What's New on this Site -----------
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For the benefit of repeat visitors who want to know what's been added since their last visit.
March 2, 2006 I have just posted several MP3's and videos under "videos". Back in January I updated my sample of my book "The Prehistoric Angel Diary".
November 12, 2005 AD I guess I haven't been recording changes since March. I think I put my book sample on page one. Just now I'm putting a site index logo on pages that introduce categories. I hope my next project will be to start posting back issues of my print publication, Prayer & Action News.
March 24, 2005 AD This past month I've been posting numerous articles at HispanicHope. Just added four today.
February 14, 2005 AD I bin busy this last month! Lots of research and corrected details of the Perfect Immigration Policy, a press release on the Hispanic Hope page about a "drive by" to thank Congressmen for exempting illegals from having to buy auto insurance, and updates on the article about fixing divorce law. It's actually starting to move through the Iowa legislature!
January 20, 2005 AD Wahl, I recken in the last fue days I added a perfect immigration plan, 4 sample chapters of my book "The Angel Diary", and an article about fixin divorce law.
December 5, 2004 AD I added a little to the December 3 article, based on a discussion with our Saturday Bible discussion group, into which I made into a TV show for my "Uncle Ed. Show". I also clarified the Forum introduction and added updated "Feedback boxes" to several pages.
December 3, 2004 AD I posted a new article under Bible Studies: "Is Christianity the Only Reasonable Religion?"
November 25, 2004 AD I finally got a free web discussion board to work. Thanks, SmartBB! I posted a link to it at the head of each topic page.
August 16, 2004 AD Completely reorganized the site's structure, putting files in folders instead of just all out on the same level, although those changes aren't visible to visitors; one of the teensy things I corrected, in doing that, was that I discovered ALL of the email links didn't work; they pointed to the website name before I changed it two years ago! Ugh! Now they work. I'm also preparing to set up a blogging discussion board, though it isn't up yet.
March 21, 2004 AD Wow! What a long time this site has been sleeping! All I did today was divide the home page into two.
February 12, 2003 AD Proofreading changes made to the Book in the Bible Studies section, including a change to the title of the book from "Who Owns the Pulpit" to "The 1 Corinthians 14 Pulpit: Pastoral Property, or Public Podium?" The title to Chapter 1 is also changed, and considerable changes are made to Appendix 7 of Chapter One, on the subject of Speaking in Tongues.
Actually during January I added a whole new section on my lawsuit against Mediacom, without entering notice of it here or even changing the date of most recent modifications on the home page.
September 2, 2002 AD So many things are new I won't remember them at all. On my "Literature Table", an article explaining the big deal about phonics; also an article proposing a solution to religious expression rights of students; also a Barry Goldwater statement. On "Help me stop the violence", an article linking mental health claims and abortion, updated "I don't advocate violence" statement with statements of two who have been associated with violence, and endorsements of our lead article. Endorsements also added to my proposals on the Child Abuse Industry page. Also a new section, upper left on home page, responding to media blasts for filming abortion customers.
August 16, 2002 AD History of Christian Political Involvement What Christians used to do, What Churches can legally do, What God says to do. Can Law-Abiding Christians Smuggle Bibles? Article by Richard Wurmbrand, applied to America by Uncle Ed. Don't gloat too much because you don't kill your children, if you're still conceiving them out of wedlock Uncle Ed.'s challenge to an emailer "Why is America Free and Prosperous, compared with Mexico?" (with Spanish translation by "Evita")
August 1, 2002 AD New article posted: "Immigration is our strength, if it is done right" La Inmigración es la Fuerza de América si se Hace Bien
July 25, 2002 AD To "Compulsion Amendment.htm" I added a picture and caption of The Rev. Gardner, late term abortionist George Tiller's "chaplain" who baptizes the babies Tiller murders!
July 21, 2002 AD the beginning of our geneology postings, "Watering the Family Tree". We start with the Grimmius family reunion which took place yesterday.
July 15, 2002 AD I added an even more powerful closing argument to my scenario of the Iowa Attorney General defending Iowa "rescuers" in a federal appeals court. I set it in red. This really will work! Just a sample:
"You cannot tell the Iowa legislature, 'No! We will NOT obey the 14th Amendment! We will CONTINUE our double standard!' A thief cannot continue stealing, after he is caught. The Iowa legislature has caught you. You cannot continue to break this law.
