THE BROCKHOEFT REPORT ------------------------------------------------- Feedback Box:
Chapter 1:
The Facts that made Johnny a Fanatic. Introduction to John Brockhoeft's Heart.
Chapter 2: Truth,
Justice, and Narrow-Mindedness. Analyzing the psychology and illegality
of abortion. Summaries of articles enclosed with
Chapter Two: "A Word For (from) the Clintons"; Lurleen Stackhouse
confronts Bill Clinton at church, and "Protests could stop parole"
By Ben Kaufman, Cincinnati Enquirer, 11/92, providing details of Brockhoeft's
charges and prospects for parole.
Chapter 3. Nurturing
a Heart for Action. How Johnny enthroned Jesus'
Two Greatest Commandments in his heart, and how that led him to violence,
but it had to be for the right reason: Love.
Chapter 4: The
Army of God. the army of god must be semper fidelis
-- barb desborough -- moderation -- are you a prolifer or an antiabortionist?
-- Dietrich bonhoeffer -
Chapter 5: Feel
Johnny's fears as he plans his Fires. Nightline
transcript -- just before the firebombings -- surveillance of the targeted
Chapter 6 Walk
in Johnny's shoes as he burns down the abortuary that pioneered "Partial
Birth" abortion. The Fires
Chapter 7 Analyzing
the first man to shoot an abortionist. The Griffin
Defense, Part II -- justifiable homicide -- capital punishment -- the Griffin
case as an example of capital punishment -- defensive, justified warfare
-- a final clarification of our position on capital punishment -- Warning
to abortionists
Chapter 8 George
Grant condemns "prolife violence", after writing a book chronicling
and commending Christian violence throughout Church history. TBR BOOK REVIEW Third Time Around -- A History of the Pro-Life
Movement from the First Century to the Present by George Grant. Wolgemuth
and Hyatt, Publishers, Inc. 1749 Mallory Lane, Suite 110, Brentwood TN 37027.
224 pages. -- How victory will come -- One simple tactic that could end
Chapter 9 Johnny uses time travel to let George Grant learn
about justifiable force from Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Dietrich & George and the Time Machine (science fiction)
Chapter 10 Hey,
you mean America wasn't ALWAYS this hostile to Christians, morals, and common
Church: A church supported by the civil government." -- As our friend
Joe Bartlett would say: "If Clinton is the answer, it must be a stupid
Chapter 11
Media Name-calling: Defining Their Terms
ONE UNDER..? -- Ed: "Can a God of Love hate?"
Chapter 13 An
open letter from Joe Bartlett to Shelley.-- Joe
Bartlett, writing through Johnny, responds to Shelley Shannon's sentence
for shooting infamous late term abortionist George Tiller in both his arms.
Chapter 14 -- Boy,
oh boy, are you "lucky"!!- A CLARIFICATION
Chapter 15 The False Stupidity Syndrome. Brockhoeft's Response to Sullivan's blasphemies. (Terry Sullivan had participated in a debate with P&A News editor Dave Leach. Terry maintained that "prolife violence" is unbiblical; but in order to maintain his position, he came to the point of rejecting considerable portions of the Bible.
Chapter 16 Justice Department Prohibits Johnny from Writing any more TBR Reports. Details of U.S. Parole Commission's restrictions on Brockhoeft's publishing, and Brockhoeft's response
Who is Johnny
Johnny Brockhoeft made the
"Who's Who" list under the pro-abortion web page "Information
About Abortion Clinic Violence". The web address is
It was maintained by Adam Guasch-Melendez ( as of June 1997
Adam writes:
Who's Who: John Brockhoeft : John Brockhoeft served several years in prison for two arsons and one attempted bombing of a clinic. While in prison, he distributed The Brockhoeft Report, a newsletter edited by Shelley Shannon. Brockhoeft also has close ties to Joseph Scheidler, Paul Hill, and John Burt, among others. He is a signer of the Defensive Action statement. In 1995, Brockhoeft was released from prison, with extreme restrictions placed on his actions.
Actually the first three issues of The Brockhoeft Report
were edited and published by Shelley Shannon, who later was convicted and
is serving time for shooting both arms of late term Wichita abortionist
George Tiller in the arms.
The subsequent 13 chapters were published in the Prayer & Action News
between November, 1993 and January, 1995. Brockhoeft's publishing venture
was brought to a screeching halt by the truly extreme restrictions placed
on his actions which took effect upon his "release" in February
of 1995.
He was not allowed to communicate with prolifers. Period. The original orders
were so extreme that Brockhoeft was forbidden communication with any prolife
The orders were so adamant and comprehensive that many shared Brockhoeft's
concerns that he would not be allowed:
(1) to attend a church containing prolifers;
(2) to receive medical attention from a prolife doctor;
(3) to marry his prolife fiancee.
These restrictions were to be in effect for three years. The parole board
responded to our concerns with the assurance that our scenarios were exaggerated.
Since February 1995, when the veil of secrecy came crashing down, we have
been unable to confirm any details about Brockhoeft's treatment. The only
thing we know for certain is that he was definitely cut off from Michael
Hirsch, his high profile, CBN graduate, prolife attorney who has also been
in the news for defending Paul Hill, in Pensacola, Regina Dinwiddie, in
Kansas City, and others. However, he was ordered to stay in communication
with a government-appointed psychiatrist. With restrictions on communication
like that, a prisoner could even be assassinated and his friends and supporters
would not know until the restrictions are lifted. If the government obeys
its own orders, and if Brockhoeft is still alive and well, he will once
again be allowed to communicate with prolifers in February of 1998.
Contents Introductions Introduction to our initial "December/C/1993" issue by Dave Leach Introduction to our initial "December/C/1993" issue by Johnny Brockhoeft
Do Your Eze. 3:20 Duty Letter from the Editor
This is our first official "Pro-Life Controversies" issue, with
John Brockhoeft's book serialized in it. This first issue is a "catch
up" issue. Normally our /C/ issue will contain only one Brockhoeft
chapter. Shelley Shannon published and mailed his first three chapters,
most of which were reprinted in past P&A issues. But publication was
interrupted when Shelley was accused of shooting late-term abortionist George
Tiller ("Tiller the Killer") of Wichita.
Publication of The Brockhoeft Report (TBR) will resume through the /C/ issue
of the P&A, to Shannon's readers in addition to P&A readers. Chapters
1-3 are a fresh start. This issue premiers chapter 4.
I think most people will find Brockhoeft's writing style easy and even fun
to read, his reasoning not easy to refute, but his conclusions so politically
incorrect that even many pro-lifers will find it exasperating, or worse,
depending on their commitment to a pacifist view.
My concern as editor is that such readers will seldom share their objections
in print so we may learn from them. So I want to extend to every reader
the same invitation I extended to a popular pastor:
"Dear pastor READER,
"I realize few, even among Rescuers, condone killing abortionists.
"John Brockhoeft burned abortuaries and defends such violence from the Bible, from law, and from history.
"I find myself unable to refute his logic, and when I tune into televangelists I find mere statements of position, with nothing to persuade those considering babykillercide beyond the promise of human disapproval.
"Such was your statement in your "Pastor's Corner", although I realize you may have given more detail in your sermons.
"Of course you don't need much detail or documentation when you are 'preaching to the choir' -- unless, as appears to be the case with this issue, a growing number of Christians are considering 'quitting the choir'.
"For their sakes, I challenge you to write persuasive arguments addressing the Biblical, historical, and legal issues of babykillercide. Please allow me to publish them -- for Brockhoeft's sake, too, since he will read them in the P&A. Or you can write to him directly -- his address is [given at the end of his articles]. ...