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"The Uncle Ed. Show" episodes Music Videos <> Music MP3's |
This was the most remarkable ordination I had ever heard of: Lester Small ordained himself!
Several pastors attended.
Movies! The Uncle Ed. Show (one hour) Episodes
"Judge Not, that ye be not judged" Matthew 7:1 is the favorite verse quoted by people who hate hearing the Bible quoted. Atheists think it only applies to Christians who express opinions about wickedness. They don't think it applies to themselves when they file lawsuits against Christian speech and drag Christians before real judges! Here is the context of the verse.
Psychiatrist Meets Match! Mr. Psychiatrist, (played by Uncle Ed.), is processing a little girl brought in to gather evidence for court against her parents who have been teaching her politically unacceptable Christianity. But the little girl turns the tables on him with embarrassing questions about the very legitimacy of Psychiatry, based on reason and the Bible.
Leah B., Future Astrophysicist Leah is gentle and soft spoken on the surface. But evolution rhetoric is not safe around this 13-year-old astronomer and scientist!
Healing: Bible clues to God’s Will. Part 1. Does God mean it when He promises to answer prayer? Lots of Scripture. My wife had cancer, so this Bible study was personal We had no patience with stage tricks. On the other hand, we weren’t in any mood to give up on God’s promises. with Bob Rubenking, Maranatha Lazaro, Jason Schaffer. Also present: Amanda Schreiber. Uncle Ed. Show #722. First aired Feb 21, 2009 AD.
Healing: Part 2. Uncle Ed. Show #723. First aired Feb 28, 2009 AD.
Healing: Part 3. Uncle Ed. Show #725 first aired March 14, 2009 AD.
Recorded on Good Friday: Discussion of the Iowa Supreme Court’s ruling requiring sodomite marriage. Are they really “born that way”? Where does sodomite desire come from, exactly? Why is God so down on it? Is the Iowa Supreme Court really smarter than God? Does it really care about us, and about sodomites, more than God? Show #730, first aired on April 18, 2009 AD.
Mark of the Beast, invited by Christians in the name of driving out “illegals”. We need to reason with one another! With lots of Scripture titles. First aired feb 14, 2009. Show #721.
Mystery Woman from Australia, and Galaxy She’s not from Mexico. She came from Australia to marry a fellow in Des Moines. She didn’t come to an emergency hospital room to have a baby. She didn’t come to get on welfare. But the USCIS process, even for a white rich girl, is far from clear or honest. It ruins good people. Galaxy is a young girl whose family came from Mexico. First aired July 18, 2009. Show #742.
Mystery Woman, and Galaxy, Part 2. First aired July 25, 2009. Show #743.
Uncle Ed. interviewed on KCCI TV in Des Moines, and KGAN TV in Cedar Rapids. Except that in this show, you get to see the entire one hour interview, from which their 2 minute interviews were excerpted! Interesting to compare! That’s right, ol’ Uncle Ed. had HIS OWN camera peering down on the big cameras. Topic: Dave Leach's friendship with Scott Roeder, who shot and killed infamous Wichita late term abortionist George Tiller about May 31, 2009. Show #737, first aired June 13, 2009 AD.
Antif (spelled backwards) the censored movie Here’s the movie by Dutch legislator Geert Wilde r which got him evicted from the legislature and threated with death by Moslem Imams, just because it stated a few facts about Moslem designs on Western civilization. A lot of Moslems aren’t really big into the Freedom of Speech (to criticize even church and state) thing.
Featured TV Shows: Immigration Game, the Movie Download and/or watch this 108 Mg, 45 minute movie (a .wmv file) of Des Moines immigration attorney Ferzana Hashmi's first life-size Immigration Game. Families from four countries competed: Norway and Mexico came illegally, while China and Kenya came legally. The first family to reunite in the U.S. (after years of waiting for the Head of Household to come alone and become a citizen) in less than 10 years wins. Kenya was doing fine until, almost to the end, the Head of Household committed suicide. China, after a false start (the first head of household gave up waiting and took the easy route, divorcing her spouse to marry a citizen) finally made it, but only with some cheating by the immigration attorney! Poor China kept drawing lethal cards. Mexico and Norway didn't have a chance. They kept dying or going to jail just crossing the border. It doesn't take very many deaths of heads of households from crossing the border, to pretty well ruin the chances of family reunification in the U.S. 58 minute show:
Meat and Sodomy Sodomites say “So what if the Bible says sodomy is an abomination. It says eating pork is an abomination too – are Christians going to stop eating pork?” This is an inquiry into whether God is consistently smart. What did He mean by the word “abomination”? Does He indeed have anything against eating pork? What is so “abominable” about either sodomy or eating pork? Show #741. First aired July 11, 2009 AD.
John Brown: Terrorist or Hero?John Brown raided a federal arsenal in 1859, hoping to distribute weapons to slaves so they could revolt and set themselves free. How does he compare to Scott Roeder who, the first of this month, shot and killed the infamous late term abortionist, George Tiller? Guests: Roger Caliger, Bob Rubenking. Subject: John Brown, hero or terrorist? Short feature: Donna Holman, telling about Dan’s arrest. First aired June 27, 2009 AD. Show #739.
John Brown Museum Jordan House, in Des Moines, is one of the "stations" in the "underground railroad". the network of safe houses that protected slaves fleeing from the southern slave states to Canada. John Brown stayed there on his last run of slaves from Missouri, before he attacked Harper's Ferry, hoping to set off a slave revolt across the South. Was Brown right or wrong? This show is a tour of this museum, and a conversation with the museum's directors, establishing many facts, but failing to persuade, cajole or trick them into taking a position.