"Previous legal challenges have proceeded from the concession that every ruling of every court was legal, though it led to an evil result; so it was the challenge of legislatures to come up with a way that ended the evil result, and yet was still legal. This approach put the advantage, in the psychological war, with the courts. The burden was on the legislature to explain to the people the legality and legitimacy of its approach. It was a very difficult burden because the public perceives court rulings as the very definition of what is legal.
"What Iowa has done is different. It identifies the manner in which previous court rulings have been illegal, and stops the judicial violations and their evil results, in the same stroke. This puts courts, for the first time, rowing against the stream in the psychological war, if they continue to flout the law. For the first time, a legislature has accused a court not only of murder, but of violating the law, and has made such a persuasive case as to keep the people of Iowa behind them. Thus courts begin rowing, in this case, far downstream. Should they continue to flout the 14th Amendment, in full view of all the people, they will simply be washed away."
July 14, 2002 AD I tightened up the legal arguments in "How the Iowa Legislature can Stop Abortion", at Compulsion Amendment.htm. I tightened them in the scenario of arguments before a federal appellate court. This plan really IS court-proof! I'm excited! I PRAISE GOD for his Grace, to share with me these insights!
July 13, 2002 AD Revision of "Help Me Stop the Violence" first posted April 4. This revision adds a one minute TV commercial script, summarizing the issue. It gives more detail, under "Why This Plan will Work when nothing else has" (or words to that effect) about why the legal arguments in this approach are stronger even than against all the previous abortion rulings. Why this approach is more likely to succeed. I also went over my June 30 posting, my position on the use of force to stop abortion. Didn't change it much, though. A little.
July 6, 2002 AD OK, now you can read about the Telephone Call From Hell. I also clarified my June 30 clarification about my position on the use of force to prevent abortion.
July 5, 2002 AD New Saltshaker logo, announcing the change in our website address. Actually both website addresses will work a few more months; later this fall only www.saltshaker.us will work. I also added an animation of the logo. Also I added the story "Telephone Call From Hell". The link doesn't work though; the story is garbage; need to finish that later today. I also added the artwork of a 4'x4' campaign sign featuring the 10 Commandments.
June 30, 2002 AD Clarification added, on "Help Me Stop The Violence" page, about my position on the use of force to prevent abortion. Also some changes in the Family Music Center advertising section about prices of repairs and rentals. Sorry.
June 22, 2002 AD "God's Plan for Revival" added to lower center of home page
April 30, 2002 AD <> Editing done of Footnote 7 of Chapter 1 of "Who Owns the Pulpit?" under "Bible Studies". Subject: Speaking in Tongues
April 21, 2002 AD <> Serious revision of "Help Me Stop the Violence", adding detailed scenario of how the initiative will proceed through publication in my campaign literature, the media war as the legislature considers it, a "rescue" trial, and appeals.
April 12, 2002 AD Cool cartoon added to my "Literature Table", crusade.html
April 4, 2002 AD <> Help Me Stop the Violence! The Iowa Legislature has the authority to pass a simple law which would outlaw abortion in Iowa without even challenging Roe v. Wade, and without even introducing any novel legal concepts, but simply by clarifying existing law to mean what courts have already said it should mean. It would simply clarify that in considering the "Necessity Defense", the determination of whether abortion is "a harm" should be weighed as a "fact question", which is the domain of a jury. Translation: (Cont'd inside)
April 3, 2002 <> Stenberg v. Carhart, Champion of Partial Birth This is the decision that overturned the Partial Birth Bans of 30 states! With translation by Uncle Ed. Read for yourself the grisly descriptions of what mothers must retain the "constitutional right" to do, in order to preserve their "dignity". Read with what twisted logic the Court says, on the one hand, that states still have a "legitimate interest" in preserving the lives of babies old enough to live outside the womb (the age of "viability") and then on the other hand prevents the states from banning the most barbaric of all abortions, the abortion method used to grab for Death every last unborn baby, right up until the very day of natural birth!
