability to spin an issue so it raises
flags on neither side of it, and who you are related to, would suddenly
drop from first place to last place in importance!
Lawmakers who haven't time to read the massive bills they pass would have
the assistance of several of their constituents who have read them.
Good legislation would not have to wait for a majority of lawmakers to get
around to understanding it. Any legislation with the support of the Christian
"Partnership Machine" would attract calls of support sufficient
to disarm opposition.
There is nothing extraordinary about any of these claims. Of course, everyone
in politics will readily admit, IF
such an overwhelming number of Christians, as one per church, were to work together, they
would pick up the abandoned reins of American Government. What is extraordinary
is the extent of apathy in America today which makes these claims look like
(Of course, the scenario of 50,000 at Planned Murderhood, at least in Des
Moines with a metro area of 300,000, assumes more like 10 or 20 per church
who study together, and who are able to persuade many of their fellow members
to turn out on occasion for something important.)
Comes the end of time when Antichrist shall reign!
People want a human savior once again!
We let experts do our thinking. Bureaucrats pull our strings.
"Politics is dirty", so we drop the reins.
No one realizes as they watch their TV
Antichrist is summoned by their apathy!
C'mon, Antichrist! C'mon, Antichrist!
Antichrist is summoned by their apathy!
But isn't politics "dirty"?
"Separation of church and state" was only invented a couple of
generations ago (as it is defined today) by the Supreme Court.
"Politics" is inherently, naturally, and spiritually inseparable
from Christian witness.
Politics has come to appear "dirty" only as Christian witness
has become censored from it.
The "vision" above actually looks more like a history lesson than
some wild science fiction scenario which the world has never seen. The political
campaigns of America's founding fathers were full of Scripture; most of
the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and of the first Congress,
were pastors; and after they were elected, the Congressional Record records
the intense Bible studies they did as they sought God's will in the passage
of laws!
But "mixing politics and religion"
hardly started there! It's been going on since Job became the leader of
his land (Job 29), Abraham defeated the Four Kings who had defeated the
Five Kings (Genesis 14), Joseph became the defacto ruler of virtually the
whole world (Genesis 47:13, 25), Moses lobbied Pharaoh for religious freedom
(Exodus 5:1-3), Moses, after enacting a system of civil laws which American
laws are patterned after, established a system of judges to enforce them
(Exodus 18), Israel defeated and occupied Canaan, Israel passed through
a cycle of backsliding and revival, with each revival led by a Judge, that
is, a Judge with military and civil authority (Book of Judges), Samuel gave
God's warning that His people were stupid to prefer tyranny to democracy
(1 Samuel 8), David became a world ruler (2 Samuel 10:19), Solomon became
a world ruler (1 Kings 4:21), Daniel became the defacto world ruler (Daniel
2:46-48), Esther married the world ruler and "got politically involved"
for the sake of her people after a stern warning against not getting
politically involved (Esther 4:13-14), Ezra and Nehemiah used their
political positions to restore Jerusalem (Ezra 1, Nehemiah 1), (In fact
how many Old Testament Bible stories can you think of that were not
about political leaders, or the prophets who witnessed to political leaders?);
Jesus challenged the qualifications for office of the Judges/lawmakers of
the great Sanhedrin (Luke 11 -- the Sanhedrin, by the way, ruled in cooperation
with Rome; it had become packed with Sadducees and Priests nominated by
King Herod, according to "The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah",
by Edersheim, p. 238, vol. 1), Jesus challenged the legitimacy of the Sanhedrin's
hygiene laws (Mark 7:5-13), Jesus deliberately opposed the Sanhedrin's rulings
prohibiting healings, and carrying beds, on the Sabbath (John 9), or even
shelling corn on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-14 -- for perspective, remember
that until a couple of generations ago, even America had laws limiting work
on Sunday), Peter witnessed to the Sanhedrin (Acts 4), Paul lobbied the
world ruler (Acts 25:11), Paul called it a wonderful opportunity to lobby
Caesar's entire palace (Philippians 1:13, 4:22), and John revealed that
the ultimate evil of all time would be when world political leaders voluntarily
hand over their authority to Satan, the Antichrist! (Revelation 17:13)
Do you marvel that kings would voluntarily give their power to Satan? Do
you marvel that American politicians voluntarily give American sovereignty
over to the United Nations? Do you marvel that Christians voluntarily give
their power to avowed enemies of God, sometimes by voting for them, and
the rest of the time by not bothering to vote against them?
