Pro (innocent) Life Violence: Introduction
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The Prayer & Action News has hosted Bible discussion of this subject since 1993. The debate has been wide open, with those for and against eloquently offering their arguments. Those for force have produced the overwhelming preponderance of articles and books full of Scriptures and reasoning; by contrast, those against produce media sound bites. I have never seen a book, or even something so lengthy as an article, from those opposed to force, that addresses the Scripture studies published by those who favor it.
Join our FORUM on any article posted here. The discussion board set up at is designed for you to respond to any article on this website. (Or start a discussion on your own topic.) To respond to any article on this website, just copy enough of the beginning of the article to let everybody know to what you are responding, and then have at it.
But I have actively solicited opposing views. When U.S. Marshals were posted 24 hours a day in the Planned Parenthood parking lot, and the Des Moines Register actually reported it was because of ME, and not even that I myself might take action but that someone might read my magazine and take action(!), I begged for opposing views in an "Offer to All Abortionists" and sent copies to Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa, local U.S. Marshall leader Phyllis Henry, Janet Reno who was heavily investigating anti-abortion violence, and Bill Clinton. Since then I've heard scattered reports that abortionists quite far away have read the P&A! So I know they know about this offer. But no one has ever responded! (This Debate Introduction continues another two paragraphs.)
I even challenged them by putting a countdown banner at the bottom of our front page. By April/C/1995 AD it said this: "268 incredible days since U.S. Marshals were posted 7/29/1994 in the PP parking lot 12 hours a day to stop the P&A's threatening word processor. (They camped 24 hours a day until somewhere around Halloween.) 251 days since our 8/15/1994 invitation to any abortionist in America willing to refute, in free P&A space, the P&A's threatening distortions. [as of 4/20/95] My last countdown banner was June 1996 AD: 709 days, 692 days, and an abortionist said he would respond if we sent him back issues so he would know what to respond to. We sent the back issues. He never responded.
I'm serious. If you do not agree with us, I am very anxious to know why, and I will give you the most fair forum you could possibly imagine, whose readers will be the very people you are most concerned about. If I thought waving a red flag would get you to come, I'd wave it. Meanwhile all I can tell you is that my primary reason for wanting to hear from the opposition is for the safety of my own soul: I want to test the accuracy of my position against every conceivable challenge. I don't want to arrive on Judgment Day only to discover facts, arguments, or Scriptures I had overlooked. But every day that goes by with no response reassures me that my positions are irrefutable.
"The suppression of evidence ought always to be taken for the strongest evidence."
---(From the John Peter Zenger trial, which established Freedom of the Press in America. The Governor of New York, appointed by the English King, (before the Revolution), accused a newspaper of libel for criticizing the governor. The newspaper said, but the accusations are true. The governor said, it doesn't matter whether it was true. It was libel. The issue before the jury was whether telling the truth is a crime, if the truth is unpleasant.)
Now here are a few of the dozens of debates and analysis from back issues of the Prayer & Action News:
Doorway to Prolife Violence Articles