Restored The Brockhoeft Report. (What happened to it? I thought it was up but it was pointed out to me it was no longer there.) Martin Haskill operated an abortion "clinic" in Cincinnati, Ohio where he pioneered the most barbaric of all abortion methods: the "partial birth" abortion, or the D&X. Johnny Brockhoeft burned it down, "The Brockhoeft Report" is a collection of about 15 chapters which Johnny wrote for the Prayer & Action News during 15 months between 1993 and 1995, during which time Shelley Shannon shot George Tiller's arms, and Paul Hill shot and killed killer John Britton. Johnny's writing is as eloquent as Martin Haskill's murders are barbaric. He fully explains what brought him to the place, mentally and spiritually, where he felt compelled to burn down Haskill's abomination. This book is required reading for anyone inclined to criticize those who have used force to prevent abortion. Before you think you can dismiss, with a single sentence, any spiritual value to effective efforts to save lives, you need to face Johnny's reasoning and see where you can find anything wrong with it. "The Brockhoeft Report" is reminiscent of a prime time network news show of the same name, with a different spelling, during the '60's.
March 26, 2002 AD Rearranged index page, put "Who Owns the Pulpit" on the Bible Study page.
March 25, 2002 AD <> Overhauling Child Abuse Law If you don't believe the testimony about problems with child abuse enforcement, just read the law: it would be a miracle if there WEREN'T problems that serious. Specific proposals for changing Iowa's child abuse law, Chapter 232, The Juvenile Code. <> As Scientific As the KKK This is the article quoted by the Supreme Court to define "science" in order to determine whose testimony should be admissible as "scientific evidence". The Court quoted this article by Karl Popper which explains why Psychotherapy is no more "scientific" than astrology, the race-hating theories of Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan, or pagan myths.
January 15, 2002 AD Daubert in the News This article shows Federal Judges have not forgotten about the 1993 Daubert decision, a case establishing that psychiatry is not a science. (See our companion article "Psychiatry and Junk Science".) Posted in "Child Abuse Industry"
January 14, 2002 AD, 2nd installment of "The Army of God Answers its Critics". (Posted by part one.)
January 13, 2002 AD What I would try to do, if elected, about a publicly offensive attack on Jesus, conducted in a publicly-financed facility
January 4, 2002 AD (1)Posted "AOG Answers", my answers, on behalf of my friend Don Spitz, webhost of www.armyofgod.com, to over a hundred who emailed him, almost all critical, after 20/20 smeared him. Under "Pro(innocent)life", then check the second item in the top box. Titled: "The Army of God (AOG) Answers its Critics: Answers by Uncle Ed., AOG Secretary General I had no idea. Don Spitz. General of the Army of God. Gives all the orders for folks like Paul Hill, Shelley Shannon, Eric Rudolph, and Clayton Waagner. I'd known Don for years, but I never suspected. Just goes to show what you can learn on The News. There it was on 20/20. (November 28, 2001 AD.)" (2) Join - Uncle Ed. Show family Band! A wonderful opportunity for kids who are serious about music and who don't mind being on TV! Click on our music store cat, and then flip through the calendar until you reach November. (Or click on November, in the calendar Index you find in January.)
November 25, 2001 AD (1) Posted about 9 movies (2) Added to the music store site two fiction stories, (adventures), "The Lesson No One Expected" and "The Music Wars". Uses adventure to instill the attitude of commitment required for success, both in child and parent. Also added "Music Store Ethics". Click on Eighth Note, our music store cat. (3) Rearranged our home page.
November 2, 2001 AD Movie: Uncle Ed. on anthrax threats at abortion centers. PC version (Real), and Mac version (Quicktime).
August 27, 2001 AD What Can You Do When There is Nothing You Can Do? Uncle Ed's "advice" to a mother devastated by divorce and loss of custody to a homosexual
August 3, 2001 AD The "Conscience" Exemption (proposed amendment to the Sodomite Civil Rights law, which would create a way for landlords and employers with bona fide religious objections to renting to, or hiring, sodomites, to file for an exemption through the Human Rights Commission)
Illegal Opinion (P&A Report on the illegal "legal opinion" that was the reason given by Des Moines City Councilmembers for withdrawing their support from the "Conscience" Exemption)
July 29, 2001 AD Article: "Psychiatry and Junk Science Psychiatric testimony based on Freudian psychoanalytic concepts should now be inadmissable as scientific evidence." Click on "The Child Abuse Industry" button.