I don't understand what people are thinking of when they say politics isn't
in the Bible. Have they no concept of what politics is? Have they not read
the Bible? Often I wonder if it is both.
America's founding fathers went so far as to disenfranchise
atheists. The oath of office, for probably every office in America, required
affirmations such as "Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
Way before we return that far, we can end the current ridicule given any
lawmaker who dares quote from Scripture in defense of his position! And
we can look to the day when Bible-quoting lawmakers are the majority!
We would not even know abortion is murder, if the Bible did not tell us
an unborn baby is fully human. Psalms 139, Luke 2, Jeremiah 1:5, etc. So
then when we go into "political" places, why do we not tell people
why we oppose abortion? Why do we not quote from the Bible so people will
know we have a reasonable explanation for our position, and we aren't just
stupid? But no, politicians tell each other, quoting the Bible, during political
campaigns, or on the floor of Congress, would "destroy our credibility".
Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to
be wise, they became fools,
The perverted result makes many sincere Christians see politics as "dirty",
as a process which "isn't going to do any good". Without God,
it sure can't do much good, Psalm 127:1. Can't you see how desperately
needed the Gospel is in America's "politics"?
I don't mean to be unappreciative of the movement in America today to support
issues which would never have been issues but for the Bible. But the support
for these issues is surpassed by resistance, even among the very supporters
of these issues, to quoting the Bible in their own support.
Can you explain to me how claiming that Bible quoting would "destroy
my credibility" is different than saying "we don't want to quote
the Bible because we are ashamed of the Gospel"?
2 Timothy 1:8 Be not thou therefore
ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou
partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;
Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of
the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every
one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein
is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written,
The just shall live by faith. 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in
Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit
a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 37 Or what
shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 38 Whosoever therefore shall
be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation;
of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory
of his Father with the holy angels.
The custom of leaving the Bible at home when you
go to political meetings is not of God. It is men who never want
you to preach Jesus when you go to the Capitol, where they pass laws, hold
court, and spend your money. Men want you to stay in your church
to do your preaching. Don't obey men.
Acts 5:27 And when they had
brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked
them, 28 Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach
in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine,
and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. 29 Then Peter and the other
apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. 30 The
God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. 31
Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for
to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are his
witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath
given to them that obey him.
The sin greater than leaving the Bible at home when you go to the Capitol
is leaving your political discernment at home when you go to church.
Church members think a pastor is great if he preaches that the Bible is
the Word of God, which makes abortion murder, and fornication wrong, and
sodomy an abomination, etc., and Christians must never do these things,
or be "unequally yoked" (2 Corinthians 6:14) with sinners who
do these things.
But the same church members would never forgive a pastor for saying anything
about the deacon who is a senator who votes to protect all these abominations
with America's courts and police! Or about Christians who go out and vote
for "good Christians" like that!
People say Jesus wasn't "involved in politics". They say this
because they think Rome was the only government with political authority
in Jesus' time, and Jesus did not take a stand against Roman law. But the
Scribes and Pharisees were representatives of Roman authority. History books
describe their political jurisdiction, compared with Roman authority, like
our local government compares with our state or federal government. People
quote John 18:31, where the Pharisees told Pilate "it is not lawful
for us to put any man to death." People say this proves the Pharisees
had no temporal authority. All they had was a church.
But history and the Biblical context suggest it
was only crucifixion for which they needed permission. The Pharisees
obviously had the power to execute lawbreakers by stoning. John 8:5, 8:59,
10:31, 11:8, Luke 20:6. They had their own police with the power to make
arrests, John 7:32, 44-46, Luke 22:52-54. They had the power to deprive
citizens of their citizenship, John 9:34-35. Their Sanhedrin had the power
to enact new laws which their police had the power to enforce, Mark 7:5-7.
