Part Two:
Bylaws of The Partnership Machine,
Inc., the Missing Ingredient --------------------------------- Feedback
the Partnership Machine Inc. Nonprofit Corporation BYLAWS December, 2000 draft
To correct personal and community evils, as defined by God's Word, (as determined through Bible discussions involving all who care), through working and praying relationships patterned after instructions in God's Word. To meet together to cooperatively study problems, agree on solutions, and march in unity to Victory by the Power of God. To restore the city-wide Christian unity which the Bible says marked all early churches, thus creating a home for the operation of those "gifts" which especially require, for their effective operation, city-wide Christian unity. (See section VII, #5)
To remove the communication barriers to cooperation: between those who want to do something but don't know where to start, or who else cares, or what others are already doing. (1 Kings 19:10-18)
To provide people with the tools to change the evils they believe should be changed.
To provide people the opportunity, not to associate with, or endorse, a position held by others, or to authorize leaders of organizations to speak for them, but to provide people the opportunity to speak for themselves.
To provide the widest possible cross section of neighbors the opportunity to cooperate with each other, to the extent of their common purposes, without endorsing, or supporting, or being associated with, the spiritual choices of others. (1 Cor 5:9-13)
To provide already existing sovereign organizations a ripe harvest field of new recruits and helpers without diminishing their sovereignty, and without associations that might offend their existing members.
To attract and coordinate sufficient numbers of saints committed to prayer and action to make their goals of victory over evil actually viable; and not just one or two goals, but all of them. (Psalms 91:7)
To encourage a community spirit where Satan's advances on the political fronts are taken seriously; not like some sports event where you pick your side and care only that you win, with no need to honestly acknowledge when your team is "right" or "wrong". Real families are destroyed, real fortunes ruined, real lives snuffed out, from public apathy towards the tedious process of verifying alleged facts. Let us rise above simplistic, robotic loyalty to either political party, and become Partisans of the Truth.
PM Bylaws Contents & Summary:
I. Office location.
II. ASSOCIATIONS, DISCRIMINATION POLICY. No one joins the PM to endorse it, or anyone else, but to work with imperfect human beings. The PM was organized by Christians, applying Biblical principles, but there is no religious test for membership or participation. Even churches let nonbelievers participate, in obedience to 1 Cor 14:24-25. They don't let nonbelievers be members, because membership is used as an endorsement of doctrine; but PM membership is unrelated to endorsement of anything. should a problem arise. (II-B-4)
III. CORPORATE STRUCTURE. There are two types of PM membership: individual members who can vote, and organizations which can't vote. Some organizations, called "contacts", don't actively cooperate with the PM in any way, except to exchange information. Organizations which actively cooperate are called "Partners". Although they can't vote as an organization, their members who are also PM members can vote, and their concerns will be seriously considered during PM elections. PM administration is neutral towards any issue of any member, especially when members have conflicting positions.
The PM works within IRS rules about political activity, but those rules are really far more liberal than many Christians think.
PM individual members can form an organization under the PM nonprofit legal umbrella. Pre-existing organizations can also work within the PM, and yet remain legally distinct.
IV. TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP. Groups as diverse as churches and political groups can become "Contact" members. It doesn't cost anything, or endorse anything. It is only a recognition that the group lets one or two of its members pass information from the group to the PM and back.
PARTNERS are like CONTACT members who actively cooperate. PM members can organize as a PARTNER, for example around some single issue. Or to form a Ping Pong league. Anything. Partners don't have to agree with each other in order to join, but they will need to communicate. A PM purpose is to provide all sides full opportunity to express themselves, Proverbs 18:13. One natural medium of communication, without any appearance of endorsement or compromise, is the opportunity of every member to fully express their positions in the PM News, both the newspaper and the TV show.
Individual memberships are called "FAMILY Members" even if only one from their family participates, but there is a discount if more participate. "Supporter" memberships recognize those who "tithe" 1% or more; and credits those who give time but who have little money by giving them PM benefits and materials without cost.
V. VOTING. Binding votes will only be taken on things like membership fees, officers, or what to put on the agenda. Only nonbinding votes, more like "surveys", will be taken on things like the various positions of members. Votes on expenditures will allow voters to specify that their contributions may not go for that purpose.
VI. THE PM NEWS! There are several reasons you can trust the PM Newspaper and TV Show. One is that you, the members, cooperatively own them, managing them through elections! The PM News policy pioneers a new standard of fairness. Bias is not measured by the political uninvolvement of the news team, but by accuracy in expressing both sides, and the access, to the assembling of the article, of all sides of the issue. Trustworthiness is more important than uninvolvement.
VII. GENERAL MEETINGS. The agenda of each meeting will be approved by voice vote, although a vote at one meeting can set part of the agenda of the next, such as when there is a popular guest speaker. Two recommended formats are: (1) panel discussion, with panels changing for each subject addressed; and (2) Guest Speaker with audience questions.
"Our guests will vary from people who are victims of the problem, to people who are part of the problem, to people who are in a position to do something about the problem. When we aren't talking about problems, we'll have fun. That's our format: problems and fun. Oh, and a few Partnership Power Songs."
Subjects may be any recommended by God in His Word, although the PM, by providing God's Missing Ingredient in "church" -- city-wide communication -- will be especially fertile ground for Holy Spirit Gifts which especially depend, for their effectiveness, upon city-wide communication: such as the Gifts of "governments" and "helps".
VIII. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. Volunteers who give lots of time can apply for pay, with board approval, if there are funds.
IX. INDEMNIFICATION. Legal stuff about immunity from lawsuits through the nonprofit corporation.
X. CONFLICTS. This section isn't expected to be used often, but the principles in it will hopefully prevent many conflicts, in addition to fairly resolving the ones that do occur. These rules basically flesh out Jesus' guidelines in Matthew 18:15-17. The policy applies not only to conflicts between PM members, but also to news reporting.
XI. FISCAL MATTERS. Technical stuff about audits, source of funds, and control of funds.
XII. OFFICES. Names of officers, (including news editor), voting procedures, access to the Board, and the Biblical type of authority held by board members: not coercive, but through wisdom.
Interpretation of bylaws:
This discussion draft of the PM bylaws was written November, 2000 AD.
In addition to actual rules, it contains justification for some rules: that is, reasoning, and even Scripture, explaining and justifying the rule. Only the rule itself is proposed as binding, so only the rules themselves should be the object of decisions whether to adopt them. No one is asked to vote on whether to agree with the explanations, and certainly no one is asked to vote on whether to agree that the applications of Scripture are correct. Scriptures are included because some will be assured by them; they are NOT included as doctrinal statements to which all PM members must agree!
Usually common sense will be adequate to separate the explanations, which no one needs to approve, from the rules, to which all PM members should agree. This discussion draft blends them together because the less traditional a rule is, the more rules naturally blend with explanations. A future bylaws committee may choose to omit them in order to shorten and simplify the bylaws.
THE PARTNERSHIP MACHINE, Inc, (PM), an Iowa non-profit corporation organized under 501 3c (not for pecuniary profit), hereby adopts the following bylaws:
1. The office, mailing address and phone number shall be The Partnership Machine, Inc., 4110 SW 9th, Des Moines Iowa 50315; 244-3711 days, 256-0637 evenings; email, Website: The corporation may establish other office or phone numbers or PO box numbers at any location.
2. AREA OF OPERATION. The initial area of PM operation will be Des Moines, Iowa, with the goal of attracting sufficient local membership, meeting in General Meetings as well as through the mail, email, website, and the PM TV show, to realize victory over evil. Interested Christians outside the Des Moines area are invited to help us, and to learn from our successes and mistakes, and to build a PM organization in their own communities.
Membership shall never be interpreted as agreement with any doctrine, or any position of any other member. Membership is only a way to identify who is on the mailing list for the newspaper and other communications. "Working with each other" is not "endorsing each other". No PM member's activities or purposes or theologies shall be represented as reflecting or being associated with the activities or purposes or theologies of any other PM member, except as each shall officially resolve. It shall be understood that PM members have ordinarily joined for more complex purposes than to merely endorse each other.