Old Gospel standard with video of saints today who walk where Jesus walked |
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Sung by nursing home residents with experience in Leaning on His Arms |
![]() Strong Scriptural reasons it should be Safe in the Womb (1996 band) |
![]() "...about how well we get along" |
Remembering those who pay the consequences (1996 band) |
A humorous valentine (2002 band) |
Doncha think it's just a bit rude to God... |
Old age may reduce certain vital functions, but not the most vital: love (1996 band) |
Mob operatives are hired by Planned Barrenhood to take out cameras |
Cheatin' Cheats the Cheaters out of True Love (1996 band) |
Let's Make Freedom of Religion Work! Dave Leach & Jonathan O'Toole |
Da Crime of
Da Future
Off The Wall JokesThese are no ordinary jokes. They give "Off the Wall" new meaning. |
Da Gangsta Conferunc"Lips", "Kid", "Lulu", and "Stinky" review past successes, and scheme how to introduce kids to gambling, through a Grade Lottery |
Uncle Ed.'s statement about anthrax threats sent to abortion centers, made before Clayton Waagner publicly claimed credit for them The Trumpet Shall Sound! Dave Leach both plays trumpet and sings this standard from Handel's "The Messiah" |
Get in Line Like Everybody Else A little about that "line" we demand they "get in".
Mexican Condos Burned These "Mexican Condos" in Reynoso meet U.S. tree house standards Their government's way to help: burn them. |
Just a Bit Rude!? MP3 Begins: "Don't ya think it's just a bit rude to God -- tellin' him you really can't know if He exists -- and if He still means the stuff the Bible says He said long ago? You've been to school! You think you're smart! You can run computers! Your car will start! But you don't have time to figure out if there's a God smart enough to talk!" Instrumentation: Drums, bass, guitar, trumpet by Dave Leach. Vocals by Dave Leach, Rachel and Sara Baratta.
Am I a Soldier of the Cross? MP3 Old Christian hymn, from the days when Christians offended people (or at least their accusers thought so) First verse: "Am I a soldier of the cross? A follower of the lamb? And shall I fear to own [acknowledge] His cause [that which inspires to action; judgment]? Or blush to say His Name?" Instrumentation: guitar, bass, 3 part male voices, all by Dave Leach.
Brother Lukewarm! MP3 A modern hymn about these days when Christians NEVER offend anybody! Begins: "Interesting, blessing my soul! I like my sermons to be comfortable. Not very hot, not very cold: my preacher's learning to do just what he's told!" Dixieland style. Instrumentation: trumpet, clarinet, sax, drums, tuba, guitar, banjo, special effects, vocal by Dave Leach. Violin by Teresa Abreau.
That's Too Many MP3 A few reasons why Freedom of Religion isn't working very well. Begins: "If one graduate cannot read his diploma that's too many! But there's not just one!" Recorded by 2000-2002 band; see members' list below.
Johnny and the Judge MP3 The story of a boy who finds the Bible more of an adventure than a comic, and takes the world along. This is a "ballad", or story, about little Johnny who is laughed at for getting too engrossed in comic book heros. He switches to Bible heros, which evokes similar mocking, but not for long. He takes on the world, starting with his classmates, and moving on through his teacher, his principal, a judge, and news reporters, and becomes the hero himself. Style: a cross between a march, a concert band, and an old story-telling country song. Instrumentation: Vocal, guitar, trumpets, clarinet, sax, violin, drums, bass, flute, all by Dave Leach
Church of Yourcity MP3 (a radio commercial hinting at Uncle Ed.'s SECRET plan for overhauling Christendom) Downloadable RealAudio: INTRIGUE ME! Instrumentation: 3 trumpets, 2 French Horns, 2 Trombones, Tuba, all played by Dave Leach
I Wanna Die With You MP3 (A love ballad celebrating "Till Death Do Ye Part" commitment; rich orchestration) Downloadable RealAudio: MOVE ME! MP3 version Chorus begins: "I wanna fly with you, down Heaven's bright avenue within a minute of the minute we're through!" Style: love ballad with rich orchestral arrangement. Intstruments: Guitar, trumpet, bass, oboe, clarinet, sax, bells, drums, vocal, recorder, by Dave Leach. Violin by Teresa Abreau
U Can't Take it With U MP3 (Novelty/bluegrass/ Country, a fun song about cemetaries and dying) Downloadable RealAudio:TICKLE ME! (2000-2002 band on some parts; Teresa Abreau on violin)
Say Look At The Sky MP3 (A ballad of the greatness in the least of us, like babies, retarded, or even you) Downloadable RealAudio: INSPIRE ME! Flute, Bonnie Thompson. Violin, Teresa Abreau. Children's vocals, Rachel & Sara Baratta. Guitar, bass, drums, trumpet, recorder, oboe, sax, bells, clarinet, male vocal by Dave Leach.
The 10 Commandments MP3 (60 second Radio PSA [public service ann.] featuring voices from around the world) Downloadable RealAudio: AWE ME Instrumentation: guitars, clarinet, opening and closing announcement by Dave Leach. Each commandment is read by someone from a different part of the world. You can purchase radio time and get this aired.
2000-2002 band: Bonnie (flute), Chelsea (clarinet), Cliff (tenor sax), and Kris (trumpet) Thompson; Rob (drums, keyboard) & Wanda (trumpet) Gaither & Zech Scott (viola); Elden Riesetter (bass); Jessica Thomas (flute); Melissa Smith (violin); James Ware (drums); Robert Adams IV (violin, baritone).
1996 band: Elden Riesetter (bass); Dorothy Leach (piano); Brian Halferty (trombone, voice); Joe Leach (clarinet, voice); Reva Calhoun (clarinet); Thelma Leach (sound board); John Harvey (video camera); Glenna Calhoun (video camera).
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