These are the powers of a government!
"Politics" simply means the process through which society decides
how to govern itself. There are many less direct ways Christians
can be the "salt and light" of society, than through "politics".
There is no more direct way.
Galatians 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,
that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we
are no longer under a schoolmaster.
In those times when America was overwhelmingly Christian, few police were
necessary. But for those who rebel against God, laws defining their crimes
as prosecutable are necessary to keep them from destroying people and property
without restraint. Seat belt laws are an example where only a weak case
can be made that not wearing one hurts anybody else. Yet the laws are heralded
because they are educational, and their effect is that they save lives.
Well, if seat belt laws can be defended, just because they save lives, and
because they are educational, then how about anti-abortion, anti-sodomy,
anti-smut, and anti-fornication laws, which save far more physical
lives, and which save souls? And which are just as educational?
It is very strange for a church to cooperate with a drive to hold up prolife
signs once a year, for a "Lifechain" along a street, but to refuse
to cooperate with voter education regarding prolife candidates. It is very
strange to support bandaids to cover up the wound while vehemently opposing
surgery to remove the bullet.
One of the many excuses for treating godless politicians as sacred cows
is that to preach against a particular politician would threaten the church's
precious nonprofit status. The thinness of this excuse is exposed by reading
the IRS rules. They frown upon "endorsement" of specific candidates,
but actually encourage general "education". In fact, "education"
is made a basis for granting nonprofit status to anyone. It is perfectly
"educational", in the strict legal sense, to point out to a congregation
that it is a sin against God to vote for someone who will spend taxpayers'
resources protecting sins against God.
When I incorporated "The Partnership Machine, Inc." in 1986, which
has "sheltered" our "Prayer & Action News", one
of its specific official purposes was to demonstrate the extent of political
involvement which a nonprofit or a church can lawfully undertake without
disturbing its exempt status. I even listed the things a church can do;
I took the language from the IRS nonprofit rules. I can assure you, after
13 years of experience with no questions asked, though many rich enemies
would like to have thought of some, that any church is perfectly free to
be at least as politically involved as I have been!
How the Prayer & Action
News and The Partnership Machine, Inc. Can Help
The Partnership Machine was organized in 1986 as a Nonprofit Corporation
for the purpose of implementing The Plan. Its structure is given in detail
in Chapter 12 of "God's Cure
for Loneliness".
The Prayer & Action News was created in 1989 for the purpose of providing
information to Christians, scattered throughout all churches, who are willing
to use it to salt and to light up their communities.
The original purpose of the Prayer & Action News was to be a forum for
people who are taking action to reach each other, compare notes, explain
what they have learned, and coordinate their efforts with each other.
It was even subscriber owned. Its policies
and purposes will be dictated by consensus of subscribers.
(Should there be so many subscribers with so many conflicting priorities
that rules are necessary to implement this vision in an orderly manner,
they are proposed in the Bylaws of The Partnership Machine, Inc., reprinted
in Chapter 12 of "God's Cure
for Loneliness".)
Hebrews 10:25 warns us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together,
and Proverbs 11:14, 15:22, and 24:6 show the necessity of counsellors if
you want to do anything important. The Bible only confirms the common sense
conclusion that a newsletter such as the P&A, or any better means
of communication if you can think of it, is indispensable to our success,
and is obedience to God.
Spontaneous Email, phone calls, and letters between "Planners"
should naturally supplement the P&A.
And now that you have read The Plan, your choice is not just to either buy
into it or walk away. After what I have been through trying to establish
Christian interaction, I am not going to be satisfied telling you all what
to do in order to receive the privilege of working with me!
If this is not your plan too, or if you can find any evidence this is not
God's plan, it is your Ezekiel 3:18-20 duty to warn me, unless you want
to share my eternal punishment for promoting heresy.
Your comments, positive or negative, logical or ridiculous, will be included
with this article in its future appearances.
The ball is in your court. (1) Get on board, or (2) warn the conductor if
the train is taking the wrong track, or (3) get run over or left behind
or both.