1. NO RELIGIOUS TEST. The PM is open to all, regardless of physical differences such as sex, race, or handicap; and regardless of spiritual choices such as religion or political party. CHRISTIANS shall be no exception to freedom from prejudice, or freedom of full expression.
Although the PM founders were Christians who believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and although they patterned the original bylaws after God's Word, no religious test will be a condition of participation or membership. 1 Cor 14:24-25. (By the same principle that no church prohibits nonbelievers from visiting a Sunday School and participating in the discussion. Churches exclude nonbelievers only from membership, not from participation, because membership is a statement of doctrinal solidarity; but PM membership implies no such thing. It is only a means of enabling participation.)
However, the PM offers a level playing field for Truth, which is not a comfortable place to bring peculiar speculations which cannot withstand scrutiny, 2 Cor 10:4-5. If you can answer those who challenge your faith, 1 Peter 3:15, PM meetings will allow you that opportunity. [Christians today have a hard time understanding how you can give nonChristians a voice in your meetings without them taking over for Satan. But Christians based the PM on the Bible, which doesn't exclude nonbelievers from Christian meetings. 1 Cor 14:24-25 assures us we don't need to worry about fair forum where even unbelievers have a voice: God promises that is the very forum in which they are likely to be converted!]
2. FREEDOM OF CRITICAL RELIGIOUS EXPRESSION. When a particular view or lifestyle is loudly proclaimed (either by words, deeds, or dress) in any PM forum, silence from others in the assembly amounts to endorsement of it. No member shall be expected to imply, through silence, their respect for any other member's spiritual choice, but shall have freedom of expression to critique them to the extent that they manifest. (1 Cor 5:12) Existing and future PM bylaws shall be construed to provide a full outlet for this purpose without interfering with the ability of PM members to accomplish greater purposes than discussion of their differences. [We won't kick out anybody just for being spiritually weird. But we don't have to pretend he is normal.]
3. BALANCING WORK AND OPINION. Both those who introduce controversy to PM forums, and those who respond to controversy once introduced, may be held responsible for a spirit of Cooperation, (the ability to comprehend and support a common purpose), Discretion, (includes knowing at what point to keep your differing views and lifestyle to yourself so you can accomplish your greater goal of working with others on some common purpose), and Honesty (which varies with the DEGREE of concern for avoiding misunderstanding or even confusion, and the degree of eloquence in articulating the exact truth, being sensitive to the listener's capacity to understand; controversy based on dishonesty need not be tolerated). Discussion of controversy is protected by PM bylaws because it is essential to resolving in which direction neighbors should march. But discussion must not be allowed to paralyze PM members, by being regarded as an end in itself. The ultimate purpose is the victory which results from the march, which follows the discussion. (Job 16:3, 18:2, Ecc 10:12-14) [Let's not be so thoroughly committed to exposing how spiritually weird our neighbors are, that we run out of time to agree with anyone on any goal, and we never accomplish anything positive.]
4. IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES. When a member's differences are too important to him to repress enough to allow other members to concentrate on the work they have gathered for, organizational separation between their functions should be created to reflect (and hence implicitly express) their differences. For example, in physically separate meetings, but with communication through writing or a representative. Separation should be no more than necessary, and communication should continue. Communication will necessarily be more controlled. This control should not be exercised for the purpose of limiting it, but of purifying it. 2 Cor 2:5-11. [If some in the group don't want to deal with others in the group, there is an alternative to kicking them out: let them meet separately, and let them continue to interact with each other through representatives. This is just an example: the point is to be creative, should a problem arise.]
1. OVERVIEW: The PM consists of a Corporate Administration; a Newspaper/TV show/website which is a coalition of existing "special interest" newsletters into one wide-circulation, general interest, cooperatively owned, solution oriented, quality newspaper capable of attracting major advertising and hiring gifted writers; Contact members (organizations which exchange information but do not actively cooperate on projects); Partners (groups which actively cooperate with the PM); and Family Members (Families and individuals who subscribe to, use, and cooperatively manage the PM News).
2. NO COMPETITION FROM CORPORATION. The administration of The PM shall not conduct any business in competition with, or for the benefit of, any PARTNER, in relation to any other PARTNER or Family member, but rather, those in the administration so inclined to conduct such business shall do so only as a member of a Partner dedicated to such business.
3. NO "POLITICS" (AS DEFINED BY IRS). The PM administration shall not endorse any candidate for political office, nor collect, nor distribute monies for candidates, nor for lobbying expenses. "Partners" sheltered by the PM may collect and distribute monies for their own lobbying expenses, with PM board coordination, up to the percentage of the PM budget permitted by IRS code. "Partners" sheltered by the PM may also collect and distribute monies for political candidates, and may endorse candidates, but must do so through a separate bookkeeping and reporting system which the law calls a Political Action Committee (PAC), to which contributions are not tax-deductible. They may form their own independent PAC, or may use "Friends of Families", a PAC organized for the use of multiple groups and concerns.
4. LEGAL STRUCTURE. The Partnership Machine, Inc., has been a 501(c)(3) organization since 1986. Individuals may organize distinct groups dedicated to a specific purpose not shared by the whole organization, and still be legally sheltered by the PM. Within the network of communication created by the PM, other nonprofits, already existing, may operate, while remaining legally distinct from the PM.
1. DEFINITION. Another group, such as a church, school, business, neighborhood group, Political Action Committee (PAC), or political party, may become a CONTACT member. This membership merely acknowledges, formally, that information is being exchanged. All that is necessary to join is that one or two individuals who are members of the organization, and who are PM members, be formally authorized by the leadership of the organization, to distribute any amount of PM information to the organization and vice versa.
This turns the "contact persons" into ambassadors between the PM and the organization. [A church or political group can become a "Contact" member. It doesn't cost anything. It is only a recognition that the group lets one or two of its members pass information from the group to the PM and back.]
2. NEUTRALITY PROTECTED: ENDORSEMENT NOT IMPLIED. CONTACT membership does not suggest endorsement of the PM by the CONTACT member, or vice versa. The relationship is only one of information exchange, not endorsement. Having a contact person is exactly like two countries "exchanging ambassadors" and building "embassies" in each other's countries. We send diplomats to hostile as well as friendly nations. The mere existence of information exchange says nothing about our relationship with them. Even armies at war with one another sometimes send couriers to one another. [Just because the PM and, say, a church, exchange information, doesn't mean either "endorses" the other. (This point is really, really important because the biggest obstacle to Christian cooperating is the fear of being "associated" with people "we don't agree with.")
3. MUTUAL BENEFITS. The PM benefits from CONTACT membership because PM information about a variety of issues reaches new audiences, encouraging the hope that some will be inspired to help. The benefit to the organization, of being a CONTACT member, is the opportunity to present concerns of the organization to a cross section of active, organized, and influential members of the community. (The PM is worth a group's trouble to stay in touch with, because the PM, by following God's blueprints, is going to be turning the world upside down.]
4. CONTACT MEMBERS CONTROL INFORMATION FLOW IN THEIR ORGANIZATIONS. Just as our government controls what is done with the information coming from another nation's ambassador, it is not the PM's business what a CONTACT member does with the information from its "contact persons". It is assumed that whatever information it allows to pass to its members at large will be edited. It is also assumed that other information may flow informally to its members from friend to friend. Formal recognition of "CONTACT membership" is merely a reflection of any formal recognition, by the leadership of the organization, of the value of information exchange. [Formal "CONTACT" membership is not conditional on what the member does with PM information: only that it be received.]
5. NO VOTE. CONTACT members have no vote in PM elections, but formal and informal presentations of their views are welcome in all discussions related to Partnership Machine elections. Their participating individual members will of course have individual votes. [CONTACT groups can't vote in PM elections, but their positions, given to voters, will be influential.]
