? Verse Lookup
Bible-ography – Verse Lookup             onload=

    Genesis 3:15=110; 4 :4=110; 4:13=45, 262; 9:6=251; 9:16-17=110; 10:16=185; 11 :1-9= 128, 130; 12:32=287; 15:8-21=203(16), 275; 25:30=194; 25:33=235, 236; 25:34=234;  26:34-35=236; 27:27=97; 27:38=234; 28:6-8=236; 28:14=287; 33:9=235; 33:19=185; 36:8-9=194; 36:10-16=191(12), 194, 195(10-15), 202(11); 36:12=191; 36:33=195;

     Exodus 3:2=214; 9:12=156; 12:15=90; 12:43-44=97(44), 188; 15:18=107; 17:8-16=191; 194(16); 21:1-11=93(2), 94(2),  96(4-6), 182(4), 183(4), 188, 250(4,6); 21:16=96; 21:20=97; 21:24=148, 257; 21:26-27=93(26), 94, 97; 22:1,7,9=148; 22:3=96; 22:10=97; 22:18=128; 22:26-27=148; 23:12=97; 32:14=45, 261; 32:32-33=110, 157;      ...................................(sample continues below)

     1851 Bible verses are addressed in this book, along with several commentaries and translations. Here is the breakdown of verses addressed per book:
     Old Teatament verses addressed in this book: Genesis-53; Exodus-45; Leviticus-33; Numbers-29; Deuteronomy-95; Joshua-25; Judges-59; 1 Samuel-120; 2 Samuel-31; 1 Kings-4; 2 Kings-5; 1 Chronicles-4; 2 Chronicles-5; Ezra-2; Nehemiah-20; Esther-2; Job-51; Psalms-48; Proverbs-90; Ecclesiastes-5; Isaiah-72; Jeremiah-15; Lamentations-2; Ezekiel-47; Daniel-35; Joel-2; Amos-7; Obadiah-6; Jonah-1; Micah-1; Malachi-9; Zechariah-1.
     Total Old Testament verses addressed in this book: 817
     New Testament verses: Matthew-216; Mark-34; Luke-116; John-63; Acts-24; Romans-144; 1 Corinthians-123; 2 Corinthians-25; Galatians-8; Ephesians-12; Colossians-7; Philippians-8; 1 Thessalonians-1; 2 Thessalonians-11; 1 Timothy-6; 2 Timothy-4; Titus-20; Philemon-2; Hebrews-52; James-49; 1 Peter-12; 2 Peter-9; 1 John-10; 2 John-1; Jude-4; Revelation-73.
     Total New Testament verses addressed in this book: 1034
     Total Bible verses addressed in this book: 1851.
     Apocrypha: Maccabbees 7.

     (Sample continued:)

     2 John 7=17;

     Jude 6=137, 138, 139; 7=108, 112, 154, 217, 220, 246, 249; 9=98; 13=127, 137, 138;

     Revelation 1:12-18=vi(18),10, 69(14); 2:11=169; 2:18=69; 2:23=65, 157; 2:26-27=190; 3:16=282; 3:21=45, 190, 261; 4:9-10=107; 5:13-14=107, 288(13); 7:12=107; 10:6=245; 11:15=107; 12:7=124; 12:9=128, 140, 155; 12:10=98, 130, 139; 13:6=211; 13:10; 14:6=108; 14:9-12=v(10), vi, xii(11), 26(10, 11), 42(10), 74, 76(10), 78, 98(10-11), 107(11), 125(10), 127(11), 178(9-11), 205-212(9-11), 242(10), 243(10), 244(10), 245(11), 251, 252(9-11), 269; 14:9-12=269, 279(11); 14:13=121, 275(10); 16:5-6=64, 251(6); 16:9, 11, 21=134, 155, 267(8-11). 288; 16:25=108; 18:6-8=vi, 45(6), 46(6), 65(6), 148(6), 257(6), 262(6); 18:10, 15, 17=125 269(6); 19:12=69;19:20=128; 20:5-6=42(6), 103, 169(6), 275(1-8); 20:10=v, xii, 26, 102, 104, 106, 128, 139, 216, 245, 279; 20:11-15=65(12-13), 76(12-13), 121, 128(14-15), 157(12-13), 242(14);  21:2=223; 21:3-5=140, 143, 150; 21:8=v, 169, 228; 21=17; 21:27=42; 22:5=107, 108; 22:10-15=173, 267(11); 22:17=222;      

    If you want to know how a particular Bible passage is addressed in this book , this Bible-ography at the end of the book shows every page where your passage is addressed.

    If you want to know before you buy, email me (see contact page) and I will email you a few sample pages addressing that verse.

     The Bible-ography fills 5 pages of the book. Below is a sample, showing how it works.

     Explanation of the code: after each passage reference [for example "Genesis 3:15"] there is an “=” sign, and then the page number or numbers where the passage is addressed.

     If the page number is in Bold face, that means the passage is not just cited but quoted (printed in full).

     When a passage is cited or quoted on several pages, only part of the passage may be duplicated on some of the pages. In that case, parenthesis after the page number tells which verses are cited on that page.

     When verses are quoted, they are mostly in the King James Version. Sometimes they are quoted in several versions.