Immigration has redefined “Moral Conservative”. As a Moral Conservative by the old definition, I am frustrated that my category is being turned upside down by a bunch of hijackers. If the hijackers were a gang of no-accounts, I would not be frustrated but energized. But they are my heroes.
"Moral Conservative" used to mean someone whose politics are guided by his religion, even if he does not cite chapter and verse publicly. Most who so identify themselves are Christians. Therefore, the Bible is usually the uncited bottom-line authority for the positions of Moral Conservatives, even though the public hears in their defense all kinds of common sense and reason, but no Scripture. I used to feel at home in this category (except for my willingness to publicly self-censor Scripture).
But today's Moral Conservative leaders, though still following the lead of Scripture on every other issue, enter the immigration debate with policies utterly alien to Scripture.
I even heard Bible-believing, Christian conservative, prolife champion Congressman Steve King, on the Jan Mickelson Show, express irritation at the injection into the immigration debate of a relevant verse or Biblical principle, as if God really doesn’t understand the problem
Worst of all by far: immigration paranoia has driven "moral conservatives" to push a national database without which no citizen may drive, fly, enter a federal building, or open a bank account [provisions of the Real ID act enacted in 2005] or get a job, a provision of the failed 2007 Immigration Compromise bill. The 2007 bill would also have created a passport, drawing upon the same database, which would start with a few countries and a few border crossings and grow without limit at the discretion of the Director of Homeland Security. The bill does not visualize an international database without which no man might buy or sell, which would be no less than the Antichrist will need to implement his Mark of the Beast, but the bill encourages the Director of Homeland Security to move in that direction as far as he can go without further authorization from Congress. (For more details about the bill, and Scriptures explaining what is so bad about Big Brother, see "Mark of the Beast" Constructed by Immigraphobic Moral Conservatives.) And "moral conservatives" are fully behind it!
How has this happened? Is it because the public positions of Moral Conservatives have never been based on discussion of Scripture but on sermons, and our pastors have not preached about God’s immigration policies yet? Does that explain why Moral Conservatives’ positions are Biblical on almost every issue except immigration?
Most frustrating is that the anti-Scriptural movement is led by prolife stalwarts like Pat Buchanan, Presidential Candidate Tom Tancredo, and Congressman Steve King. In a June 30, 2007 candidate forum, the candidates were asked if they supported the electronic employment verification system - where employers will never be able to hire anybody without first checking the job applicant's name with a new national database that combines the databases of the IRS, Social Security administration, and the drivers' license databases of all 50 states - which is about 90% of the database which the Antichrist will need for a Mark without which no man might buy or sell, Revelation 13-14. The six candidates present are all Christians who believe the Revelation description of this Mark as the worst sin of all human history.
Yet four of them pledged to bring 90% of this Mark upon America! The four were Senator Sam Brownback, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Governor Mitt Romney, and Congressman Tom Tancredo who has been the Congressional leader of this scheme. (The other two, Governors Mike Huckabee and Tommy Thompson, said they would support a "tamper proof ID", a much less Biblically frightening measure.) These champions of the unborn have taken a lot of heat for caring as much for the unborn as for the born. What happened to their hearts, to turn so cold towards the born beyond our borders? Senator Sam Brownback even labels himself "whole life", meaning he defends not only unborn babies, but also the Sudanese suffering genocide in Darfur and, before that, in Southern Sudan. How can such a heart not be soft towards the denied liberty of 12 million U.S. residents?
(I call their movement “anti-Scriptural” because they cite no Scriptures in their defense, I have heard no pastor preach from Scripture in their defense, I can think of no Scriptures in their defense, and I have heard them chafe when someone quotes them a verse.)
Moral Conservative presidential candidate Tom Tancredo's website was "exuberant" over the alleged death of S1348: "America Wins, Amnesty Defeated. Tancredo claims victory and vows to defeat any new amnesty bill introduced in Congress." But Tancredo's objection was not the bill's employment verification database. In fact, the database is in the bill largely as a concession to him, it would appear, since he has led demands for such a sustem. A mandatory employment eligibility verification system was included in his 2003 immigration bill, HR 3534, and his press release about the 9/11 Commission report complained that Congress and the President are dragging their feet on "Secure U.S. identification documents, including passports, birth certificates, and driver's licenses, and increase cooperation between state, local and Federal law enforcement authorities", and "a comprehensive, biometric-based, automated system to screen everyone entering and departing from the United States that links all available immigration and intelligence data and verifies secure identification documents." (See "Tancredo's Press Release calling for Government Tracking")
But the greatest blow to my category was that the cosponsor of the event, at which all candidates were asked if they would please support 90% of the Mark of the Beast database, was the Iowa Christian Alliance! (Formerly the Christian Coalition, before the Iowa branch split from the national organization over some dispute and became independent.) I asked the organizer of the event about this afterwards. I gave him the same summary of the issue which I have just written, and asked how can it be that Moral Conservatives are paving our road to Hell. He answered that he hadn't thought about it; he wasn't that familiar with what the electronic employer verification system even was, and hadn't thought about the connection to the Mark of the Beast; that he had trusted Phyllis Schlafley who had told him those were important questions! He said he would look into it and get back to me in a week. (I'll update this article when that happens.)
Scripture left in the dust by my fellow Bible thumpers is my primary frustration, but I am also frustrated that, to justify ignoring God’s policies, they offer rhetoric thinly disguised as facts. The breakdown of discussion is unnerving.
A few Scriptures. So please permit me to cite a few Scriptures and a few facts. Let me start with one the anti-immigrants absolutely hate: Luke 3:11 ...He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. What does this verse ask us to share? Mostly our air. We charge them dearly for the rest. Later I will show evidence from the belly of the anti-immigrant movement that “illegals” pay four times as much in taxes as they receive in services, but even if their welfare consumed half our national wealth, God is just ignorant enough, apparently, to think we should still receive them.
Have you read God’s Immigration Reform Bill? It’s no 300 pages! (See "God's Comprehensive Immigration Reform Works!")
A Few Facts. Theoretically, “Bible believers” will need no more than Scripture to decide their positions. But in the real world, Christians require far more evidence - that what God commands is actually practical - it works - God is not stupid. To satisfy that demand, evidence awaits at "Hispanic Hope"
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