1. DEFINED. A PARTNER is an organization which has moved beyond merely exchanging information, to helping in its production, and/or who actively cooperates in other ways. PARTNERS may include churches, schools, businesses, neighborhood groups, single-issue groups, Political Action Committees (PACs), or political parties. Besides pre-existing organizations, any group of PM members may organize as a PARTNER, and immediately receive nonprofit status under the PM. [PARTNERS are like CONTACT members who actively cooperate. PM members can organize as a PARTNER, for example around some single issue. Or to form a Ping Pong league. Anything.]
2. AGREEMENT IS THE GOAL, NOT A MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENT. PARTNERS are not required to agree with one another. Just like in real life, some PARTNERS may oppose each other. For example, one PARTNER may organize to reduce taxes, while another may organize to expand government services. PM bylaws and intercession shall follow the principle of resolving conflict by satisfying grievances, not by censoring their expression -- by the power of Truth, not by the pressure to compromise, which only suppresses legitimate concerns. A PM purpose is to provide all sides full opportunity to express themselves, because a proposed resolution of a conflict is more persuasive if it takes into account the positions of both sides. Proverbs 18:13. In a word, the PM approach is FAIRNESS. [Christians flinch at this kind of talk, because Christians generally don't look forward to a meeting where there might be a bunch of arguing. But the fact is we have a world at war with real bullets, and our homeland is engulfed in cultural war. We can run from the fighting, and call that being "peace loving", and be surprised when it spills into our churches and families, or we can be Peacemakers. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall see God", Jesus promised. In order to make peace, you have to go get people together who seem born to argue, and try to reduce their sincere misunderstandings by the power of Truth, and try to reduce their insincere hostility by the power of Love. "Mainline" (or "mob") media doesn't like a bunch of arguing, either, so it achieves an appearance of relative peace, calm, and unity of perspective, but a false unity, bought at the expense of "burying" uncomfortable facts. When it is their own truths being censored, Christians act as if it would actually be a positive quality in newspapers, to be more "fair". Even though the essence of "fairness" is to give full expression to all views. Fairness may not be as comfortable as watching TV. But doing what God commands seldom is. Christians, judge these efforts by whether they are what God commands. Actually these works won't be frightening at all, or even very uncomfortable. Actually they will be rather exciting. Most of all, they will fill lives with purpose, because sin will be crumbling down.]
3. NEUTRALITY. "Membership" cannot be spoken of, by PM members, as endorsement of other members, any more than the appearance of liberal and conservative op-ed writers on the same editorial page of a newspaper means they endorse each other. There is freedom to endorse or not endorse each other, issue by issue, article by article, as either feels inclined. The PM doesn't even have a "position" that anyone can "endorse", anyway: the PM consists of many people with a variety of positions; the role of the PM is not to take any position and allege it is the position of all its members. Members remain free to endorse or not endorse, issue by issue. [Organizations work with each other, and despite each other, all the time without anyone assuming they endorse each other, in real life. Christians can, too.]
4 INTERCOMMUNICATION. PARTNERS, within the PM, may contribute information to the PM Newspaper, TV show, and Web page. (PARTNERS will inform their members of the availability of the PM forums, and that they contain information from all PARTNERS, including any that are philosophical foes.) Accuracy shall be expected, and documentation made available upon the reasonable request of any other PARTNER. Failure to provide documentation may result in a follow-up story explaining the lack of documentation. In case of dispute over the evidence for the facts, a PM mediator will be selected for his ability to comprehend the positions of both sides, and to explain the issues to the public in clear, simple terms, giving fair, full expression to both sides, incorporating their own statements. [The PM newspaper and website will promote the news and views of Partners. But a news story later shown to lack documentation is a candidate for correction. This is a much higher standard than that of the "Mob Media", which buries "retractions" in small, boring one-paragraph corrections, and then only when errors are positively disproved. It is much easier for a reporter to throw out facts and see if anyone can positively disprove them, than it is to bear the burden of positively documenting them before he throws them out. In practice, this policy will seldom be invoked to correct errors that aren't important to anybody. It will be invoked by those whose assumptions are challenged by the questioned facts. For example, if the beef industry says meat is essential to the diet, veggies may ask for documentation.]
5. REPORTS. Each PARTNER may make monthly reports to the Board (or Board equivalent) of any, or of every other PARTNER. Each recipient Board is obligated only to formally accept it and make it available to Board members (or their equivalent), but is encouraged to make it more widely available to its members. A minimum of 100 words of each report shall be quoted in the corporation newspaper. [The benefit of this, and of #4, to the members of each group is that their views will reach beyond the boundaries of their group, to the memberships of other groups; and they will enjoy access to information they otherwise could not obtain. Even groups at cross-purposes will allow limited information about each other within their memberships, allowing limited dialogue, and sowing seeds of understanding.]
6. NO VOTE. PARTNERS have no vote in PM elections, but formal and informal presentations of their views are welcome during PM meetings, besides their articles in PM media. Their participating individual members will of course have individual votes. [PARTNERS can't vote in PM elections, but their positions will be influential.]
7. COOPERATIVE OWNERSHIP. Although PM forums are cooperatively owned by individual subscribers who determine policies through subscriber elections, PARTNERS may negotiate with the elected editors for adequate space and staff to adequately address their concerns, in return for resources contributed by PARTNERS. This is the same principle by which advertisers pay a newspaper for additional space. [Individual subscribers may vote on the relative space to devote to each issue. But PARTNERS may purchase additional space. And not just space, but PARTNERS may contribute staff, equipment, or anything else to help the PM News meet its needs.]
1. FAMILY membership may be held by any family who agrees to:
(a) stay abreast of some issue (some problem that affects others) beyond the needs of immediate family;
(b) report to friends, family, or any organization of which he is a member (as a "contact person"), to the extent of their interest or willingness to help, especially when mass action is called for;
(c) encourage any nonpartisan organizations he is part of to take out CONTACT or PARTNER membership;
(d) subscribe to the PM Newspaper, the subscription rate of which will be set and adjusted by majority vote of subscribers; and
(e) pay dues, which will begin at $40/year per family, and may be adjusted by majority vote of members.
2. VOTES. FAMILY members have one vote (per election), for each member of the immediate family (of each "FAMILY member" paying $40/year) who is 16 or over. Families with only one participating member, and thus eligible for only one vote, will pay only $25/year.
3. NO ENDORSEMENT. FAMILY members shall not be portrayed as supporting PM purposes, any more than their residence in a city indicates their agreement with the city council. The PM is a place for prayer and action, not endorsement. The purpose of PM elections is often not even to establish binding policy, but to accurately measure the degree of consensus, and to record wisdom. Thus numerical strength in many PM elections isn't even critical. Neither the name nor the contributions (beyond membership fees) of any member will be associated with any Partnership Machine Member or project except as each member chooses.
4. "SUPPORTER" MEMBERS. FAMILY members can be SUPPORTERS if they "tithe" 1% of their income or give 1 hour a week (in addition to attendance at general member meetings), or a combination of the two, to the PM administration. SUPPORTER Members will receive the PM News at no further cost.
1. Every effort shall be made to ensure that every point of view and relevant fact shall be heard before decisions are made. Roberts' Rules of Order may govern voting procedures, but enforcement of decisions is subject to the following exceptions:
(a) Votes that determine binding policy may be only over administrative matters such as the amount of membership fees, or newspaper subscriptions, or who shall hold an office, or how to apportion newspaper space, or, during member meetings, what items to include on the agenda and for how long.
(b) Binding votes may not be taken that favor one position, on a controversial issue, over another, such as to declare a formal PM position, or to spend administrative funds (as opposed to the separate funds of Partners) in a way that favors any position over another. Instead, votes over such matters will have the non-binding nature of a "resolution", and the vote-reporting nature of a poll in that the vote by which the resolution won will be reported with the resolution itself.