July 22, 2001 AD The proposed Constitution of the United Tribes of The Sudan (A translation into modern language, with brief, clear explanations of technical legal terms, showing how the original U.S. Constitution differs from what it has become, and application of its principles to a Constitution for consideration by the People of Sudan as their own Constitution, of the United States Constitution) This draft was posted at www.panews.org on July 22, 2001. It was initiated at the request of, and influenced by, input from Sudanese Refugees. Coordination of further Sudanese input, in order to develop a Constitution which may eventually meet the approval of all the Sudanese people, is a project, (until such time as Sudanese may take it upon themselves,) of The Partnership Machine, Incorporated, managed by Dave Leach. Click on the "Sudan!" title in the left column, about half way down.
July 12, 2001 AD Added to "What Day is the Sabbath, and how do we keep it Holy?" under Bible Studies. Specifically, I added a Personal Testimony at the end, and a couple of paragraphs just before the paragraph containing "Faulstitch".
July 8, 2001 AD: Sodomite Divorce rate, a news article analyzed, in the Sodomy section; Preaching: should it include just love, or also judgment? see the "Bible Study" section. Transcript of an Uncle Ed. Show (TV) HBO Documentary: "Soldiers in the Army of God". Analysis of distortions. See the ProInnocent Life section.
July 7, 2001 AD: Herb Richards Arrested - Des Moines' first martyr for the sodomite cause. Check in the "Sodomy" section. Also: New Section: "The Rule of Law", which includes the section "Bible Studies". In "The Rule of Law" section, I have put a couple of quotes by Pat Robertson. My goal for this is news articles about and analysis of court cases which will help readers understand fundamental legal principles that are the foundation of our freedom. Under "Bible Studies", the first of many I have added today is "What Day is the Sabbath, and how do we keep it Holy?"
June 19, 2001 AD: Web visiters passed the 6,000 mark today!
May 30, 2001 AD: PRETTY STUFF ONLY: Added 3 pictures to the "Sodomy" site, including the portal button to the page. I made the background to the page pink.
May 29, 2001 AD: I rewrote the Family Petition! You gotta see it! Sign up, and print out copies for your friends and family!
May 28, 2001 AD TECHNICAL STUFF ONLY: repaired the "Home", "site index", and "Feedback Box Email" icons on all remaining pages.
May 24, 2001 AD TECHINCAL STUFF ONLY: "Who Owns the Pulpit", Chap 9 needed Home and Site Index icons at bottom; the chap 13 link, at bottom of ch 12, wasn't linked. I repaired all the Home and Site Index images on all the prolife articles, and Who Owns the Pulpit, and Site Index pages.
May 23, 2001 AD Repaired chapters 3-13 of "Who Owns the Pulpit". Repaired front page so more text shows while pics are downloading; reduced download time. Added instrument repair information to panews.org/Music.
May 19, 2001 AD Email link repaired. Chapters 1 & 2 of "Who Owns the Pulpit" restored; appearance repaired, plus links within the page established between the appendixes and the body of the text. It was very hard to read before. Email links are beginning to be added to each page, inviting feedback to actually be added to that page.
May 17, 2001 AD: I created a Site Index with a link to it on every page. (I have a few pages still to add it) I created a "What's New" log so repeat visitors can just go to what's been added since their last time. In the process I found several articles with botched appearance which I corrected.
May 12, 2001 AD: Overhauled site by checking accuracy of links and restoring "lost" articles. Restored The Brockhoeft Report, restored 3 articles under Pro (Innocent) Life, repaired the appearance of several pages such as the index of Who Owns the Pulpit. Restored the email address so that emails to (anything)@panews.org will come to me. (I found 516 messages that had been stored for me since last July!) I wrote a better introduction, with short related articles, to "Pro (innocent) Life Violence: The Debates". I deleted a directory that accidentally acquired two extra copies of every file. (I wonder if this will make files load faster?)
Next Projects: To redesign "Redefining..." so text immediately appears as page boots. to add photos of the subjects (or authors) of articles. To add SW Radio Church letter. To prepare and post new articles. To add "the debates about publishing the AOG manual." a link to Don Spitz' site which contains "The Army of God Manual". I put this link under "The Debates", and another link to his site under "Spittin Spitz News Updates". Restore the second half of Regina Dinwiddie's brief.
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your feedback, along with name or url of the article, and a little of the
text on either side of where your comment belongs, so I know what you are
responding to, and I'll post your response. I might even place it right
smack dab in the article! (If you don't want your
email posted, SAY SO!) |