(c) Votes on expenditures will have a third option besides "yes" and "no": "Remove." For every "remove" vote, the funds contributed by that voter will not be spent for the purpose approved.
2. PARTNER VOTING DISTINCT. Nothing in this section shall apply to the decision making process of Partners or Contacts, who have their own funds, and rules for voting, independently of the PM. (Actually the bookkeeping of funds of Partners which are sheltered by the PM must be available to PM bookkeepers to ensure they meet IRS guidelines, but so long as they do, Partners have complete control over how they are spent.)
3. INFORMED VOTING. should the PM board, or 5% of voters, designate a vote as "crucial", each mail-in ballot must be accompanied by a signed statement that the voter has read the statements of one spokesman for each alternative under consideration, which may be up to 200 words in length, and that the decision has been made prayerfully. (Or "thoughtfully", for anyone opposed to prayer.) Ballots without this statement will be counted as 1/2 vote. (This shall not apply to votes taken at a meeting, after everyone voting has orally heard statements from both sides.) Space shall be provided for comments, which shall be reported with the election results.
4. WHO MAY VOTE: Every FAMILY member, (including each immediate family member, covered by each FAMILY membership, who is 16 or older), may vote. Every SUPPORTER may vote.
5. CHANGING BYLAWS. Bylaws may be changed in three ways:
(a) by a vote in any General Meeting in which favorable votes cast equal more than 50% of the total eligible voters.
(b) by a mail-in ballot receiving favorable votes equal to 70% of the votes cast, with which are included up to 200 words written by those favoring the measure, and up to 200 words written by those opposed; or
(c) if the first mail-in ballot fails to receive the votes of 70% of members, but it receives over 50%, then a second ballot may be sent a month later. The change passes if the measure receives 50% of the vote each time, and if the voter signs each time that he read the statements pro and con each time, even though the statements may be changed to reflect new information or to offer new arguments.
There are several reasons you may trust this newspaper:
1. You will be told how you can check controversial facts yourself.
2. After we finish an article, we show it to anyone whom we anticipate may want to review it for accuracy or offer a response. We will print, adjacent to the end of the article, any reasonable rebuttal -- and even rebuttals we consider unreasonable or unnecessary, at the usual advertising rates. Even after publication, we give priority, in our Letters to the Editor section, to subjects of prior news stories. (See D-4 for details.)
3. We don't just tell you our spin on a court case or piece of legislation. We unlock their "mysteries" by quoting from them, with explanations of unusual terms, and with "citations" (footnotes telling you where you can look them up) so you can easily check the facts for yourself.
4. You may trust the PM News as much as you trust yourself, because as a subscriber, your voice is part of "our" voice. "Letters to the Editor" will have generous space. Long letters will be summarized, with the full text on the website. You may purchase additional space at rates lower than for advertising. If you want a news story about some issue which you care about, but the PM editor doesn't see the usefulness of a story on that subject at that time, then besides the option of purchasing space, the editor will provide you with (1) Newsmaker Guidelines to explain PM criteria for news so you can make your story newsworthy; (2) Writer's Guidelines so you can write and submit your own story; and, if you desire, (3) an appointment with a reporter, not only for you to persuade him that the story is newsworthy, but for him to suggest things you might do to make it newsworthy.
5. You may trust the PM News because you share in its management (see following section). Individual subscribers have a far more articulate voice in the operation of their newspaper than to merely cancel their subscriptions.
1. COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT. The newspaper shall be cooperatively MANAGED by subscribers, along the lines cooperatives follow in establishing cooperative ownership, except that this newspaper and its assets are OWNED by the corporation, and are slightly limited by the IRS rules that govern the assets of corporations.
2. CONTROL. Investment is welcome, but it cannot buy a controlling interest. Each subscriber has one vote in PM News elections. Contributors of money, talent, equipment, or other resources may negotiate, with the elected editor, the purchase of additional space for news that concerns them, just as advertisers purchase space.
3. ELECTIONS. You may participate in the management of this newspaper through subscriber elections. Elections may be held to select the editor, other key staff, questions of general policy, and any other matter deemed proper matters for a vote by the PM Board, or by a petition containing signatures of 5% of PM voting members. Any subscriber who disagrees with the editor on a policy may, in addition to submitting a "letter to the editor", initiate a referendum on that policy, (at his own expense), or even an election for a new editor.
4. PURPOSE OF COOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT. Cooperative management insures that no fringe minority will ever grab its reins and deny us the information we need, as has happened in our present media situation. It insures not just "Freedom for the Printers", but a free flow of public information. It insures a level playing field for ideas.
When politicians worry about corruption in government, their solution is to create a government-funded bureaucracy to watch it. We don't need more government-funded watchdogs to watch government! Watchdogs only look out for their masters! Mass media likes to think it is the watchdog of government. The only problem is that they have no master. Without a master, no dog, no matter how intently he watches, may properly be considered a watchdog, but merely a wild dog, or a stray defending its own garbage can. If "we the people" want a real watchdog that will faithfully bark at the faintest smell of trouble, that can't be quieted by throwing it a bone, that will charge any enemy without fear for its own interests, "we the people" will have to establish our own information service, including a subscriber-owned news outlet, owned, operated, and especially, fed, by "we the people". In other words, if we want a news service which will serve us more faithfully than any news service we now have, we will have to become involved, ourselves, in gathering and verifying news.
1. NEEDED: NEWS MAKERS! If you are helping solve the problems that oppress people, in ways that involve or could involve others, you are news! Get in touch with us right now!
2. NEEDED: NEWS GATHERERS. We want to know about any new developments in areas that concern our subscribers. Let us know of your willingness to gather information, and we will send you some reporting guidelines.
3. NEEDED: NEWS USERS. The purpose of this newspaper is to provide you with the information you need right down to phone numbers of people working in your area of concern, so you can get involved and "make a difference". We will also have articles which you can photocopy and pass around in support of your project. Of course you can save photocopy $ by simply selling subscriptions!
1. NOT A PAPER TO SELL PAPERS. Accidents, crimes, fires, deaths, natural disasters, etc. will not automatically be considered newsworthy. Newsworthiness shall not be measured by mere quantity of spilled blood or degrees fahrenheit of rage, but by these criteria (for any subject):
a) Does it give a balanced perception of reality? For example, is ten times more said about crime than about volunteerism, even though there are ten times more volunteers than criminals? Are stories alleging Satan's "power" featured while evidences of God's Power are ignored?
b) Does it tell us something we can do to improve something, or examine what others are trying to do? Does it explore alternative ways readers might consider improving things?
c) Does it examine how others are trying to improve things, listing their addresses or phone numbers, for readers who would like to work with them?
d) Are the heroes of each story highlighted as well as the villains? Are heroes' views sought that might inspire us to become heroes? Or explain how we can become heroes? Or how urgently people need us to become heroes? Are villains portrayed in sufficient depth that the description of the "motes" in their eyes reminds us of the "beams" in our own? Matthew 7:5
e) Have all points of view been heard? Have all concerned parties been invited to defend challenges to their views that the article will carry?
f) Is the article's purpose to hang the problem person or solve the problem? Has the person been offered an opportunity to make right all wrongs before the article goes to press, so the article may become less defamatory?
g) Is the article backed up with references to public sources (that are explained so the average reader knows where to go) or with transcripts, tapes, etc. made available by the PM News to anyone who wants verification?
h) Is the fruit of the article "entertainment" (information leading to no action) or "marching orders"?
i) Does the article state those Truths which most need to be proclaimed? Does it show character? Does it uphold Justice? Is it clean (G-rated)? Is it graciously written? Does it offer hope? Is it virtuous? Does it give credit where credit is due? (Translation of Philippians 4:8)
2. A NEWSPAPER ABOUT SOLUTIONS. A newspaper standing for justice and against oppressors, searching for solutions, and showing people how they can participate in changing them. The greater space, therefore, will be for those most potentially willing to help themselves; in other words, for issues best able to galvanize public concern.
3. POLICY SUMMARY. The following notice is an example of Writer's Guidelines which the Editor may make available on the credits page:
TO BE CERTAIN WE WILL BE ABLE TO INCLUDE THE NEWS YOU SEND: If you can, send your stories by E-mail. SEND PHOTOS! LENGTH: "Articles" (containing new and timely information) merit more space -- 200-800 words average -- than "Editorials" -- 50-200 words -- (containing only your perspective of previously published information), but both are appreciated. Scriptural perspective of news especially appreciated. Do not send your opinions about events without clearly outlining the details of the events. PLEASE SEND STORIES ABOUT: court cases (please include legal papers); meetings of God's enemies which you are able to attend, local Christian activity on the "political fronts", analysis of bills that need Christian attention, any need that should be brought to the attention of Christians, first person experiences that can promote Christian discernment or direct Christian action. PM FOCUS: news that needs prayer or action, aids discernment, or gives encouragement. (1 Cor 14:3) Please enclose your proposal for prayer and/or action. IF YOU SEND COPYRIGHTED PUBLISHED INFO: We can't reprint it without permission, (unless we add "critical comment"). IF AN ARTICLE IS ABOUT YOU: Check it for fairness, completeness, and accuracy: your corrections will be gratefully and prominently printed. If your response is ready to print it will be unedited, barring unusual circumstances, but may receive editorial comment, to which you may in return respond, even prior to publication, if you indicate when we can talk. WHEN REACTING TO PM STATEMENTS: cite them by issue #, page #, and paragraph #; and quote them sufficiently that readers don't have to look up back issues to figure out your point.
1. ALLOWING NEWS SUBJECTS TO REVIEW THE FINISHED ARTICLE. After we finish an article, we show it to anyone whom we anticipate may want to review it for accuracy and offer a response -- especially to news subjects, and known critics of the conclusions of the article -- for their suggestions how to make the article more fair, complete, or accurate. Their short comments will be included in the published article. (Or, their corrections of the facts, if acknowledged as true by the writer, will appropriately alter the article.) If the reporter adds further rebuttal to the critic's comments, the critic shall again, if possible, be shown the rebuttal and again be invited to respond.
2. INVITING DIALOGUE. We will include any reasonable rebuttal at no charge, and we will reprint rebuttals we consider unreasonable or unnecessary, at discounted advertising rates, at the end of the article. Or in the "Letters to the Editor" section, with a note at the head of the article that "A rebuttal to this article appears on Page ___, entitled ______.". Even after publication, we give priority, in our Letters to the Editor section, to subjects of prior news stories.
3. PUBLIC FORUMS. If the subject is deemed sufficiently controversial (lacking public consensus where public consensus is very important) a forum my be arranged where eloquent authorities representing all sides may speak. It could be public, but the purpose would be to edit the gathered wisdom into a printed article which articulates all perspectives so eloquently that all parties could "agree" to it. Statements may be classified, by group consensus, into 1) Undisputed Facts, Interpretations of Facts, and Opinions; 2) Disputed Facts (as understood by the respective sides, including supporting reasoning and documentation); 3) Contrasting Interpretations of Facts, and Opinions.
4. GOAL OF DIALOGUE. The purpose of such an effort would be to clarify the issues, at the very least, and to coax everyone out onto the battlefield where the Sword of Truth can have an opportunity for a clean victory. Those who wield it will find their use of it refined, prepared for any parry or thrust, ready to carry it into a national or international forum.
The purpose would not be necessarily to reach consensus on a conclusion. For many issues, for example, the bottom line, determining which interpretation of the facts the reader will accept, will be the reader's faith in God. But it is valuable to clarify the issues, clean up the inaccuracy, expose all the logic tricks, take time for a response to every challenge, etc.
The editing could all be done in one evening, or an editor could later take his recommended final edition to each participant for approval, or editors representing each side could work together.
1. "UNBIASED" DOES NOT MEAN "UNINVOLVED". Very seldom will you find secular news media outlining a way its readers can help solve a problem. They say that to do so would make them "biased". In order to remain "unbiased", they print enough to make readers wring their hands, and not enough for readers to know how to roll up their sleeves. Their hope for change is that through exposing errors, public outrage will pressure wrongdoers into compliance, through the vague Power of Embarrassment. This works, to some extent, but the process is too vague and clumsy to ensure lasting change. Wrongdoers merely regroup and continue in a new form, requiring a whole new series of embarrassing articles. There is only enough time and space to trim, by this clumsy means, the tips of icebergs.
2. DISCERNING BIAS. The failure to inform people how they can help, or how they can verify the facts for themselves, has nothing to do with bias. Biases are revealed by (a) the characterization of an article in the headline, (b) which view is saved for the end of the article, and (c) whose views were not sought in preparing the article, etc.
3. APPROACHES TO IMPARTIALITY. The ultimate unbiased article would be one prepared jointly by eloquent spokesmen for each side of an issue, rather than by one person who insists he is not biased even though "BIAS" is written all over his article; or perhaps he is such a mushbrain that he genuinely can't draw a conclusion of his own. More honest than that would be a single reporter who at least admits his own biases so the reader is able to account for them and does not have to struggle to discern them "between the lines".
4. THE BIAS OF THE PM NEWS: That there are solutions to EVERY problem that oppresses people (that makes people imagine life is not worth living, or that God is out of control). However, we do not believe WE can solve all the problems that oppress YOU by ourselves, nor that anyone can deliver from oppression anyone beyond himself, by himself. The problems that oppress MOST people can, we believe, only be solved by MOST people working together!
5. "TRUSTWORTHY" IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN "UNBIASED". Arguments are not likely to persuade critics as long as critics are able to say "well yes, but what about....?" Fully articulating an opposing view will raise your credibility with the other side. They will know that at least you understand their position. To do less makes a reporter an object of ridicule. Proverbs 18:13.
We believe there is somewhat to be admired in every view, and we strive to give the most eloquent expression possible to the opposing side. We strive through this process to mature, ourselves, and for our biases to mature.
We strive to give eloquent expression to every point of view. But that doesn't mean we give each side their own corner and let them stand there unchallenged, looking mean, like boxers before a match. We expose debating tricks, errors of logic, and failures to address key points. We ring the bell and see who is left standing at the end of the article.
G. PURPOSE OF NEWS: TO BE USED. In return for all our hard work to win your trust we have a favorto ask of YOU: CHOOSE your side, and support it. Get involved. Help change the things that concern you. Help make your land better.
1. TIME AND PLACE. Until meetings are regularly scheduled and meeting times permanently posted on the premises, not less than seven days nor more than thirty days before any General Meeting, members shall be notified by phone or mail of the place, date and hour of the meeting, by the direction of the Secretary.
2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the corporation may be called by the president(s), or by the Board, or upon petition of at least five percent of all members.
3. SETTING THE AGENDA. One of the first items of business at each meeting will be to discuss and approve the agenda. An example of activities that might precede this would be introduction of the format, at an early organizational meeting, or agenda items such as music or opening prayers which had been established by an earlier meeting as a standard way to open meetings. Or even a guest speaker which a previous meeting had approved. Anyone may propose any agenda item, and may explain it sufficiently that members can understand the subject, but may not take time for arguments for one side of it. After each proposal, which will include the amount of time requested for discussion, members will vote on whether to add that subject to the agenda, by "voice vote". If there is doubt whether the "ayes" are as strong as the "nays", there is obviously enough interest in the group to make discussion profitable, so it should be added. Discussion of the agenda should be very limited, so that it can be set quickly.
(a) DEFAULT FORMAT. The "default" (unless voted otherwise) meeting format will be a Panel Discussion, (1 Cor 14:29), because it allows the greatest possible interaction with the largest number of people while keeping a focused discussion between a few people who are most knowledgable on the subject. The difference between panelists and the rest is that the panelists' microphones are always on, and they may "interrupt" each other without waiting to be "recognized", while the rest must stand, (1 Cor 14:30), or stand in line at a microphone. Panelists may proposed during the time when anyone may propose agenda items. (Thus each agenda item may have a different panel.) Usually panelists will be self-selected (by asking who has especially studied this subject). A quick voice vote can trim the panel if it becomes too cumbersome; if the vote is close enough that there is doubt, let that person join the panel.
(b) GUEST SPEAKER FORMAT. A second popular format is a guest speaker who responds to audience questions, except that the questions period ought to at least equal the lecture portion. (For example, a County Judge might be a guest speaker, who answers questions for divorced fathers struggling with visitation obstacles. Or a popular sports or TV star might be a guest speaker. Do you think more people would show up to listen to a popular speaker, or to actually talk with him?)
(c) EXAMPLES OF CRITERIA FOR SPEAKERS. "Our guests will vary from people who are victims of the problem, to people who are part of the problem, to people who are in a position to do something about the problem. When we aren't talking about problems, we'll have fun. That's our format: problems and fun. Oh, and a few Partnership Power Songs."
A judge would be a great guest for divorced fathers, because (1) he can explain how to get the most out of the system, (2) fathers can learn his prejudices in specific situations, and (3) fathers can educate the judge; the judge can get to know his litigants in a more natural setting. (4) For the reasons given in section X, "Conflicts", face-to-face meetings with the very authority troubling you is the very shortest road to a solution.
For all the above reasons, an child abuse investigator, or even the head of the DHS, would be a great guest for parents accused of abuse. An abortionist would be a great guest for prolifers, although abortionists may be the group least likely to appear before any but the most friendly audience.
(c) METHOD OF RECOGNIZING AUDIENCE QUESTIONS. In a very small group there is little need of any formality in the order in which people may speak. Somewhere around a group size of a dozen, a "panel" should be distinguished from the rest, and the rest should announce their desire to speak by a raise of hands or by standing. A moderator may be necessary to alert panelists when someone else is waiting to speak. Somewhere around a group size of 25, some voices will not be strong enough to be heard by everybody unless the speaker is standing; so non-panelists should stand to be recognized. As the group grows microphones will be necessary so that weak voices may be heard by everybody, so non-panelists should stand in line behind a microphone(s). (1 Cor 14:30)
(a) GENERAL. The agenda may consist of activities and subjects recommended by God, in such places as 1 Corinthians 14, as proper activities and subjects for His people at His meetings.
(b) POLITICAL DISCUSSION. Especially appropriate at PM meetings will be the operation of those "gifts" (as defined in such places as 1 Corinthians 12) which require, for their efficient operation, the city-wide Christian unity which the PM was created to provide.
(No church today enjoys city-wide unity, though every church in New Testament times did, there being then only one church per city [Rom 16:27, 1 Cor 1:2, 2 Cor 1:1, Col 1:2, 4:16, 1 Thes 1:1, 2 Thes 1:1, 2 Tim 4:22 KJV, Tit 3:15 KJV, Rev 2:1, 8, 12, 18, 3:1, 7, 14. Gal 1:3 mentions "churches", plural, in Galatia, because Galatia was not a city but a province] even though Christians met in smaller groups [Acts 2:41, 46, 4:4, 20:20].)
Two "gifts", which especially require city-wide unity, are "governments/he that ruleth" and "helps/ministering", 1 Cor 12:28, Romans 12:7-8. Thus PM members may expect Christian exercise of these two "gifts" to find a home in PM meetings.
6. PREPARING FOR MEETINGS. When a project is supported by several people, it will help PM meetings if they will meet together before the formal PM meeting, agree on what should be done, and select one or two of them to present their vision to the group. Such "committee meetings" can work out difficulties, leaving fewer points of disagreement for the entire group to have to resolve.
7. VOTING ON PROJECTS. Projects will not be approved by majority vote. Rather, projects will be approved by the willingness of members to support them voluntarily, individually, with their money, time, and labor. In other words, with regard to partisan projects, the PM is not a legislature which enacts laws by majority vote, but rather a clearing house of information appealing to Christian hearts to have compassion on others. When a member chooses to support a project with his own money, any restrictions upon the use of that money, imposed by that member, must be scrupulously honored. Should such restrictions ever be too unreasonable to make the contribution useful, the project will simply be seen as not funded by that person, practically speaking. But the oversight of each contributor will ordinarily be motivated only by the desire that all contributions reach those in need and not be wasted. This purpose is PM's purpose, too, and PM appreciates the vigilance of every member to that end.
1. BOARD SETS SALARIES. Salaries for contracted services shall be negotiated by the board or its representatives.
2. SALARIES LAST; SALARY CAP. After fixed expenses, monies remaining shall be used to first reimburse members for expenses such as copying, phoning, mileage, etc. Monies still remaining may be distributed among eligible members at hourly rates determined by the board, subject to the approval of voting members during budget reports.
3. SHARING. Any member providing 20 hours or more in one month is eligible to apply for pay provided the board agrees those hours would serve well the purposes of The Partnership Machine, Inc. If there is not enough money to maintain salaries at current levels and still pay the added hours, then all salaries shall be cut proportionately to provide pay for those hours. If sufficient money comes within one month of the pay cut, salaries may be restored retroactively.
l. INDEMNIFICATION. The corporation, except as provided below, shall exonerate and indemnify each present and future director and officer for, from and against any and all claims and liabilities (including expenses and attorney's fees actually and reasonably incurred in connection therewith) to which such person my become subject by reason of being such director or officer. The foregoing shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which directors and officers may be lawfully entitled.
2. STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. An indemnification under this article shall be made by the corporation only if such director or officer shall have been adjudged or determined as provided below to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his or her action was in the best interests of the corporation. In the absence of a judicial determination to this effect, such determination shall be made by the board of directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of directors who were not parties to the action at issue. In the absence of a judicial determination and if such an action by the board of directors is not obtainable, such determination shall be made by the written opinion of independent legal counsel appointed by the board of directors. No indemnification or part of an indemnification under this article shall be made by the corporation if it shall have been determined by the board of directors that such indemnification or part of an indemnification would, because of compelling circumstances, be seriously adverse to the best interests of the corporation.
1. 100% OBEDIENCE TO BYLAWS NOT REQUIRED. Prospective members may specify, in their membership application, any bylaws they cannot abide by. The board shall process each such request for a waiver on its merits, and shall also consider whether to propose changing that bylaw. Current members may also apply for a waiver of any bylaw. If the board will not grant it, the member may appeal through the procedure outlined in this section.
2. THESE BYLAWS ARE NOT TO BE USED OFTEN. Provision in these bylaws for PM policy on conflicts by no means implies any expectation that conflicts between members will be a significant problem, or even that when they do exist, the PM board should be quick to intervene. In fact, because of the complex nature of conflicts, this section includes general principles, to be applied with common sense as appropriate, rather than to-the-letter rigid statutes to be applied legalistically. These principles are to be appealed to only in those rare situations where a conflict seems to be getting out of control. For the rest of the time, these principles are offered for whatever guidance they may offer in immunizing relationships against conflicts.
3. RESOLVE A GRIEVANCE AS PRIVATELY AS POSSIBLE. When you have a grievance against the PM board or any other member, inform them as effectively and privately as possible, and give them opportunity to provide satisfaction, before informing the general public about the grievance. (The only exception is when he has already made the grievance public and has shut the door to resolution.) This gives you several advantages:
(1) It gives you the chance to test the merits of your complaint, before complaining publicly, only to be embarrassed when he explains how you simply misunderstood, or didn't check your facts. When you complain to him, honestly give credit where credit is due in his answer. If his answer makes sense, you may need to be ready to apologize and learn from your mistake.
(2) If his answer does not satisfy you, at least you will know what he will tell the world if you go public about it. You can prepare how to respond to him in public. If he acknowledges that he is on the wrong side but that he simply intends to destroy you if you say anything, he will not admit that in public but you can declare that he did, if you still have the courage, and at least you know his intentions for sure, without having to guess.
(3) By going to him privately, you motivate him to satisfy you, more than through any other approach. If your complaint is valid, he will not look forward to you telling others about it; he will be motivated to satisfy you so that you will not need to carry it further. He will appreciate your integrity, that he is able to trust you not to carry it further, if he makes it right. Were he to learn of your complaint first through the newspaper, his motivation would be to destroy your credibility. Go to him alone, make a friend; go to him first publicly, make an enemy.
(4) If he has any power at all to hurt you, such as through government authority, he will be struck by your bravery, at coming to him alone, knowing he has the power to destroy you for "speaking out". Most people will not "speak out" against tyranny at any level, for just this reason: they are cowards. But even if the man is a tyrant with the power to hurt you, going to him to request that he be fair really is the very safest thing you can do. He will know that if you have the courage to face him alone, you will certainly have the courage to complain about him behind his back, and to the media. If you do not face him, he will know you are afraid of him; to the extent he is evil, you do not want him to think you are so afraid of him, that you won't complain to people who have the authority to restrain him because you are afraid they won't quite restrain him but will only make him mad.
(5) Even when he does not satisfy you and you need to go to the next step, having gone to him first assures those you will need to tell next that you have done all you could to resolve the problem by yourself before asking them to get involved. Even civil courts throw out lawsuits where the aggrieved did not pursue every possible step towards satisfaction before involving the court.
You should pray fervently before the confrontation, for love. There is great power in love.
(a) When you love, your concern is for others, not yourself, so that you are not obsessed with how he might harm you. Thus to the extent he is wicked, and sees you approaching in love, he will be terrified, knowing you will not stop until he is exposed. Because he senses that if you love even him, you will love, even more, other innocents whom he has oppressed, and you will want to stop him from troubling them.
(b) When you love, your concern is for the Truth, not for your impressions, so that if he is able to justify or explain himself, you will not have to be embarrassed for your temper, and you will be very quick to acknowledge you were wrong and get off your foolish path which is setting you up for future embarrassment.
(c) When you love, your heart is not beating out of control with hatred, revenge, and terror. Being human you may feel a little of that, but before it is too much to bear, love will rescue you and give you sufficient peace that you may continue to victory.
4. NO GOSSIP OR DISHONESTY. The advantages of approaching the one who wrongs you are lost when you spread your complaints among everybody BUT the one who wronged you, "behind his back". Courts call this "ex parte communication": that is, one side communicating with the judge about a case, without the other side present to defend himself. This is wrong in the courts of men, and it is wrong in the courts of God.
Proverbs 25:8 Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. 9 Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to another: 10 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thine infamy turn not away.
It is only legitimate to explain a complaint to others, before approaching the offender, for the purpose of double checking the validity of your complaint, or seeking counsel how to approach the offender, or for prayer.
"Gossip" shall be considered a violation of these bylaws, and gossiping shall be considered "divisive", which is a ground for revoking membership, especially when it plays a role in serious disruption.
Patience with boat-rockers is predicated on the assumption that their agitation is in "good faith"; that is, that their passion, even if it is founded in ignorance, is at least sincere. There is hope with such people: when ignorance is sincere, education can cure it. But when it can be determined that a person is not only a boat-rocker, (or agitator, or pot-stirrer, or troublemaker), but is dishonest, deceitful, or fraudulent in making his case, then revokation of membership and expulsion from meetings is appropriate. Even then, do not shut the door to repentance and reconciliation. But any organization has the right to protect its own survival by expelling those who are a combination of agitators and deceivers, and who are unrepentant.
2 John 7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. [John probably said this because the evidence that Jesus died and rose again and ascended to Heaven is overwhelming. Anyone who denies it after being shown the evidence is insincere.] 8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. [Don't let your organization be destroyed by frauds.] 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in [does not live by] the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. [the test is how you live, not what you say or think. For an example of how this was Jesus' doctrine, see Mat 21:28-32] 10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. [In other words, if you publicly endorse the deceivers who do not live by Jesus' teachings, because they are popular, or make him guest speaker at church and pray that God will make him successful, then you are an accomplice in his wickedness.]
5. MEDIATION. If reconciliation fails, think of one or two people who will be fair to you, yet whom the offender respects, and try to arrange a meeting. You may ask the PM board to help find a mediator. If the offender will not meet with you, trying to set the meeting still gave you all the advantages listed above, plus this: he will know that you are determined, fearless, and organized enough to finish what you have started. He also knows you are already half way up the ladder, and he knows where the ladder leads: to public exposure. Knowing all this, then to the extent he is wicked, he will be motivated not to hurt you further, as long as you have more Truth hanging over his head which you have not yet dropped. (To the extent he is righteous, of course, he will simply respond honorably to your complaint and become fair.)
Matthew 18:15-17 is the precedent for this 3-step conflict resolution. But just because reconciliation fails at step one or two, that doesn't require you to proceed to the next step. Your complaint may not be serious enough to involve more people. It is an everyday experience to confront somebody whom you think will surely respond kindly, but he doesn't, but it isn't that big a matter so you just drop it. Matthew 5:25 warns us that confrontation is risky, so don't be too unreasonable in negotiations.
6. GOING PUBLIC. When mediation fails, and the mediator(s) agrees with you that your complaint is valid, and important enough to involve more people, you and he may ask the PM Board to add the dispute to the agenda of a PM General Meeting. The Board will review the dispute, and offer its own judgment whether your complaint should proceed. The Board will then place your complaint on the agenda, allotting a reasonable time for you to state your case, but if the Board doesn't support your cause, you may want to reconsider whether to ask the PM membership to hear your complaint even though the Board recommends against you.
At your option, in preparation for the General Meeting, you may distribute fliers to all the chairs in the room explaining your complaint and asking members to vote to allow your item on the full agenda.
At the General Meeting, you will first present your case very briefly during the time to propose "new business". If PM members vote not to hear your complaint at that meeting, your recourse is either to wait until the next meeting, or to build support through the mail or personal phone calls.
PM consideration of your complaint should be more than a mere up and down vote on how to punish the offender. It should be a time for discussion, and creativity. For example, a solution might be creative organizational definition, according to Section II, Paragraph 4. "Resolutions" might be offered, which are nonbinding statements of principle, combined with a record of how many PM members believe the principle.
If members vote to revoke the offender's membership, it should prevail by 90%. If the vote is not that unanimous, the board, at its option, may facilitate ongoing discussions between those most concerned about the matter, with termination of membership on hold until greater consensus (or a solution) is reached.
Voters who lean one way or another but do not feel 100% conviction may mark their ballots on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 meaning to revoke membership and 1 meaning not to revoke, and a percentage of that vote will accordingly be recorded.
A guiding factor for the Board should be PM unity. The PM needs to protect itself from serious efforts to divide or destroy it. Yet if PM members are divided on the subject of termination, that division itself could be dangerous, so discussions might well be started to clarify the facts and issues, and work towards consensus. On the other hand a point comes where discussions aren't going anywhere; they are stalemated; dwelling on them is just keeping other work from getting done: so it is time to give up on them and make a final decision and hope the fallout (from members on the losing side of the termination vote) won't last too long.
Another guiding factor shall be the benefit from clarification of issues and the lessons learned about relationship skills gained by solution-oriented discussion of conflicts. It is to be expected that any new idea will divide any group to the extent that some members like it and others don't. Even the Prince of Peace said "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father... And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." (Matthew 10:34-37) Strong ideas naturally attract commitment, strong feelings, and controversy. Therefore these effects shall not automatically be considered undesirable. When strong ideas are allied with deceitfulness, however, they become sinister.
7. "LAWYER" PROVIDED. Throughout any expulsion proceedings, or mediations, members shall be allowed full expression before their accusers. Individuals who desire help expressing themselves shall be offered someone with understanding and eloquence to assist the member in the same way lawyers should in court. Or the member may choose any other advocate. A licensed attorney shall receive no preferential treatment over an unlicensed advocate.
If a member is expelled, the former member shall no longer be entitled to the rights and benefits of membership, but any contracts between the corporation and the former member shall not be impaired.
8.THESE PRINCIPLES APPLY TO NEWS REPORTING. PM News reporters shall apply these same general principles when writing negative stories about people. For example, news subjects should first be approached with an opportunity to correct the complaint before the story goes to press. They should receive full "due process" in the Court of Truth.
1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.
2. AUDITS. Between October 15 and November 15 of each year, the board of directors shall cause a report to be made in writing by an accountant expressing his opinion as to the fairness of presentation, and conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, of the corporation's financial records. Complete financial reports, to the penny, shall be printed and distributed every three months. Summarized financial reports, including at least the funds on hand, shall be presented orally at the remaining monthly meetings. All members of or donors to the PM shall receive a copy of the report in writing.
3. SOURCE OF FUNDS. The source of funds is mainly subscriptions, donations, and tithes from members, individuals and organizations who love truth and righteousness, and members and friends of these organizations.
4. EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL. As the PM grows, the organization will produce audio-visual materials (tapes and videos), which can be used for public relations in raising the awareness of needs.
5. DONATIONS. Donations, and the portion of Subscriptions over and above expenses, will be used for any need specified by contributors. Unspecified funds will be directed at the discretion of the Board.
6. MEMBERSHIP FEES. PM FAMILY member fees will begin at $40 per year, or $25 if the family has only one voting individual.
As future PM members consider expenses for salaries, office space, etc., the original PM founders only urge future members to carefully consider whether every dollar so targeted will achieve PM purposes better than if it were spent directly on community outreach, and waste not a penny. We urge you to care nothing for the prestige of your organization which may be gained by purchasing the trappings of luxury and success. Prestige is worth nothing in Heaven.
Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. 2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Members may be encouraged, but not required, to purchase audio/visual materials documenting the needs of others.
7. CONTROL OF FUNDS. All funds raised for membership, and also all funds raised for relief or community services, may be put in the bank in the name of the PM. This money shall remain in the bank until it is used for its authorized purpose.
No one shall withdraw, lend, or borrow membership funds for anyone's personal use, except by vote of a majority of all members. No one shall spend funds, or lend or borrow against them, other than as designated by each person who contributed to those funds.
No one shall have access to any fund who does not understand and honor these restrictions.
A bank account shall be opened in the name of the PM, into which anyone may contribute, but from which only PM officers may withdraw, with the approval of a vote of the members.
Anyone may cancel his membership at any time, but membership dues will not be refunded.
Anyone found guilty of mis-spending PM funds shall be liable to repay missing money with 25% interest, plus any legal costs. Anyone found guilty of stealing PM funds, that us, spending them for his personal use, may escape criminal prosecution by promptly repaying them with 100% interest.
A. POSITIONS DEFINED. The PM shall have the following positions:
President (Biblical names: Elder, or Shepherd) Duties:
<> stay in touch with other officers,
<> keep everybody coordinated, working together efficiently.
<> Moderate meetings, to ensure that everybody has an opportunity to share anything which will help PM purposes, and to limit discussion which interferes with productive discussion. A knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order, and a knowledge of Scripture, are very helpful. Order is best not kept by force, but by wisdom. Although the ability to moderate is a wonderful skill which the Holy Spirit has not given to everyone alike, 1 Corinthians 12, anyone can help the PM by wisdom.
There is no urgency about filling this office. Let members observe who seems most inclined to naturally assume these duties, and then let their vote be only a "vote of confidence", which does not prevent anyone else who still cares about the PM from making the PM more effective and efficient, not by the power of official orders but by the power of persuasion and love.
Members may recognize more than one person in this role. There is no need to distinguish between "president" and "vice president"; let their voices on the Board be equal.
Secretary (Biblical name: scribe) Duties:
<> take notes on each meeting,
<> keep notes on each member who says he is willing to help in a certain way,
<> write monthly reports for the PM News.
Only the Secretary and Treasurer must be initially elected. Assistants to both may be appointed by them, or elected. A Secretary or Treasurer who appoints an assistant assumes responsibility for their assistant.
Treasurer Duties:
<> record every penny donated, collected, and spent;
<> keep careful records, make them available at every monthly meeting, and print them in the monthly newsletter every 3 months. <> keep the records of the corporation and file all reports and perform all duties required by law.
<> be responsible for the funds of the corporation and receive and disburse them as directed by the board of directors.
The treasurer must understand the law concerning tax-exempt contributions, and must keep records and give receipts according to the law. (There may be an assistant treasurer.)
Servant. This is the highest position in the PM. Duties: with no more "official authority" than the power of friendship,
(1) gaining new members,
(2) persuading old members to sacrifice for others,
(3) keeping the group focus on the needs of others, and the love of Jesus, and off the frivolous distractions of the spoiled. Servants may not be appointed, nor elected to office. A vote of appreciation may honor them, for the benefit of those voting; but not for the benefit of those serving, since those who seek such a vote will lose their reward.
Matthew 6:3 "But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."
Matthew 20:25 "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."
Requirements of all offices: Respected by all. Free from drugs or alcohol. Not swayed by money. Honest. Self disciplined. Experienced.
1 Timothy 3: 1 "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil."
PM News Editor. Duties:
<> Arrange the content of the PM News.
<> Communicate with subscribers about their news needs and preferences.
1. TERMS. Elected officers serve 2-year terms, provided they receive 65% of the vote. If they receive less but still receive a majority, they serve 6 months. PM voters, upon seeing they have given a candidate only a 6 month term, may at their option vote again to see if their approval might reach 65%.
2. VACANCIES. A vacancy, whether at the natural end of their two year term or early in the term, shall be announced by mail to all members, with the timetable explained as follows: Anyone wishing to run for office has 30 days to get nomination petitions signed by 10% of the Partnership Machine, Inc. membership. At the end of that time, statements of each candidate will be mailed to each member, with a ballot as described in section V. Ballots may be returned by mail or at a convention held before the second thirty day period.
C. WHO IS ON THE BOARD. Board members include all those holding the offices listed above, plus anyone else who wants to participate at Board Meetings, and whom the Board approves, and whom PM voting members approve at a General Meeting. Anyone may attend Board Meetings, and speak, (subject to time limits imposed by the Board), and the Board needs to make sure anyone interested knows when and where they are; but only Board Members may vote at Board Meetings.
D. AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD. Philosophy: when the founding fathers of our Constitution of these United States stated that governments rule by the consent of the governed, they were not setting a new policy. They were stating their understanding of the foundation of authority beneath every government, past, present, or future. (God controls things behind the scenes--Romans 13:1-7, and sometimes quite openly--Numbers 16-17. But ultimately even God, out of unfathomable respect for our free will, honors the free choice of We The People--1 Samuel 8:7-9.)
The primary power of the Board shall be its wisdom and its example, the foundation for the power of persuasion, or Leadership. The secondary and very limited power of the board is its authority to obey decisions of PM voters.
The world's definition of "power" is the ability to order another to do something to which he would not naturally agree. No such "order" should ever be given lightly, but with full recognition it may result in the one ordered simply quitting, or at least putting out a diminished performance. The giving of an order shall not be coveted as the exercise of authority, but actually of the breakdown of real authority: a division of energy that could spread perilously. The board shall not attempt to give an "order" without feeling sure a consensus of the corporation membership would support it, because if worst comes to worst, it may indeed be decided by them!
Individual members shall respect the direction of the board as being not merely the wishes of a few people, but as probably the wishes of the entire corporation. Individual members shall not lightly disregard the board's recommendations, therefore.